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IDEAS Songs Index

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Hymns and songs

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Bible Readings - Hymns, Worship and Children's songs - Music videos for worship Lectionary Index

Hymns, Worship and Children's Songs (shown in red)

Hymn or song
10,000 reasons (Bless the Lord, O my soul) PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 20(A)
Ordinary 24(B)
5 0 0 0 + hungry folk
Animated PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
Ordinary 17(B)
Sunday before Advent (B)

Hymn or song
A band of angels PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Sheet Music
December 1 Tea-Time
Christmas (A)
Advent 4(B)
December 3 Tea Time
Christmas All Age (C)
Christmas Day (C)
Abba Father, let me be
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(A)
Ordinary 23(A)
Ordinary 17(B)
Ordinary 17(C)
Above all powers, above all kings
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (A)
Ascribe greatness to our God the rock PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(C)
A boy gave to Jesus five loaves and two fish PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
A cheering, chanting, dizzy crowd PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (B)
A charge to keep I have PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Ordinary 25(C)
A child will be born to us
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
Advent Sunday(C)
A city radiant as a bride PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(C)
Affirm anew the threefold Name
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
After darkness, light
PowerPoint words
Easter Sunday (B)
Again and again
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2 (C)
A great and mighty wonder PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(C)
Ah, Lord God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(C)
All creation cries to You PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 16(A)
All creatures of our God and King
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(A)
All day long
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(B)
All earth was dark PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(C)
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
Easter Sunday (B)
Alleluia. Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalm 112)
Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 22(C)
Alleluia. Blessed are those who fear the Lord  (Psalm 112:1-9) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 5(A)
Alleluia. I will give thanks to the Lord (Psalm 111) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 31(A)
Ordinary 4(B)
Ordinary 28(C)
Alleluia. O sing to the Lord a new song (Psalm 149) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 29(C)
Alleluia. Praise the name of the Lord (Psalm 135) Liturgical PowerPoint
Christmas 2(A)
Lent 2(B)
Christmas 2(C)
Lent 2(C)
Ordinary 26(C)
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
Easter 3(C)
All for Jesus PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(B)
All glory to God in the sky
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
Palm Sunday (C)
All glory, laud, and honour PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent (B)
All hail the power of Jesu's name PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(B)
All heaven declares
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3 (B)
Ordinary 21(C)
All I have and all I am is Yours PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(A)
All I once held dear
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Christmas 2(A)
Ordinary 17(A)
Ordinary 25(A)
Ordinary 30 (A)
Christmas 2(B)
Christmas 2(C)
Ordinary 14(C)
All I want is You PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 11(C)
All my days
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(B)
All my heart this night rejoices
PowerPoint words
Christmas (A)
All my hope on God is founded PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 7(A)
Ordinary 26(C)
All of the people on the mountain PowerPoint words
Ordinary 5(B)
All of You is more than enough
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(C)
All over the the world the Spirit is moving
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(C)
All people that on earth do dwell
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
Ordinary 24(C)
All praise to our redeeming Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
Ordinary 23(A)
Ordinary 24(A)
Ordinary 23(C)
All scripture
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(C)
All shall be well for on our Easter skies PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 10(C)
All the praying, all the pounding PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(C)
All the same (A naggy mum)
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Mothering (C)
All the way my Saviour leads me
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(A)
All things praise Thee, Lord most high
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(C)
All to Jesus I surrender PowerPoint word
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(C)
All ye (you) that seek the Lord who died PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
Easter Sunday (B)
Easter 6(C)
All you have to do is ask the Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
All Your works shall give thanks to You, O Lord (Psalm 145.10-18) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 17(B)
Almighty Father of all things that be PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(B)
Almighty Father, who for us Thy Son didst give Powerpoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(A)
Almighty God, Thy word is cast
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(A)
Almighty Sovereign Lord, Creator God
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 3(B)
Lent 1(B)
A love so amazing has come to save me
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(B)
Always remember, never forget PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
A man had a fig tree, both barren and bare
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(C)
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(B)
Lent 1(C)
Mothering (C)
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound (Fellingham)
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 28(C)
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound (Tomlin)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
Ordinary 17(A)
Ordinary 27(C)
Amazing love
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(B)
A mighty mystery we set forth PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(B)
A million stars are in the sky PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
Advent Sunday(C)
Lent 2(C)
A naggy mum (All the same) PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Mothering (A)
An army of ordinary people PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(A)
Ordinary 29(A)
April TT (Year 2)
Sunday before Advent (B)
Ordinary 5(C)
Sunday before Advent (C)
An audience of one
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(B)
And are we yet alive
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
And art Thou come with us to dwell PowerPoint words
Christmas 2(B)
And can it be that I should gain
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(A)
Ordinary 28(B)
Ordinary 11(C)
Ordinary 19(C)
And did those feet in ancient time PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (C)
And He shall reign for ever
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(A)
Sunday before Advent (A)
Advent Sunday(C)
A new commandment
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Ordinary 32(A)
Ordinary 1(B)
Easter 5(B)
Ordinary 4(C)
Easter 5(C)
Ordinary 15(C)
Angels from the realms of glory
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Angel voices even singing
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Anonymous You come among the nations PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(C)
Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness (Psalm 4) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 5(A)
Easter 3(B)
An upper room did our Lord prepare PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Anytime, Anywhere
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 10(B)
Ordinary 24(C)
A ragged, ruxgged, honeyed rogue
PowerPoint words
Advent 2(B)
Advent 2(C)
A refuge for the poor PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(B)
Are You the one who is to come?
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
A rich young man came seekingPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (B)
A rich young man came to ask of Christ PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
Ordinary 30(A)
A safe stronghold our God is still PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(B)
As boats can carve a way through waves PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(B)
Ascribe greatness to our God the rock
PowerPoint words
Ascribe to the Lord, you powers of heaven (Psalm 29) Liturgical PowerPoint Text
Ordinary 1(A)
Ordinary 1(C)
Ascribe to the Lord, you powers of heaven (Psalm 29) PowerPoint words
Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 1(B)
Trinity (B)
Ascribe to the Lord, you powers of heaven (Psalm 29:1-10) Liturgical PowerPoint Text
Easter 4(A)
As dawn awakes another day PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(B)
As for me and my house
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)
As for me and my house
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
January TT (Year 1)
Ordinary 1(C)
Ordinary 20(C)
As God proclaimed his love for us
PowerPoint words
Easter Sunday(A)
As high as the heavens are above the earth PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 33(A)
As Jacob with travel was weary one day PowerPoint Words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
As pants the hart for cooling streams PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(A)
Ordinary 12(C)
A special star
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(B)
A refuge for the poor PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(C)
As servants working an estate PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent (B)
As the bridegroom to His chosen PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
As the deer longs for the water brooks (Psalm 42) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 12(C)
As the disciples, when Thy Son had left them PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
As the glory of creation PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(C)
As water to the thirsty
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Easter 3(B)
Sunday before Advent (B)
Lent 3(C)
Ordinary 5(C)
Ordinary 12(C)
As water to the thirsty PowerPoint words
Ordinary 25(C)
As we are gathered Jesus is here
PowerPoint word
Video with words and music
Maundy Thursday
Ordinary 15(C)
As we bring our songs of love today
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 12(A)
Easter 7(B)
As we gather, Father, seal us PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(A)
Lent 1(B)
Ordinary 28(B)
Ordinary 6(C)
As we gather in Your presence now
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
As we worship You
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(A)
As with gladness men of old
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
As Your family, Lord, see us here PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Maundy Thursday
At Cana’s wedding long ago PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(C)
At even ere the sun was set PowePoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(A)
Lent 1(B)
At harvest time we thank our Maker
PowerPoint words
Words in PDF
Sheet music in PDF
At harvest time we thank our Maker
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Ordinary 27(A)
At that time Jesus came
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Sheet music
Ordinary 1(A)
February TT (Year1)
Ordinary 1(B)
Ordinary 1(C)
At the cross, where Jesus suffered
PowerPoint words
Easter 5(C)
At the foot of the cross PowerPoint words
Lent 2(B)
At the name of Jesus
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (A)
Easter 7(C)
Sunday before Advent (C)
At this time of giving
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Author of faith, eternal Word PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(B)
Ordinary 20(C)
Author of life divine PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(A)
Advent Sunday(C)
Autumn days, when the grass is jewelled PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(C)
A very short song
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(A)
Awake, awake to this new day
PowerPoint words
Easter 6(C)
Awake, my soul, rise up from your sleeping
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (C)
Awake, our souls! away, our fears
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Ordinary 20(C)
Away in a manger
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
December 1 Tea-Time
Christmas (A)
Advent 4(B)
December 3 Tea Time
Christmas All Age (C)
A wiggly, waggly worm
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 2(B)
Lent 1(B)
A woman and a foreigner PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(A)
Ordinary 23(B)

Hymn or song
Baptised by John, Christ heard God’s word PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(C)
Beauty for brokenness
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(C)
Be bold, be strong
Powerpoint words
Animated video with words and music
November 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 19(A)
Ordinary 22(A)
Ordinary 14(C)
August 3 Tea Time
Ordinary 26(C)
Be bold, be strong and sing
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Lent 2(C)
Because the Saviour prayed that we be one PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(C)
Because You came and sat beside us PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(A)
Ordinary 6(C)
Because you have made the Lord your refuge (Psalm 91:9-19) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 29(B)
Because You have said PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(B)
Before men
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(A)
Before one ever came to me
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 2(B)
Before the throne of God above
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(B)
Maundy Thursday
Ordinary 32(C)
Before the world was made PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
Behold a little child PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(B)
Behold how good and pleasant it is (Psalm 133) Liturgical PowerPoint Pentecost(A)
Easter 2(B)
Behold the great creator makes
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Behold the mountain of the Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(B)
Behold the servant of the Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (B)
Behold the temple of the Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 10(B)
Being of beings, God of love PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
Be joyful in God, all the earth (Psalm 66.1-8) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 14(C)
Be known to us in breaking bread PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
Ordinary 19(B)
Believe not those who say PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Bells they are ringing
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(A)
Beloved and blessed
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(C)
Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me (Psalm 57) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 12(C)
Beneath the cross of Jesus, I find
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 10(B)
Beneath the paper wrappings
PowerPoint words
Video with wortds and music
Advent 3(C)
Be still and know that I am God PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Ordinary 2(A)
Ordinary 26(A)
Ordinary 1(B)
Sunday before Lent (B)
Be still for the presence of the Lord
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
January TT (Year 1)
Ordinary 12(A)
Ordinary 28(B)
Trinity (C)
Ordinary 16(C)
Best of all is God is with us PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(B)
Bethlehem in Judah
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Christmas 2(A)
December 3 Tea Time
Advent 4(C)
Christmas 2(C)
Be Thou my vision PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
Ordinary 33(A)
Ordinary 11(B)
July 2 Tea-time
Ordinary 7(C)
Ordinary 18(C)
Ordinary 32(C)
Be with me through this day
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 26(B)
Beyond the boundaries of time
PowerPoint words
Melody and Chords
Ordinary 22(B)
Big and strong
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Sheet Music
Ordinary 1(A)
Ordinary 1(B)
Bigger than the air I breathe
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 3(C)
Big man standing by the blue waterside PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(B)
Bind us together
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(C)
Birth brings a promise of new life awaking PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(A)
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Sheet Music
Ordinary 4(A)
Ordinary 26(A)
Ordinary 31(A)
Ordinary 22(B)
Ordinary 6(C)
Blessed are the poor in spirit
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 4(A)
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Trinity (B)
Ordinary 20(C)
Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel (Benedictus) Liturgical PowerPoint Advent 2 (C)
Blessed be the Lord my rock (Psalm 144) PowerPoint words
Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 28(C)
Blessed be the name of the Lord
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
January TT (Year 1)
Ordinary 4(A)
Ordinary 6(C)
August 3 Tea Time
Ordinary 20(C)
Blessed be Your name PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Ordinary 18(B)
Blessed city, heavenly Salem PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
All Saints (B)
Ordinary 26(C)
Bless the Lord, O my soul (10,000 reasons)
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 20(A)
Ordinary 24(B)
Bless the Lord, O my soul (Psalm 103) Liturgical PowerPoint  Ordinary 24(A)
Ordinary 21(C)
Bless the Lord, O my Soul (Psalm 104) Liturgical PowerPoint Pentecost(A)
Bless the Lord, O my soul (Psalm 104:1-9) PowerPoint words
Liturgical PowerPoint
Trinity (B)
Blest are the pure in heart
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
Blest are they, the poor in spiritPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(B)
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
May 2 Tea Time
Born in song
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
Sunday before Advent (A)
Easter 5(B)
Born in the night PowerPointy words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(B)
Bread is blessed and broken PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(A)
Easter 4(B)
Bread of the world, in mercy broken PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(B)
Break Thou the bread of life PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
Ordinary 27(C)
Breathe on me, breath of God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(B)
Trinity (B)
Easter 2(C)
Ordinary 27(C)
Breathe on me, O wind of change
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 29(A)
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Bring your Christingle with gladness and joy
PowerPoint words
December 3 Tea Time
Brother, sister let me serve You
PowerPoint words
Good Friday (A)
Brother, sister let me serve You
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Ordinary 9(B)
By a monument of marble PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Ordinary 33(A)
Remembrance (B)
Ordinary 32(B)
By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored PowerPoint words
Easter Sunday (B)
By faith we see the hand of God PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)

Hymn or song
Called by Christ to be disciples PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(B)
Lent 2(C)
Lent 3(C)
Can I ascend the hill of the Lord
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
Sunday before Lent (B)
Ordinary 22(B)
Can I forget bright Eden's grace PowerPoint words
Easter Sunday (B)
Can we by searching find out God PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Ordinary 31(B)
Can we love one another PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Can you count the stars
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent (B)
Ordinary 12(B)
Can you hear the rain falling
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Can you see what we have made PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
December 3 Tea Time
Captain of Israel's host, and Guide PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Maundy Thursday
Caring, sharing Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 31(A)
Celebrate, Jesus, celebrate
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Easter Sunday(C)
Child of the stable’s secret birth PowerPoints words
Video with words and music
Christmas Day (C)
Children of Jerusalem PowerPoint words Easter Sunday (B)
Christ, above all glory seated PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (B)
Christ above me
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(B)
Christ be my leader by night as by day
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Ordinary 22(B)
Christ be praised, that fed by faith
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Easter 5(A)
Christ for the world, we sing
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
Ordinary 12(A)
Ordinary 29(A)
Christ. from whom all blessings flow (Wesley)

PowePoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Ordinary 12(B)
Ordinary 18(C)
Christ has risen while earth slumbers PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
Easter 2(B)
Easter Sunday(C)
Easter 2(C)
Christian people, raise your song PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(C)
Christians, awake, salute the happy morning
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Christmas (B)
Christmas Day (C)
Christ is alive! Let Christians sing PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
Easter 3(B)
Ordinary 22(C)
Christ is made the sure foundation
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (A)
Ordinary 25(A)
Easter 7(B)
Christ is risen, alleluia, alleluia PowerPoint words
Easter Sunday(C)
Christ is risen! Hallelujah! PowerPoint words
Palm Sunday (C)
Christ is risen! Hallelujah! PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Christ is surely coming bringing His reward PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday(C)
Christ is the king! O friends rejoice PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(B)
Christ is the world’s light PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(A)
Ordinary 5(A)
Christmas 2(C)
Ordinary 21(C)
Christ is the world’s RedeemerPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(B)
Christ is the world’s true light, PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
Ordinary 16(B)
Lent 1(C)
Christ Jesus, in the garden PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(C)
Christ, our King before creation
PowerPoint words
Christmas 2(B)
Ordinary 22(B)
Christ our Redeemer knew temptation's hour
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(B)
Christ the Lord is risen today
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
Easter Sunday(A)
Christ Triumphant, ever reigning PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(A)
Ordinary 29(B)
Ordinary 32(C)
Christ upon the mountain peak
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
Christ, when for us You were baptized
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Christ, who knows all His sheep PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(B)
Christ, whose glory fills the skies PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(A)
Lent 4(A)
Ordinary 9(B)
Christmas 2(C)
Ordinary 27(C)
Christ Your glory fills the heavens
PowerPoint words
Easter 7(C)
City of God, how broad and far
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(C)
Clap your hands, stamp your feet
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
February TT (Year1)
Ordinary 30 (A)
Clap your hands together, all you peoples (Psalm 47) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 7(A)
Clap your hands, you people all PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
Colours of day

PowePoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
June 1 Tea-time
Ordinary 22(A)
Ordinary 23(A)
Easter 3(B)
Ordinary 20(C)
Easter 7(C)
Come, all who are weary PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
Come, all who look to Christ today
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Ordinary 24(B)
Ordinary 21(C)
Come all you vagabonds
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(B)
Come and join in the party
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(B)
Come and join the celebration (Pentecost version) PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Pentecost (C)
June 3 Tea Time
Come, and let us sweetly join PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Maundy Thursday
Ordinary 22(C)
Come and see, come and see
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Come, build the church – not heaps of stones PowerPoints
Video with words and music
Easter 3(C)
Come down, O love divine
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(A)
Ordinary 17(B)
Easter 5(C)
Come Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(A)
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(B)
Ordinary 9(B)
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(B)
Come, Holy Spirit, come! Inflame our PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(B)
Come, Holy Spirit, descend on us PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(C)
Come into the holy of holiesPowerPoinyt wordd
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(B)
Come, let us anew
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(A)
Come, let us join our cheerful songs PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(B)
Ordinary 2(C)
Lent 3(C
Come, let us join our friends above
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(A)
Come, let us return to the Lord PowerPoints words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
Come let us sing of a wonderful love
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
Ordinary 14(A)
Ordinary 24(C)
Come, let us sing to the One PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (B)
Come, let us to the Lord our God PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (C)
Come, let us use the grace divine
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(B)
Come, let us with our Lord arise PowerPoint words
Video wiith words and music
Palm Sunday (B)
Come let us worship PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 17(A)
Ordinary 14(B)
Ordinary 4(C)
Come, let us worship Jesus
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Lent 1(C)
Come, let us worship the King of kings PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent (C)
Come, Lord Jesus, come PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Advent (A)
Advent (B)
Advent 3(C)

Come, Lord, to our souls come down PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)

Easter 7(C)
Come, my table is a meeting place
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(A)
Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
Ordinary 25(C)
Ordinary 29(C)
Come near to me
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 18(A)
Come, now is the time to worship
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Advent 2(B)
Easter 6(C)
Come now with awe
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Come, O everlasting Spirit PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(C)
Come on and celebrate
Video with words and music
PowerPoint words
Passion Sunday (A)
All Saints (B)
Come on and celebrate
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Advent 4(A)
September TT (Year 2)
Ordinary 24(A)
Advent (B)
February TT(Year 2)
Ordinary 18(C)
Come on everybody sing praises
PowerPoints words
Animated video with words and music
Easter 7(C)
Come on , let's celebrate PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Palm Sunday (A)
September 3 Tea Time
Ordinary 11(C)
Come, O Thou traveller unknown PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(C)
Come people of the risen King
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
Mothering (A)
Ordinary 16(A)
Easter 7(C)
Come, praise the Lord, He is life in all its fullness PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(C)
Come see the beauty of the Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(C)
Come, see this glorious Light PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(B)
Come, sinners, to the gospel feast PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
Ordinary 24(A)
Ordinary 21(C)
Come, Thou fount of every blessing PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(B)
Come, Thou long expected Jesus
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(A)
Christmas 1(B)
Ordinary 10(B)
Advent 4(C)
Come to us, creative Spirit PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Ordinary 25(A)
Christmas 1(B)
Lent 3 (B)
Come with me, come wander, come welcome the world PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(B)
Ordinary 5(C)
Come, wounded Healer, Your sufferings reveal PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Come, ye (you) thankful people, come
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(C)
Community of Christ PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(B)
Ordinary 25(B)
Ordinary 6(C)
Contend, O Lord, with those that contend with me (Psalm 35.1-10, 11-28 Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 9(B)
Crackers and turkeys and pudding and cream
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Christmas (B)
Cradled in a manger, meanly
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Crashing waters at creation PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(C)
Creation sings the Father's song
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Lent 1(B)
Christmas 1(C)
Creator of the earth and skies PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(C)
Crown him with many crowns
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (C)
Ordinary 32(C)

Hymn or song
Darkness like a shroud covers the earth
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 5(A)
Advent 3(C)
Ordinary 5(C)
Day after dy, I'll search to find You
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday(C)
Day of favour, day of grace PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 7(B)
Ordinary 9(B)
Day of judgment! Day of Wonder! PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(B)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(A)
Ordinary 3(B)
Ordinary 5(B)
Ordinary 32(B)
Ordinary 5(C)
Declare it in the north
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
March 1 Tea Time
Advent 2(B)
Easter 7(B)
Ordinary 14(B)
Ordinary 3(C)
Sunday before Lent (C)
Lent 2(C)
May 3 Tea-Time
August 3 Tea Time
Deep in the darkness a starlight is gleaming
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 7(A)
Deep in the shadows of the past PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)
Trinity (C)
Doesn't matter what people say (Extravagent Worship)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday(C)
Do not be afraid PowerPoint words
Video with words and mjsic

Do not worry, oh, do not worry PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
Don't be a woolly head
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Easter 4(C)
Don't you worry about tomorrow
Animated video with words and music
PowePoint words
Ordinary 14(A)
Doubt and worship, mixed emotions PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Down the mountain the river flows
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
Ordinary 15(A)
Ordinary 1(B)
Ordinary 33(C)
Draw me close, never let me go
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(C)
Draw me closer, Lord PowerPoint words Ordinary 13(B)
Drawn from every tribe PowerPoint words
Ordinary 24(C)
Draw nigh to Thy Jerusalem, O Lord PowerPoints words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(A)
Lent 3 (B)
Palm Sunday (C)

Hymn or song
Earth lies spellbound
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (B)
Earth lies spellbound PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Earth's creator, ev'ryday God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter jubilation fills the streets and town
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Eat this bread and never hungerPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
All Saints (B)
Lent 4(A)
Easter 3(C)
Ordinary 31(C)
Emmanuel, Emmanuel PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(A)
Empty handed I come PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Link to sheet music and chords
Ordinary 6(A)
Ere God had built the mountains PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Trinity (C)
Eternal Father, strong to save
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(B)
Ordinary 18(C)
Remembrance (C)
Eternal God, Your love’s tremendous glory PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (C)
Eternal light, shine in my heart PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Trinity (C)
Even as the world began PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(B)
Everlasting God, the years go by
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(B)
Ordinary 22(C)
Everybody is special to God
PowerPoint words
Easter 3(B)
Ordinary 12(C)
Every day He is watching
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 24(C)
Every day, if you go astray
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Advent 2(B)
Lent 1(B)
Advent 2 (C)
Every morning I will praise You
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(B)
Everyone needs compassion
PowerPoint words
Sunday before Lent (A)
Everyone who calls
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 20(A)
Everything I have comes from you
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(C)
Ewe, thina
PowerPoint words
Sunday before Lent (A)

Hymn or song
Faith as small as a mustard seed
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 17(A)
September 3 Tea Time
Ordinary 4(C)
Ordinary 17(C)
Ordinary 27(C)
Faithful are Your mercies
PowerPoint words
Faithful vigil ended PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(B)
Far and near hear the call PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 20(A)
Easter 6(B)
Ordinary 26(C)
Farmer Phil went out one day Animated video
Ordinary 15(A)
Ordinary 33(C)
Farmers, sowing in a field PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(A)
Father God, fill this place
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Father God, I wonder how I managed to exist
Video with words and music
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 17(C)
Father God You love me PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(B)
Father, hear the prayer we offer
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Ordinary 22(A)
Ordinary 6(C)
Ordinary 20(C)
Father, here I am again
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 15(B)
Father in heaven, grant to Your children
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Ordinary 15(B)
Father in heaven, how we love You
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2 (A)
Father in heaven, our voices we raise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (C)
Father, in whom we live PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(B)
Father, I place into your hands
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
Ordinary 23(A)
Ordinary 21(C)
Father, lead me day by day
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 7(A)
Father, may Your name be honoured (The Lord's Prayer)
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(B)
Ordinary 33(B)
Ordinary 17(C)
Father of creation PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(A)
Father of everlasting grace PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(B)
Father of heavenly lights PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 29(A)
Father of heaven, whose love profound PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(B)
Father, we adore you, lay our lives PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Father, we adore You, You've drawn
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2 (A)
Father, we have sinned
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
Ordinary 31(B)
Father, we love You
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Ordinary 4(C)
Ordinary 17(C)
Ordinary 30(C)
Father, whose everlasting love PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
Ordinary 11(B)
Father, You have given
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(C)
Fear not, O little flock
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(C)
Fierce raged the tempest over the deep
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(A)
Ordinary 25(B)
Fight the good fight with all your might PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 7(A)
Ordinary 22(A)
Ordinary 21(B)
Filled with compassion for all of creation
Powerpoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(A)
Ordinary 20(A)
Filled with the Spirit's power PowerPoint words
Video with words and musoc
Easter 5(C)
Fill me with Your Spirit, Lord (Worship song)
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Ordinary 2(C)
Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(B)
Fill your hearts with joy and gladness
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(B)
Christmas 2(B)
Find the silence through the noise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(B)
Ordinary 12(C)
First of the week and finest day PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Pentecost (C)
Easter 5(C)
Fisherman Peter on the sea
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Ordinary 24(A)
May 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 3(B)
Easter 3(C)
Five loaves and two fishes and five thousand people PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Melodu and Chords
Ordinary 18(A)
Ordinary 17(B)
Focus my eyes on You, O Lord
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 31(A)
Follow the star
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
December 2 Tea-Time
Food to pilgrims given
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(B)
For all the saints, who from their labours rest PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
Easter 7(B)
Forgive our sins as we forgive
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(A)
Ordinary 17(B)
Mothering (C)
Ordinary 17(C)
For God so loved the world (Hardwick)
John Hardwick video
PowePoint words
Ordinary 2(A)
Lent 4(A)
Advent 4(B)
Trinity (B)
November TT (Year 3)
Ordinary 32(B)
Trinity (C)
Ordinary 2(C)
For if you forgive men Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(A)
For I'm building a people of power
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(A)
Ordinary 21(A)
Lent 3 (B)
Ordinary 27(B)
July TT (Year 2)
For the beauty of the earth PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
For the fruits of all creation
PowerPoint word
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(B)
Sunday before Advent (B)
Ordinary 15(C)
For the healing of the nations PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(B)
Remembrance (B)
Remembrance (C)
For the joys and for the sorrows
PowerPoint words
Good Friday (A)
For the measure of the treasure PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
January 2 Tea-Time
For the music of creation PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(B)
Christmas 1(C)
Ordinary 10(C)
For the world that He has made
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Ordinary 21(A)
All Saints (B)
Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Forty days and forty nights
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Lent 1(B)
For Your sake have I suffered reproach (Psalm 69:7-18) Liturgical PowerPoint Text
Ordinary 12(A)
Fret not because of evildoers (Psalm 37:1-9) Liturgical PowerPoint Text
Ordinary 27(C)
Fret not because of evildoers (Psalm 37.1-11, (12-14) Liturgical PowerPoint Text
Ordinary 10(B)
Ordinary 7(C)
Friend of sinners, Lord of truth PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
From east to west this night rejoices
PowerPoint words
Christmas (A)
From heaven above to earth I come
PowerPoint words
Christmas 1(A)
From heaven You came
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 24(A)
Ordinary 29(B)
November TT (Year 3)
February TT(Year 3)
Maundy Thursday
Easter 4(C)
Ordinary 16(C)
Ordinary 20(C)
Ordinary 22(C)
Sunday before Advent (C)
From the breaking of the dawn
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 10(C)
Ordinary 14(C)
From the rising of the sun (Deming) PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Advent 4(A)
From the rising of the sun, till the sun goes down
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(A)
Ordinary 5(C)
From the sun's rising unto the sun's setting
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
Ordinary 16(A)
Ordinary 29(A)
Ordinary 33(B)
Ordinary 30(C)
From the tiny ant PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
From You comes my praise in the great congregation (Psalm 22.25-31) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 5(B)

Hymn or song
Gentle Father, faithful Friend
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (B)
Ordinary 12(C)
Gentle hands
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Get ready Animated video with words and music
Advent 2(B)
Trinity (B)
Girls and boys, leave your toys, make no noise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Give ear to my words, O Lord (Psalm 5) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 5(B)
Give ear to my words, O Lord (Psalm 5.1-8) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 11(C)
Give judgement for me, O God (Psalm 43) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 11(A)
Ordinary 31(A)
Ordinary 12(C)
Give judgement for me, O Lord (Psalm 26.1-8) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 22(A)
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(C)
Give me oil in my lamp keep me burning
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Give me the faith which can remove
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
Palm Sunday (B)
Palm Sunday (C)
Give me (us) the wings of faith to rise PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Ordinary 20(C)
Give me your love
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
Ordinary 15(C)
Giving it all to You PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
Give thanks to the Lord
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 5(B)
Ordinary 20(B)
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is gracious (Psalm 136) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 27(A)
Give thanks with a grateful heart
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
Ordinary 25(C)
Give the king your judgements, O God, (Psalm 72:1-7,(8-20))Liturgical PowerPointSunday before Advent (B)
Sunday before advent (C)
Give the king your judgements, O God (Psalm 72.1-7,10-14)Liturgical PowerPointEpiphany
Give the king your judgements, O God, (Psalm 72:1-7,18-19) Liturgical PowerPoint
Advent 2(A)
Give to me, Lord, a thankful heart
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(B)
Give to our God immortal praise PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(B)
Glorious things of Thee are spoken PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(B)
Glory, glory, glory in the highest
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 33(B)
Glory to God in the highest
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 2(A)
Glory to Him who has saved us
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(C)
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
February TT (Year1)
Ordinary 1(B)
Easter 5(B)
Ordinary 14(B)
Ordinary 1(C)
May 3 Tea-Time
Easter 6(C)
July 3 Tea-Time
Go and see
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Christmas Day (C)
God! As with silent hearts we bring to mind PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(A)
God be gracious to us and bless us (Psalm 67) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 20(A)
Ordinary 16(A)
Easter 6(C)
God be in my head PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(B)
God by His Word made land and sea PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(A)
God forgave my sin in Jesus' name
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
Lent 2(A)
Ordinary 11(A)
Ordinary 12(A)
July 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 26(B)
Ordinary 23(C)
God from on high has heard
PowerPoint words
Christmas 1(A)
God, give us life
PowerPoint words
Lent 2(A)
God, God is
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(B)
God has spoken - by His prophets PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(A)
Ordinary 13(A)
Ordinary 14(B)
Ordinary 29(C)
God has taken his stand in the council of heaven (Psalm 82) PowerPoint Liturgical words
Ordinary 32(A)
Ordinary 20(C)
God, how can we forgive
PowerPoint words
Lent 2(A)
God in His love for us lent us this planet
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
God is as good as His word PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(A)
Ordinary 31(B)
God is good, we sing and shout it
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 26(A)
Lent 1(B)
Ordinary 28(B)
Advent Sunday(C)
Ordinary 17(C)
Ordinary 21(C)
God is great, amazing
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (B)
God is here, as we His people PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(A)
Ordinary 3(C)
God is here, God is present PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(C)
God is love, His the care
PowePoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Sunday before Advent (A)
Ordinary 15(C)
God is Love: let heav’n adore Him PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(B)
God is my strong salvation PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(C)
God is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 1(B)
Remembrance (B)
Ordinary 32(B)
Ordinary 1(C)
Remembrance (C)
Sunday before advent (C)
God is our strength and refuge
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
Remembrance (B)
Pentecost (C)
Remembrance (C)
God is unique and onePowerPoint wordsOrdinary 31(B)
God is with us, Joseph heard it
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(A)
God is working His purpose out PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
Ordinary 1(C)
Advent 2(A)
God loves you and I love you
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Ordinary 11(A)
Easter 5(B)
August 2 Tea Time
Ordinary 15(C)
God made the chickens PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Link to sheet music
Ordinary 21(A)
God moves in a mysterious way PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(C)
God my Father, loving me PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
God never gives up
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
May 1 Tea Time
Easter 3(C)
God of all power, and truth, and grace
Video with words and music
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 18(C)
God of Eve and God of Mary PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
God of freedom, God of justice PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(B)
God of grace, amazing wonder
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 9(B)
Ordinary 9(C)
God of glory, we exalt Your Name
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(B)
Easter 7(B)
God of heaven, You descended PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (C)
God of love and truth and beauty PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
God of my faith, I offer You my doubt
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
God of unexampled grace PowerPiiint words
Christmas 2(B)
God, our God, blesses us
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(C)
God rest you merry, gentlemen
PowerPoint words
Christmas 1(A)
God said, God *said world
PowerPoint words
Lent 2(A)
God's like a farmer, Jesus  said
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(A)
God's my father and my friend PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
God's not dead
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 30 (A)
February TT(Year 2)
Easter Sunday(C)
Ordinary 32(C)
God so loved the world
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Trinity (B)
God's People
PowerPoint words
John Hardwick video with words and music
October TT (Year 1)
Easter 7(B)
Ordinary 22(B)
Advent 3(C)
Ordinary 14(C)
God's presence was seen in the person of Jesus
PowerPoint words
Advent 3(A)
God’s Spirit is in my heart PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Advent 3(B)
Ordinary 18(B)
Ordinary 27(B)
God trains all His children
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(C)
God weeps at love withheld PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(B)
Ordinary 25(C)
God! When human bonds are broken
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(A)
Ordinary 31(A)
Ordinary 7(C)
God, when I came into this life PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
God who loved and laughed and danced PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(C)
God, (Thou) whose almighty word PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
God, whose farm is all creation PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(C)
God, whose love is everywhere PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
December 3 Tea Time
Advent 4(C)
God, who stretched the spangled heavens PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(A)
Lent 3 (B)
God, You are my God, earnestly I come
PowerPoint words
Lent 3(C)
God, You meet us in our weakness PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
God, Your glory we have seen in Your Son PowerPoint words
Ordinary 16(A)
Go forth and tell! O church of God awake PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
Sunday before Advent (A)
Easter 5(B)
Ordinary 9(C)
Go labour on, spend and be spent PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Good and gracious
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(C)
Good Christians all, rejoice and sing
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Easter 3(B)
Good Joseph had a garden PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
Easter 2(A)
Easter 5(C)
Good news, good news, to you we bring
PowerPoint words
Advent 4(A)
Advent 4(B)
Good Shepherd, You name is the sign of our church
PowerPoint words
Go, tell it on the mountain PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
Ordinary 18(A)
Ordinary 33(A)
Ordinary 13(B)
Good Friday(C)
Ordinary 13(C)
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(C)
Great and marvellous are Your deeds, O God
PowerPoint words
Easter 7(C)
Great are You, Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
Great God of wonders
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3 (B)
Great God of wonders! All Thy ways PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(C)
Great God, Your love has called us here PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(A)
Ordinary 11(B)
Great is our redeeming Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
Ordinary 21(A)
Ordinary 22(A)
Great is the darkness that covers the earth
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(A)
Lent 2(C)
Great is the Lord and highly to be praised (Psalm 48) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 3(A)
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(A)
Remembrance (B)
Remembrance (C)
Great is Thy faithfulness
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
Ordinary 31(C)
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(B)

Hymn or song
Hail! Holy, holy, holy Lord! PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(B)
Trinity (C)
Hail the day that sees Him rise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
May 3 Tea-Time
Hail, Thou once despised Jesus PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(C
Hail to the Lord's anointed
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(C)
Hail to the Lord who comes PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(B)
Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(A)
Palm Sunday (B)
Ordinary 23(B)
Ordinary 10(C)
Happy are they, they that love God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(A)
Ordinary 25(C)
Happy are they who find the grace
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(B)
Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked (Psalm 1) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 30 (A)
Easter 7(B)
Ordinary 6(C)
Ordinary 23(C)
Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob (Psalm 146.5-10) Liturgical PowerPoint
Advent 3(A)
Happy the one whose transgression is forgiven (Psalm 32) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 31(C)
Happy are those whose way is blameless (Psalm 119:1-16) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 6(A)
Ordinary 22(B)
Ordinary 31(B)
Ordinary 30(C)
Happy Medley
John Hardwick Bible-bop
December 1 Tea-Time
Ordinary 11(A)
Ordinary 20(B)
December 2 Tea-Time
March 2 Tea-Time
May 3 Tea-Time
Happy the nation whose God is the Lord (Psalm 33.12-22) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 19(C)
Happy the one whose transgression is forgiven (Psalm 32) Liturgical PowerPoint
Lent 1(A)
Mothering (C)
Ordinary 31(C)
Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(B)
Advent 3(B)
Hark, my soul it is the Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Ordinary 15(B)
Ordinary 33(B)
Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
Palm Sunday (A)
Ordinary 17(A)
Advent 2(B)
Hark! The herald-angels sing
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Hark what a sound, and too divine for hearing PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (B)
Easter 7(C)
Have faith in God, my heart PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(B)
Have mercy on me, O God, for they trample over me (Psalm 56) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 14(A)
Have mercy on me, O God, in Your great compassion (Psalm 51:1-11) Liturgical PowerPoint Passion(B)
Ordinary 24(C)
Have we made our God too small
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
Lent 3 (B)
April TT (Year 2)
Have you got an appetite
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
March 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 18(A)
Easter 4(B)
Ordinary 18(B)
Ordinary 24(C)
Have you heard the good news
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Ordinary 24(A)
All Saints (B)
Ordinary 31(C)
Head of the church, our risen Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30 (A)
Head of Thy church, whose Spirit fills PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(C)
Heal us, Immanuel! Hear our prayer PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(B)
Ordinary 12(C)
Hear my just cause, O Lord; consider my complaint (Psalm 17:1-7) PowerPoint words
Ordinary 32(C)
Hear my prayer, O Lord (Psalm 143.1-11) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 2(B)
Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint (Psalm 64) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 14(B)
Hear, O my people, and I will admonish you (Psalm 81:8-16) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 4(B)
Hear, O Shepherd of Israel (Psalm 80) Liturgical PowerPoint
Palm Sunday (A)
Hear, O Shepherd of Israel (Psalm 80.1-7,17-19) Liturgical PowerPoint Advent 4(A)
Advent (B)
Hear, O Shepherd of Israel (Psalm 80:1-19) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 18(A)
Hear our cry for the nations
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
PowerPoint with prayers for others
Lent 2(A)
Hear this, all you peoples (Psalm 49) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 12(B)
Hear this, all you peoples (Psalm 49:1-12) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 18(C)
Hear us, O Lord, from heaven, Thy dwelling place PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(A)
Heavenly Father, may Your blessing PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(B)
Heaven shall not waitPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(C)
Ordinary 3(C)
Heaven's No. 1
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(A)
Christmas 1(B)
Ordinary 16(C)
Sunday before Advent (C)
He became poor that we may be rich
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(B)
He brought me to His banqueting table
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
He came to earth in poverty PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(A)
He came to earth, not to be served
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(A)
He changed water into wine
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 4(B)
Ordinary 30(B)
Ordinary 2(C)
He comes to us as One unknown PowerPoint words
Easter 6(A)
He had nowhere to lay His head PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(B)
He has come to bring light into the darkness
PowerPoint words
Advent 2(B)
He has risen
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
Easter Sunday(A)
Easter Sunday (B)
March 3 Tea Time
Easter Sunday(C)
He is exalted
Powerpoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 21(A)
Ordinary 32(B)
He is holy, holy, holy
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(A)
Ordinary 29(B)
He is Lord! He is Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(C)
He is the Lord and He reigns on high
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music

Ordinary 26(C)
He is the mighty God
PowerPoint words
Advent (B)
Help me, Lord, for no one godly is left (Psalm 12) Liturgical PowerPoint
Advent 3(A)
Lent 3 (B)
Lent 3(C
Help me to forgive, help me, Lord, to see
PowerPoint words
Melody and chords
Christmas 1(C)
Help us, O Lord, to learn PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Ordinary 23(C)
He made the earth
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 27(C)
He made the eyes of the blind man see PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
July 1 Tea Time
He picked me up
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 23(A)
Ordinary 9(B)
Mothering (C)
Here hangs a man discardedPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (B)
Here I am PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sheet Music
Easter 6(B)
Here I am once againPowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 33(B)
Here I am, standing amazed PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)
Ordinary 9(C)
Here is bread, here is wine PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Maundy Thursday
Ordinary 24(C)
Here is love - the prophet's promise PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(B)
Here is love vast as the ocean
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Ordinary 19(A)
Ordinary 9(B)
Ordinary 15(C)
Ordinary 28(C)
Here, Lord we take the broken bread PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(B)
Here on the threshold of a new beginning PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face
PowerPoint words
Christmas 1(B)
Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 10(B)
He's beyond control
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(B)
He's got the whole world in His hand
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
September TT (Year 1)
Ordinary 15(A)
Ordinary 23(A)
Ordinary 30(C)
He's the man who calmed the sea
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(B)
He taught in puns and riddles PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(A)
He that is down needs fear no fall PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(C)
He that is in us is greater
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Ordinary 22(A)
He was pierced for our transgressions
PowerPoint words
Good Friday (A)
He who would true valiant be
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
Higher than a mountain top
Animated video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (B)
Sunday before Lent (C)
Hills of the north rejoice
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
His foundation is on the holy mountains (Psalm 87) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 6(A)
Holy child, how still You lie
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Christmas 2(A)
Holy child, who chose the hearts of men
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 13(B)
Ordinary 24(B)
Holy God, generations know Your promises
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Holy ground, we are standing on holy ground
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(C)
Holy, holy God almighty
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Trinity (C)
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Palm Sunday (B)
Trinity (B)
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(B)
Trinity (B)
Holy One
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sheet Music
Good Friday (B)
Ordinary 28(B)
January 3 Tea Time
February TT(Year 3)
Holy Spirit, Breath of heaven
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Easter 2(B)
Ordinary 6(C)
Easter Sunday(C)
Holy Spirit fill me up
Animated video with words and music
Pentecost (C)
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(B)
Ordinary 1(C)
June 3 Tea Time
Holy Spirit, living Breath of God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Pentecost (C)
Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Ordinary 1(C)
Holy Spirit, You are here now
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Pentecost (C)
Holy Trinity of love PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(B)
Holy, uncreated one
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and musicc
Easter 3(A)
Holy washing machine
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 29(A)
Ordinary 29(B)
Ordinary 9(C)

Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest
Video with words and music
PowerPoint words
Palm Sunday (A)
Easter 4(A)
Palm Sunday (B)
How beauteous are their feet PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
How broad, how long
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 17(A)
Ordinary 17(B)
September 3 Tea Time
Ordinary 32(C)
How can I become all that I can be
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(B)
How can I be free from sin?
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
How could I not be on Your side
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 1(C)
How deep the Father's love for us
Video with words and music
PowerPoint words
Mothering (A)
Good Friday (A)
Mothering (C)
Ordinary 31(C)
How did Moses cross the Red Sea?
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
November 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 23(B)
How easy we forget that cross of shame
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 11(C)
How good (This, this) is the God we adore PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
All Saints (B)
How good it is to make music for our God (Psalm 147) Liturgical PowerPoint
Christmas 2(A)
Christmas 2(B)
Ordinary 5(B)
Christmas 2(C)
How good it is to make music for our God (Psalm 147:1-11) Lityurgical PowerPoint
Easter 7(B)
How good, Lord to be here
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
How great are You, Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(B)
How long till we gaze upon your face
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(B)
How long will you forget me, O Lord  for ever (Psalm 13) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 6(A)
Lent 3(C
Ordinary 7(C)
How lovely is Thy dwelling place
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 30(C)
How lovely is Your dwelling place (Redman)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(C)
Ordinary 16(C)
How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts (Psalm 84) Liturgical PowerPoint Sunday before Lent (A)
How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts (Psalm 84:1-7) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 30(C)
How lovely on the mountains
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
Easter 2(B)
How lovely on the mountains PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
Ordinary 27(A)
Ordinary 4(B)
Ordinary 27(B)
How small a spark has lit a living fire PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
Ordinary 11(B)
Ordinary 33(B)
Ordinary 17(C)
How soon Palm Sunday prayers and praise PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (C)
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(A)
Ordinary 28(B)
Ordinary 18(C)
How wonderful this world of Thine3 PowerPoint words
Ordinary 17(A)

Hymn or song
I am a lighthouse
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 5(A)
Ordinary 32(A)
I am a new creation
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(A)
I am a new creation
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
September TT (Year 2)
Ordinary 24(A)
Ordinary 7(C)
I am fearfully and wonderfully made PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(B)
I am not ashamed to belong to Jesus PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(B)
I’m not ashamed to own my Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(B)
I'm not here just to use up air PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Link to sheet music
Ordinary 19(B)
I am the bread of life PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(B)
I am the Bread, the Bread of Life PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(A)
Easter 5(B)
I am the church! You are the church
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(C)
I am trusting Thee (You) Lord Jesus
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(A)
I believe in Jesus Powerpoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(A)
Lent 3 (B)
Ordinary 20(C)
I bind unto myself today
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
I can do all things
Bible-bop video
November 1 Tea Time
October 2 Tea Time
July 2 Tea-time
June 3 Tea Time
I cannot tell why He, whom angels worship
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Christmas 1(B)
Advent 2 (C)
Christmas 2(C)
Ordinary 24(C)
I can feel your arms surrounding
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(A)
Lent 3 (B)
I could sing unending songs
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(C)
I cry aloud to God (Psalm 77:1-2,11-20) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 13(C)
I cry aloud to God (Psalm 77:1-12,(13-20)) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 15(C)
I cry aloud to the Lord (Psalm 142) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 29(A)
Easter 3(B)
Ordinary 27(C)
I danced in the morning
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (A)
Ordinary 14(A)
Ordinary 24(A)
Ordinary 3(B)
Ordinary 9(B)
Trinity (C)
I find my happiness
PowerPoint words
Lent 3 (B)
If I zoomed across the universe
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Animated video with words and music
Easter 2(C)
If the Lord himself had not been on our side (Psalm 124) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 26(A)
Ordinary 24(C)
If you see someone lying in the road PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Easter 3(B)
August 2 Tea Time
Ordinary 15(C)
I give You all the honour
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Sunday before Advent (A)
Ordinary 14(C)
I had a dream that I was standing on a hillside
PowerPoint words
Christmas (A)
I hate those who are double-minded (Psalm 119.113-136) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 25(A)
I have come home (All I want is You) PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
Ordinary 19(A)
I have come to love You
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
I have come to realise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (C)
I have done what is just and right (Psalm 119.121-136)Liturgical PowerPointOrdinary 30(B)
I have sung my songs of praise
PowerPoint words
Sunday before Lent (C)
I heard the sound of voices
PowerPoint words
Christmas 1(A)
Christmas 2(A)
I heard the voice of Jesus say
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
Lent 3(C)
I just want to thank you, Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(A)
I know a place
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(C)
I know not why God's wondrous grace (Townend) PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(C)
I know that my Redeemer lives (Medley)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(B)
Ordinary 32(C)
I know that my Redeemer lives (Wesley)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(B)
Ordinary 31(C)
I know that You know all about me (Wonderful) Full video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
I lift my hands, I raise my voice
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(C)
I lift my voice to praise Your name
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 5(A)
I lift up my eyes to the hills (Psalm 121) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 26(B)
Ordinary 23(C)
Ordinary 29(C)
I'll go in the strength of the Lord
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 14(C)
I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(B)
Ordinary 28(C)
I long for You, O Lord
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 18(B)
I look out through the doorway
PowerPoint words
Mothering (C)
I love it when I'm close to you
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
Sunday before Lent (B)
I love my dad
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sheet music
Ordinary 6(A)
I love the Lord (Psalm 116) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 21(B)
I love the Lord (Psalm 116.1-9) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 24(B)
I love the Lord (Psalm 116:1-4,12-16) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 3(A)
I love to praise Your name PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(B)
I love ya
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Animated video with words and music
Easter 7(B)
Ordinary 24(B)
Ordinary 27(B)
I love You, Lord, with all my heart
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(A)
Ordinary 30(C)
I love You more each day
PowerPoint words
Easter 7(B)
I love you, O Lord my strength (Psalm 18:1-19) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 7(A)
I'm accepted, I'm forgiven PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(A)
I'm a friend of Jesus Christ
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 13(A)
Ordinary 30(C)
I'm a star in God's eyes
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sheet Music
Ordinary 15(B)
I may never march in the infantry PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 7(A)
Ordinary 21(B)
I'm crying out, let everybody hear PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(C)
I met Jesus at the crossroads
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
I'm forever in Your love
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
August 1 Tea Time
Easter 4(B)
Easter 6(B)
Ordinary 33(B)
July 3 Tea-Time
Ordinary 24(C)
Ordinary 28(C)
I'm getting to know God as my DadPowerPoint words
Video with wortds and music
Advent 2 (C)
I'm going to take a step of faith
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Christmas 1(C)
I’m gonna jumpPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sheet Music
Ordinary 31(B)
I'm gonna walk by faith, not by sight PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(B)
Ordinary 11(B)
I'm learning to love you
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 27(C)
Immanuel, God is with us
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 14(A)
Immanuel, God with us
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
Immanuel, O Immanuel
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(A)
Immortal invisible, God only wise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Easter 6(A)
Christmas 2(B)
Ordinary 9(B)
Ordinary 21(C)
Ordinary 23(C)
I'm not ashamed to own my Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
Lent 2(B)
I'm not here just to use up air PowerPoint words Lent 2(B)
I'm special because God has loved me
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(A)
Ordinary 23(C)
I'm taking on board what God is saying
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Easter 6(C)
I'm walking in love
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (B)
In Christ alone my hope is found
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(A)
Ordinary 14(B)
Pentecost (C)
Ordinary 32(C)
In Christ there is no east or west PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(A)
Ordinary 2(B)
Ordinary 16(B)
Easter 4(C)
In Christ there lies the treasure PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(A)
Incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me (Psalm 86) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 19(A)
Easter 3(C)
Infant holy, infant lowly PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas Day (C)
Into the world, with love PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(B)
In the beginning was darkness and nothing PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
In the bleak mid-winter
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Christmas (B)
In the cross of Christ I glory
PowerPoint words Good Friday (A)
In the cross of Christ I glory PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Maundy Thursday
In the graveyard Christ appeared
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Easter 2(C)
In the Lord have I taken refuge (Psalm 11) Liturgical PowerPoint
Advent 2(A)
Lent 3 (B)
In the power of God's own Spirit
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 3(C)
In the shadow of the cross
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 32(B)
Into the darkness of this world PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(B)
In you, O Lord, do I seek refuge (Psalm 71:1-6) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 4(C)
In you, O Lord, have I taken refuge (Psalm 31:1-16) Liturgical PowerPoint
Lent 4(A)
In you, O Lord, have I taken refuge (Psalm 31.1-5,15-16) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 5(A)
In Your arms of love I sing PowerPoint words Lent 2(B)
Ordinary 7(C)
I offer up to You PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(B)
I once was frightened of spiders
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Lent 2(C)
I rely on Your constant love Full video with words and music
August 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 6(A)
January 3 Tea Time
Ordinary 7(C)
I said, 'I will keep watch over my ways' (Psalm 39) Liturgical Text
Ordinary 11(B)
I should like to speak to You PowerPoint words
Ordinary 17(B)
Is it spooky, is it weird
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(C)
Isn't it good to be together
PowerPoint words
Easter 6(A)
I stand amazed in the presence PowerPoint words
Good Friday(C)
I stand amazed when I realise
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 28(C)
Is there a plank in your eye? PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(B)
I stood on the Isle of Patmos (The First and the Last) PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
Ordinary 33(A)
It came upon a midnight clear
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (B)
I thank You for the cross
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 29(A)
Ordinary 15(B)
I, the Lord of sea and sky PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(A)
Ordinary 33(A)
Ordinary 2(B)
Easter 4(B)
Trinity (C)
Ordinary 14(C)
Ordinary 24(C)
It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord (Psalm 92.1-4,12-15) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 11(B)
It is a thing most wonderful
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(C)
It is by Your mighty power PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(A)
It is God who holds the nations in the hollow of His hand PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(B)
It's amazing, astounding, extravagant grace PowerPoints words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(C)
It's me, it's me, it's me, O Lord PowerPoint words,
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(C)
It's rising up from coast to coast PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(A)
It's round like an orange
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
December 3 Tea Time
It takes an almighty hand
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
June 1 Tea-time
Ordinary 15(A)
It was on a starry night PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
December 1 Tea-Time
Advent 4(B)
Christmas All Age (C)
Christmas Day (C)
I’ve come to wash my soul in the living water PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(B)
I've got a love song in my heart
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 11(B)
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above PowerPoint words
Ordinary 19(C)
I waited patiently for the Lord (Psalm 40.1-11) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 2(A)
Lent 3(A)
Ordinary 32(C)
I waited patiently for the Lord (Psalm 40.(1-10), 11-17) Liturgical PowerPoint Advent 2(B)
I walk by faith, each step by faith PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(A)
I wanna be the good soil
Animated video with words and music
June 1 Tea-time
I want the Spirit of power within PowerPoint words
Video with w*ords and music
Ordinary 2(C)
I want to love You, Lord PowerPoint words
Ordinary 6(A)
I want to serve the purpose of God
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Ordinary 25(A)
Ordinary 19(B)
November TT (Year 2)
Ordinary 1(C)
Ordinary 6(C)
Easter 4(C)
Ordinary 16(C)
Ordinary 20(C)
I want to sing a song PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 22(A)
Ordinary 29(C)
I want to thank You, I want to praise You
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 32(B)
I was glad when they said to me (Psalm 122) Liturgical PowerPoint Advent Sunday (A)
I was lost, but Jesus found me PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(B)
I was lost without a trace
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (C)
I will extol You, my God and King (Psalm 145) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 18(A)
Ordinary 25(A)
Ordinary 31(B)
Ordinary 31(C)
I will exalt You, O Lord, because You have raised me up (Psalm 30) Liturgical PowerPoint Passion Sunday (A)
Mothering (C)
Easter 3(C)
I will give thanks to you, Lord, with my whole heart (Psalm 9)Liturgical PowerPointWords
I will give thanks to You, O Lord, with my whole heart (Psalm 138) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 21(A)
Ordinary 5(C)
I will hide Your Word inside my heart Full video with words and music
Ordinary 23(A)
I will praise you
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
I worship You, Almighty God PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
I will always follow Jesus PowerPoint words
Animated video words and music
November TT (Year 2)
I will always love the Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30 (A)
I will bless the Lord at all times (Psalm 34) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 4(A)
Ordinary 4(B)
Ordinary 4(C)
I will bless the Lord at all times (Psalm 34.1-8) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 19(B)
I will build my church
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(A)
I will dance, I will sing
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
Ordinary 4(A)
Ordinary 16(C)
Ordinary 26(C)
I will enter His gates
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
January TT (Year 1)
Easter 4(A)
Ordinary 11(B)
Ordinary 18(C)
I will enter your house with thanksgiving
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
I will extol You, my God and King (Psalm 145)
Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 18(A)
Ordinary 25(A)
I will exalt You, O Lord, because You have raised me up (Psalm 30) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 13(B)
Easter 3(C)
I will exalt You, O Lord, because You have raised me up (Psalm 30:1-5) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 2(A)
I will give thanks to you, Lord, with my whole heart (Psalm 9) Liturgical PowerPoint
Advent Sunday (A)
Lent 3(A)
I will give thanks to You, O Lord, with my whole heart (Psalm 138) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 10(B)
Ordinary 17(C)
I will give you praise PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Advent 3(B)
I will glorify Your name
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 10(B)
I will hide Your Word inside my heart
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Ordinary 17(A)
Ordinary 23(A)
Ordinary 22(B)
I will offer up my life
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Ordinary 4(C)
I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh
PowerPoint words
I will praise You
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 10(B)
I will praise You all my life PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(B)
I will sing about Your love
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 10(C)
I will sing the wondrous story
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Ordinary 13(A)
Ordinary 24(C)
I will worship PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(B)
I will worship You, O Lord PowerPoint words
Ordinary 25(A)
I worship You, Almighty God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(B)
Sunday before Advent (C)
I worship You, Lord, with all of my might
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 30 (A)

Hymn or song
Jerusalem, my happy home PowerPoint words
Ordinary 19(C)
Jerusalem the Golden
PowerPoint words Good Friday (A)
Jesu, Jesu, show us how to love
PowerPoint words
Good Friday (A)
Jesu, Jesu, show us how to love
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Maundy Thursday
Ordinary 15(C)
Jesus, all for Jesus
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 1(C)
Palm Sunday (C)
Jesus, be the centre
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
Ordinary 19(B)
Jesus calls us here to meet Him PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Easter 6(B)
Advent 2(C)
Jesus calls us; O'er the tumult
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Ordinary 13(B)
Easter 3(C)
Ordinary 16(C)
Jesus Christ is alive today PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
Jesus Christ is risen today
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(C)
Jesus Christ is the Lord of all PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday (B)
All Saints (B)
Jesus Christ is waiting PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
Ordinary 31(A)
Advent (B)
Ordinary 4(B)
Ordinary 3(C)
Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Ordinary 24(A)
Jesus Christ - Perfect love
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(B)
Jesus Christ the Lord is born PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(A)
Christmas 1(C)
Jesus died upon the crossVideo with words and musicOrdinary 31(B)
Jesus comes with all His grace
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (A)
Palm Sunday (C)
Jesus, friend of little children PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(A)
Jesus' hands were kind hands
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
July 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 5(B)
Ordinary 13(B)
Jesus, High King of Heaven
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(A)
Jesus Himself drew near
PowerPoint words
Easter 3(A)
Jesus, hope of the nations
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
Jesus, I am thirsty
PowerPoint words
Lent 3(A)
Jesus, I could sing
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(C)
Jesus, I fain would find PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
Jesus is a good mate
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music and Chords
Video with words and music
October 2 Tea Time
Ordinary 4(B)
Jesus is greater than the greatest heroes
Animated PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Remembrance (B)
Remembrance (C)
Ordinary 21(A)
Ordinary 25(B)
Jesus is king and I will extol Him
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(B)
Ordinary 30(B)
Jesus is Lord, creation's voice proclaims it
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Ordinary 29(A)
Lent 3 (B)
Ordinary 22(C)
Jesus is my friend PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
July 1 Tea Time
Jesus isn't dead any more
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
Jesus is our shepherd
PowerPoint words
Easter 4(B)
Jesus is risen
PowerPoint words
Easter Sunday (B)
Jesus is the greatest hero PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Remembrance (C)
Jesus is the heart of Christmas
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Jesus is the King
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
May 1 Tea Time
Sunday before Advent (A)
March 2 Tea-Time
Sunday before Advent (B)
Palm Sunday (C)
April TT (Year 3)
Sunday before Advent (C)
Jesus is the Name we honour
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
Ordinary 20(B)
Ordinary 24(B)
Ordinary 27(B)
Ordinary 20(C)
Jesus is the man who cares for others PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(C)
Jesus is the password
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
June 1 Tea-time
Ordinary 15(A)
Jesus, Jesus, holy and anointed one Powerpoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(A)
Jesus, Lord, Redeemer
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Jesus, Lord, we look to Thee PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(C)
Jesus' love is very wonderful
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
Easter 6(B)
January 3 Tea Time
July 3 Tea-Time
Ordinary 19(C)
Jesus, lover of my soul
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Jesus, Name above all names
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(B)
Jesus, never, never, never
PowerPoint words
John Hardwick video with words and music
Ordinary 5(A)
Ordinary 23(A)
October 2 Tea Time
Ordinary 4(B)
Ordinary 9(B)
Ordinary 11(B)
Ordinary 26(B)
Ordinary 3(C)
Easter 6(C)
Ordinary 11(C)
July 3 Tea-Time
Ordinary 19(C)
Ordinary 23(C)
Jesus on the mountain peak PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (B)
Jesus, priceless treasure PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(B)
Jesus, prince and Saviour PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(B)
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Powerpoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(A)
Ordinary 31(A)
August 2 Tea Time
Ordinary 30(B)
Ordinary 7(C)
Jesus reigns over sin
PowerPoint words
Easter 7(A)
Jesus, remember me
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mp3 incorporated into prayers
Advent Sunday(C)
Jesus, restore to us again
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (B)
Sunday before Lent (C)
Jesus rode as a king on a donkey
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (A)
Palm Sunday (C)
Jesus said "I am the living one"
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(C)
Jesus said that whosoever will PowerPoint words
Ordinary 20(A)
Jesus, send me the helper PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
Pentecost (C)
Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(B)
Jesus, stand among us (Kendrick)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Maundy Thursday
Easter 4(C)
Jesus, stand among us (Pennefather)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Ordinary 33(A)
Jesus, take me as I am
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(C)
Jesus, tempted in the desert PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(B)
Lent 1(C)
Jesus the carpenter, hanging on Calvery
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (B)
Jesus, the first and the last PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (B)
Jesus, the good Shepherd is PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(B)
Jesus the Lord said, I am the bread
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Ordinary 18(A)
Ordinary 18(B)
Jesus - the name high over all
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(A)
Easter 7(B)
Ordinary 10(B)
Easter 3(C)
Ordinary 10(C)
Remembrance (C)
Jesus, the teacher, welcoming children PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(A)
Jesus, the very thought of Thee, PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (C)
Jesus, Thy far-extended fame PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(B)
Jesus, Thy wandering sheep behold PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Ordinary 16(B)
Ordinary 24(C)
Jesus, united by Thy grace PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Easter 6(B)
Jesus, we celebrate Your victory
Animated PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 33(B)
Ordinary 13(C)
Ordinary 20(C)
Jesus walked, Jesus talked
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 27(B)
Jesus wants me
PowerPoint words
Lent 2(A)
Jesus, we enthrone you
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(C)
Jesus went out of His way
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (A)
Ordinary 10(B)
Jesus,  where’er Thy people meet PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(C)
Jesus, You are amazing PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(B)
Jesus, You are changing me
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(A)
Jesus, You are changing me PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Advent (B)
Jesus, You are here
PowerPoint words
Lent 3(C)
Ordinary 29(C)
Jesus, you are so precious to me
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 11(B)
Ordinary 11(C)
Jesus, you knew me right from the start
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 2(B)
Jesus, You're all I need
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Join all the glorious names
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(A)
Lent 3 (B)
Ordinary 28(B)
Ordinary 4(C)
Lent 2(C)
Joshua fit the battle of JerichoPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(B)
Joy to the world! The Lord has come
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Christmas (B)
Ordinary 23(B)
Jubilate, everybody, serve the Lord
Powerpoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (A)
Ordinary 17(C)
Judge eternal, throned in splendour PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(C)
Just as I am without one plea
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
Ordinary 2(A)
Ordinary 30(B)
Lent 1(C)
Mothering (C)
Ordinary 16(C)
Just as the father sent You, Lord
PowerPoint words
Easter 2(A)
Easter Sunday(C)

Hymn or song
Keep me close to You PowerPoint words
Ordinary 6(C)
Keep on going, keep on growing

Ordinary 13(B)
Ordinary 13(C)
Keep yourself in training
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 29(C)
King of Glory, King of Peace
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(B)
Lent 1(C)
Ordinary 30(C)
Sunday before Advent (C)
King of love, praise You

King of our lives

Ordinary 4(A)
King of the ages PowerPoint Words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(B)
Kyrie elesion

Easter 4(A)

Hymn or song
La la la la la la la, we clap our hands and sing
PowerPoint words
Easter 3(B)
Laying aside everything
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 20(C)
Lead me from death to life
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 10(C)
Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 7(A)
Lent 1(C)
Led like a lamb to the slaughter
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
Advent (B)
Easter 6(C)
Let earth and heaven agree PowerPoint worfds
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(A)
Let earth and heaven combine
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Christmas (B)
Let every Christian pray PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Pentecost (C)
Let everything, everything that, everything
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)
Ordinary 21(C)
Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered (Psalm 68.1-8,9-20) Liturgical PowerPoint Advent 3(B)
Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered (Psalm 68.1-10,32-35) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 7(A)
Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered (Psalm 68:1-14,(15-18),19-20,(21-35)) Liturgical PowerPoint

Easter 7(C)
Let love be real in giving and receiving
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(B)
Let worship be the fuel for mission’s flame PowerPoint words
Let the earth resound with songs of praise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(B)
Ordinary 9(C)
Let there be love shared among us
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
Ordinary 3(A)
Let there be singing, songs of rejoicing PowerPoint words
Easter Sunday (B)
Let us build a house where love can dwell
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Ordinary 26(C)
Let us draw near to God
Video with words and music
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 28(B)
Let us go to the house of the Lord
PowerPoint words
Christmas 1(C)
Let us talents and tongues employ PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(A)
Let worship be the fuel for mission’s flame PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(B)
Ordinary 17(C)
Let your faithful love come unto me, O Lord (Psalm 119:41-56) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 23(B)
Let your faithful love come unto me, O Lord (Psalm 119:41-64) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 24(A)
Let Your living water flow
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Ordinary 20(B)
Advent 3(C)
Ordinary 6(C)
Lent 3(C)
Ordinary 16(C)
Let Your love shine through these eyes of mine
PowerPoint words
Life and light and joy are found PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30 (A)
Lift high the Cross PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (C)
Lift up your heads, you mighty gates
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (A)
Light of the minds that know Him PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
Ordinary 12(B)
Light of the world
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Christmas 2(A)
Ordinary 5(A)
Advent 4(B)
Advent 4(C)
Christmas 2(C)
Ordinary 26(C)
Light of the world, shine Your light
PowerPoint words
Advent 3(C)
Like a candle flame
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Like a fragrant oil
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(C)
Like a gentle breeze, like a mighty wind
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(C)
Like the  murmur of the dove’s song PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(B)
Listening God, You hear us when we cannot speak PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(B)
Little Donkey
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
December 1 Tea-Time
Advent 4(A)
Advent 4(B)
Lo, He comes with clouds descending PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent (A)
Advent (B)
Advent (C)
Lo, in the wilderness a voice PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
Long ago, prophets knew
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
Advent 4(B)
Advent 2 (C)
Christmas All Age (C)
Longing for light, we wait in darkness PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 9(B)
Ordinary 5(C)
Looking for Your presence
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
Lent 2(B)
Ordinary 28(B)
Look to the skies
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Christmas Day (C)
Lord, be Thy word my rule PowerPoint words
Ordinary 19(C)
Lord Christ, we praise Your sacrifice PowerPoint words
Video wityh words and music
Lent 2(B)
Lord, for the years Your love has kept and guided
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(C)
Lent 2(C)
Lord, for the years Your love has kept and guided
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 27(C)
Lord, God, by Whom all change is wrought PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(B)
Lord God, in whom all worlds PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(B)
Lord God, Your love has called us here PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Maundy Thursday
Lord, I come before Your throne of grace
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Mothering (C)
Ordinary 32(C)
Lord, I come expectant in Your presence
PowerPoint words
Easter 3(C)
Lord, I come, longing to know You PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday(C)
Lord, I come to You broken and lost
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(A)
Lord, I come to You, let my heart be changed
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lord, if at Thy command we sow PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(A)
Lord, I feel the heartbeat of Your love
PowerPoint words
Video with wods and music
Advent 2 (C)
Lord, I have made Thy word my choice
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3 (B)
Ordinary 3(C)
Ordinary 6(C)
Lord, I lift Your name on high
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
September TT (Year 2)
Ordinary 15(C)
Lord, I'm grateful, amazed
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 26(C)
Lord, it belongs not to my care PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(B)
Lord, I wanna  pause
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
Sunday before Advent (C)
Lord, I was blind! I could not see PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Ordinary 10(B)
Ordinary 21(B)
All Saints (B)
Lord Jesus Christ, You have come to us
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (A)
Ordinary 26(A)
Lord, Jesus, think on me, PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(C)
Lord, make me a mountain
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Christmas 2(B)
Ordinary 5(C)
Ordinary 14(C)
Lord of all hopefulness
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
Ordinary 2(B)
Ordinary 13(C)
Lord of beauty, Thine the spendour
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Lord of creation, to You be all praise PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(B)
Ordinary 13(C)
Lord of every heart PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
Lord of our highest love! PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(B)
Lord of the church, we pray for our renewing
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(A)
Ordinary 20(A)
Advent Sunday(C)
Ordinary 1(C)
Lord of the Church, You hold us in Your hand
PowerPoint words
Lord of the home
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (A)
Lord, our master
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
Ordinary 27(B)
Advent 3(C)
Trinity (C)
Lord, pour out Your spirit PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lord, remember for David (Psalm 132) Liturgical PowerPoint Christmas 1(B)
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(B)
Ordinary 28(C)
Lord, teach us how to pray aright PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(C)
Lord, the light of Your live is shining
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(A)
Lent 4(A)
Ordinary 20(A)
Ordinary 9(B)
Ordinary 27(C)
Lord, Thine heart in love hath yearned PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(B)
Lord, Thy Church on Earth is seeking PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(B)
Easter 7(C)
Ordinary 9(C)
Lord, Thy word abideth
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 7(A)
Ordinary 18(C)
Lord, we come in your name
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Lord, we have come at Your own invitation PowerPoint Words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(C)
Lord, we long to see your glory
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
Lord, we've come to worship You
Animated PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 23(B)
Ordinary 32(B)
Ordinary 10(C)
Ordinary 26(C)
Lord, who may dwell in Your tabernacle? (Psalm 15) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 4(A)
Ordinary 22(B)
Ordinary 16(C)
Lord, who throughout these forty days
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Lent 1(B)
Lord, You are more precious than silver
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)
Ordinary 18(C)
Lord, You call us to Your service
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 2(C)
Lord, You gave me joy in my heartPowerPoint word
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(B)
Easter 5(C)
Lord, You have been our refuge (Psalm 90) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 20(A)
Ordinary 33(A)
Lord, You have come to the sea-shore
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(B)
Ordinary 5(C)
Lord, You have my heart
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(B)
Lord, You promised if we speak in faith PowerPoint words
Advent 3(B)
Lord, You put a tongue in my mouth
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Lent 3(C)
Lord, Your name is wonderful
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 14(C)
Lord, You see me, Lord, You know me
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
Ordinary 22(A)
Sunday before Lent (B)
Ordinary 12(C)
Lord, You sometimes speak in wonders PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(B)
Lord, you've promised through Your Son
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (A)
Lord, You were favourable to Your land (Psalm 85) Liturgical PowerPoint Advent 2(B)
Lord, You were favourable to Your land (Psalm 85:8-13) Liturgucal PowerPoint
Ordinary 15(B)
Lost far from home (Dependence Day)
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Easter 4(A)
Easter 4(B)
Ordinary 16(B)
Ordinary 27(C)
Love came down at Christmas
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (B)
Love came down at Christmas time
PowerPoint words
Christmas (A)
Love divine, all loves excelling
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
Ordinary 11(A)
Trinity (B)
Advent 2(C)
Ordinary 29(C)
Love divine, all loves excelling (Eaton & Hartley)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
Ordinary 29(C)
Love inspired the anger PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Lent 3(A)
Easter 3(A)
Love is like a circle
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
Love is patient, love is kind (Godfrey)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(C)
Love is patient, love is kind (Townend)
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 4(C)
Love, joy, peace and patience
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 13(C)
Lovely Jubbly
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
Love Medley Full video with words and music Lent 3(A)
May 1 Tea Time
November TT (Year 2)
Trinity (B)
Love songs from heaven are filling the earth PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(B)
Loving Shepherd of They sheep
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(A)
Low in the grave he lay
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
Easter Sunday(A)
Good Friday(C)
Easter 5(C)

Hymn or song
Made in the image of God
Full video with words and music
May 3 Tea-Time
Magnificent, all glorious Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(C)
Make a joyful noise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
Palm Sunday (C)
Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth (Psalm 66)
Liturgical PowerPoint Easter 6(A)
Ordinary 15(B)
Easter Sunday(C)
Make a joyful noise to the Lord (Psalm 100) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 11(A)
Ordinary 20(B)
Make me a captive, Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(A)
Make me a channel of Your peace PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(A)
Ordinary 22(B)
Ordinary 7(C)
Make us a house of prayer
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(C)
Make us Your prophets, LordPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(B)
Make way, make way
Video with words and music
PowerPoint words
Advent Sunday (A)
Palm Sunday (A)
March 2 Tea-Time
Christmas All Age (C)
Palm Sunday (C)
Man of sorrows, what a name PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
Trinity (B)
Many a time have they fought against me from my youth (Psalm 129) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 25(C)
Many years ago when the world had just begun Animated video with words and music
Christmas 2(A)
Advent 3(B)
Christmas 2(C)
Mary and Joseph PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
Christmas 1(B)
Mary had a baby
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Christmas 2(C)
Master, speak! The servant heareth
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(C)
Maybe you can't draw or sing or be a football star
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 33(A)
July 2 Tea-time
May my praise be sung with feeling
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(B)
May the fragrance of Jesus fill this place PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday(C)
May the grace of Christ our Saviour
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(B)
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
Christmas 1(C)
Ordinary 22(C)
May the words of my mouth PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(C)
May you bear fruit in Jesus' name
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Easter 7(B)
Ordinary 6(C)
Palm Sunday (C)
Ordinary 23(C)
Meekness and Majesty
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (B)
Ordinary 13(C)
Meekness and Majesty
PowerPoint words
Full Video with words and music
Christmas 2(A)
Christmas 1(A)
Sunday before Lent (B)
Ordinary 19(C)
Meet and right it is to sing
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Men of faith, rise up and sing
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 7(A)
Ordinary 3(C)
Ordinary 12(C)
Ordinary 16(C)
Merciful God, O abounding in love
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (A)
Millions of people
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 7(A)
Ordinary 14(B)
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (B)
More than oxygen I need Your love PowerPoint words
Sunday before Lent (C)
Morning glory, starlit sky PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(A)
Easter 5(B)
Ordinary 25(B)
Moses, I know you're the man
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
October TT (Year 1)
Mothering (A)
Ordinary 18(B)
Ordinary 23(B)
Ordinary 14(C)
My dear Redeemer and my Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(C)
My eyes be open to Your presence
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(B)
My faith looks up to Thee
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (A)
My first love is a blazing fire
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(C)
My God, accept my heart this day PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(B)
My God, and is Thy table spread PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
My God, how wonderful Thou art
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(B)
Ordinary 19(C)
My God, how wonderful Thou art (SOF4)
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 19(C)
My God! I know, I feel Thee mine, PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(B)
Ordinary 17(B)
Ordinary 17(C)
My God, I love Thee, not because
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(C)
My God is a rock PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
October TT (Year 1)
Ordinary 20(A)
Lent 3 (B)
April TT (Year 2)
Trinity (C)
Ordinary 14(C)
Ordinary 17(C)
My God, my God, why have You forsaken me (Psalm 22:1-11, 21-31) Liturgical PowerPoint Lent 2(B)
My God, my king, Thy various praise PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(B)
My heart is astir with gracious words (Psalm 45) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 6(B)
My heart is captivated
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(C)
My heart is full of Christ, and longs PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)
My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready (Psalm 108) Liturgical PowerPoint Text Ordinary 23(A)
Ordinary 19(C)
My heart is restless Powerpoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 25(A)
My Jesus, my lifeline
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(B)
Ordinary 11(C)
My Jesus, my Saviour
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 7(B)
Ordinary 18(B)
Advent Sunday(C)
Ordinary 18(C)
Ordinary 32(C)
My lips shall praise you
Video with words and music
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 7(A)
Ordinary 23(C)
My Lord is higher than a mountain
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
Sunday before Lent (B)
Sunday before Lent (C)
My Lord, what love is this
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (A)
Ordinary 32(B)
Ordinary 33(B)
Good Friday(C)
My Lord, You went to the cross for me
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sheet music
Easter 2(B)
Easter 2(C)
My Rock
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Advent 3(B)
Ordinary 3(B)
Palm Sunday (B)
Lent 3(C)
My song is love unknown
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Palm Sunday (A)
Ordinary 27(A)
Good Friday (A)
Palm Sunday (B)
Good Friday(C)
My song shall be always of the loving-kindness of the Lord (Psalm 89.1-4, 15-18) Liturgical PowerPoint text
Ordinary 13(A)
Sunday before Lent (C)
My song shall be always of the loving-kindness of the Lord (Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26) Liturgical PowerPoint text
Advent 4(B)
My soul finds rest in God alone PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
Ordinary 3(B)
My soul is pining for Your salvation (Psalm 119:81-88, (89-96)) Liturgical Powerpoint
Ordinary 22(C)
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord (Magnificat) Liturgical PowerPoint
Advent 4(B)
Advent 4(C)
My troubled soul, why so weighed down? PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(C)

Hymn or song
Name of all majesty
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(A)
Advent 3(C)
Ordinary 32(C)
Nearer, my God, to Thee PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (C)
New every morning is the love PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(B)
Ordinary 19(C)
New generation
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
January 2 Tea-Time
Ordinary 3(B)
Easter 5(B)
Ordinary 18(C)
New Strength
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 7(A)
Easter 4(A)
Ordinary 16(B)
Ordinary 22(B)
Nobody's a nobody
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Ordinary 31(A)
August 2 Tea Time
Mothering (C)
Ordinary 9(C)
Ordinary 28(C)
No Limit
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Animated video with words and music
November 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 10(B)
Ordinary 23(C)
No one but You, Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(B)
Not far beyond the sea nor high PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
Nothing's too, big, big, big for His power
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
November 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 33(A)
July 2 Tea-time
Ordinary 25(C)
Not to us, O Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(C)
Now and for evermore
Full video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
Ordinary 23(C)
Ordinary 29(C)
Now I have found the ground wherein PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(B)
Now I know there's a better way
PowerPoint words
Advent 4(A)
Now in reverence and awe
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 7(A)
Now is Christ risen from the dead PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(C)
Now is eternal life PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Easter 7(B)
Now let us from this table rise PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(B)
Now, Lord, You let Your servant go in peace (Nunc Dimittis) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 5(A)
Now may the fragrance of His peace
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(C)
Now take away the stone, he is not dead PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (C)
Now thanks to the death of His Son (Listen up)
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
Ordinary 21(B)
Ordinary 24(B)
April TT (Year 3)
Ordinary 16(C)
Now thank we all our God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
Now the green blade rises from the buried grain PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Easter Sunday (B)

Hymn or song
O bread to pilgrims given PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
O breath of God, come fill this place
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 18(B)
O breath of life, come sweeping through us PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(C)
O Christ, be the centre of our lives
PowerPoint words
Easter 5(B)
O Christ, the healer, we have come PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(A)
Ordinary 23(A)
Ordinary 5(B)
Ordinary 26(B)
Easter 6(C)
Ordinary 12(C)
O come, all ye faithful
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
December 1 Tea-Time
Christmas (A)
Advent 4(B)
Christmas All Age (C)
O come let us adore HimPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
O come let us sing to the Lord (Psalm 95, Venite) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 21(A)
Sunday before Advent (A)
Ordinary 33(B)
O come, let us worship PowerPoint words
Sunday before Lent (A)
O come, O come, Immanuel PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
Christmas 1(B)
O Day of God, draw near PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent (B)
O dear God, we ask for Your favour PowerPoint words
Easter 5(A)
O do good to your servant that I may live (Psalm 119:17-24, (25-32) PowerPoint words
Ordinary 20(C)
O do good to your servant that I may live (Psalm 119:17-32) Liturgical PowerPoint Lent 1(B)
Of all the Spirits gifts to me PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(B)
O Father, whose creating hand PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
Ordinary 17(B)
Ordinary 10(C)
O fear the Lord, you His holy ones (Psalm 34.9-14) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 20(B)
O for a heart to praise my God PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
O for a thousand tongues to sing PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Advent 2(B)
Ordinary 22(B)
Advent 3(C)
Ordinary 32(C)
O for a thousand tongues to sing (adapt. Kendrick) PowerPoint words
Advent 3(A)
O give thanks to the Lord and call upon his name (Psalm 105.1-15) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 22(A)
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good (Psalm 118:1-2,14-24) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter Sunday(A)
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good (Psalm 118:1-2,19-29) Liturgical PowerPoint 
Palm Sunday (A)
Palm Sunday (B)
Easter Sunday (B)
Palm Sunday (C)
Easter Sunday(C)
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is gracious (Psalm 107:1-32) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 18(C)
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is gracious (Psalm 107.1-3,23-32) PowerPoint Liturgucal Text
Ordinary 12(B)
O give thanks to the Lord (Kendrick)
PowerPoint words
Advent 3(A)
O give thanks to the Lord, for His love will ever end
PowerPoint words
Easter 7(A)
O God beyond all praising PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(C)
O God, beyond all thought PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(B)
O God, by whose almighty plan PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Ordinary 5(B)
O God in heaven, whose loving plan PowerPoint words Mothering (B)
O God, make speed to save me (Psalm 70) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 32(A)
O God of Bethel, by whose hand PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
O God of burning, cleansing flame
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 9(C)
O God of burning, cleansing flame PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Advent 2(A)
O God of love, I come to You again
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(B)
Ordinary 6(C)
O God, our help in ages pastPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Remembrance (B)
Remembrance (C)
O God, the God of blessing
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(C)
O God, Thou art the Father PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday(C)
O God, Thy being who can sound PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(B)
O God, what offering shall I give PowerPoint words
Video with  words and music
Ordinary 32(B)
O God, why have You utterly disowned us (Psalm 74) Litugical PowerPoint
Ordinary 17(B)
O God, you are my God eagerly I seek you (Psalm 63) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 14(B)
O God, you are my God; eagerly I seek you (Psalm 63:1-8) Liturgical PowerPoint
Lent 3(C)
O God, you have cast us off and broken us (Psalm 60) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 15(A)
Ordinary 13(C)
O God, Your love's undying flame PowerPoint words
Ordinary 20(C)
O happy day that fixed my choice PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(B)
Ordinary 23(C)
Oh have you heard
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(B)

Oh, I was made for this
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (C)
Oh Lord, I turn my mind to You PowerPoint words
Ordinary 15(A)
O happy day that fixed my choice PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(C)
O Holy Ghost, Thy people bless PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
O Holy Spirit, Lord of Grace
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(C)
O Holy Spirit, we welcome you today
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Oh, how could it be PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(A)
Oh, no! The wine's all gone
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(C)
Oh, our Lord and King PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(A)
Oh, the mercy of God
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 3(B)
Ordinary 19(C)
Ordinary 23(C)
Oi, oi, we are gonna praise the Lord PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
Ordinary 22(C)
O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(A)
O Jesus, I have promised PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
Ordinary 23(C)
O Jesus, King most wonderful PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
O King enthroned on high
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(B)
Trinity (C)
O let the Son of God enfold you PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Ordinary 1(B)
Lent 1(B)
O lift us up, strong Son of God PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(C)
Ordinary 23(C)
O little town of BethlehemPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(C)
Christmas All Age (C)
Christmas 1(C)
O Lord all the world belongs to you PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(A)
O Lord, God of my salvation (Psalm 88) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 18(B)
Ordinary 17(C)
O Lord, how manifold are Your works (Psalm 104.24-35) Liturgical PowerPoint
Pentecost (B)
Pentecost (C)
O Lord, I call to You come to me quickly (Psalm 141)Liturgical PowerPointOrdinary 29(B)
O Lord of all the earth PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(B)
O Lord of life, Thy quickening voice PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(C)
O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 27(B)
Trinity (C)
O Lord, our Lord, throughout the earth PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(B)
O Lord, our Sovereign (Psalm 8) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 27(B)
Trinity (C)
O Lord, rebuke me not in Your wrath (Psalm 6) Litugical PowerPoint
Ordinary 6(C)
O Lord, the clouds are gathering PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Remembrance (B)
Ordinary 25(C)
Remembrance (C)
O Lord, Thou art my God and King PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(B)
O Lord, You are my Rock and my Redeemer
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 26(B)
O Lord, You have searched me out and known me (Psalm 139) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 2(B)
O Lord, You have searched me out and known me (Psalm 139):1-12, (13-18)) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 28(A)
O Lord, You have searched me out and known me (Psalm 139):1-12, (13-18,23-24), Liturgical PowerPoint
O Lord, You're beautiful PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
O Lord Your tenderness PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(A)
O Lord, your word is everlasting (Psalm 119.89-104) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 30(A)
O Love divine, what have you done PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (B)
O love, how deep, how broad, how high! PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Ordinary 31(C)
O love that wilt not let me go PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(C)
O master, let me walk with Thee PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(A)
O my Saviour lifted PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
O my soul, arise and bless Your Maker PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 22(A)
Once in Royal David’s city PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Christmas 2(A)
Christmas 2(C)
Once, like a mighty rushing wind PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Once on a mountain top PowerPoint words
Sunday before Lent (A)
One day when I was really young (Praising)
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 20(B)
One for others PowerPoint words
Mothering (A)
One is the body and one is the Head PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(B)
One more step along the world I go
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Lent 2(B)
Pentecost (C)
Ordinary 15(C)
One shall tell another
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(C)
Ordinary 28(C)
One there is above all others PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
Remembrance (C)
On fire to carry the flame PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
On Good Friday PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
On God alone my soul in stillness waits (Psalm 62) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 3(B)
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(A)
Advent 2(B)
On Jordan's river bank today PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(B)
Only by grace can we enter PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(B)
On & on
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Links to sheet music & chord chart
Easter 2(B)
On the day of Pentecost PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sheet music
On the night before he died
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(B)
Oodles of love
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 26(B)
November TT (Year 3)
February TT(Year 3)
O! O! O! How good is the Lord Lively video with words and music
Animated PowerPoint words
Ordinary 26(A)
April TT (Year 1)
Lent 1(B)
Ordinary 26(B)
Advent 2 (C)
Easter 7(C)
Ordinary 19(C)
Open our eyes, Lord
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
Easter 2(A)
Ordinary 19(A)
Ordinary 26(B)
Easter 2(C)
Ordinary 31(C)
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
Ordinary 3(B)
Ordinary 27(C)
O perfect love, all human thought transcending PowerPoint woords
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(B)
O precious sight, my Saviour stands
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (B)
O praise God in his holiness (Psalm 150) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 2(C)
Pentecost (C)
O praise the Lord, all you nations (Psalm 117) PowerPoint words
Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 31(A)
Easter Sunday(C)
O praise the Lord, all you nations (Psalm 117) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter Sunday(A)
O precious sight, my Saviour stands PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (B)
O raise your eyes on high and see PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (B)
O sacred King, O holy King
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 25(B)
O sing a song of Bethlehem PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(B)
Ordinary 7(C)
O sing to the Lord a new song (Psalm 96) PowerPoint woirds
Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 2(A)
Ordinary 29(A)
Ordinary 2(B)
Easter 5(B)
Christmas Day (C)
Ordinary 2(C)
Ordinary 9(C)
O sing to the Lord a new song (Psalm 98) Liturgical PowerPoint
Christmas (A)
Easter 6(B)
Easter 5(C)
O sons and daughters, let us sing PowerPoint words
Ordinary 23(C)
O Spirit of the living God PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
O taste and see that the Lord is good PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
O the bitter shame and sorrow, PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(C)
Ordinary 26(C)
O the deep, deep love of Jesus PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(B)
O Thou who camest from above
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(B)
Ordinary 27(C)
O Thou, whom once they flocked to hear PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(B)
Our Father, by whose name PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Our God is a great big God
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 29(A)
April TT (Year 2)
Ordinary 9(B)
Ordinary 18(C)
September TT (Year 1)
Remembrance (C)
Our God is great PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(A)
Our hearts are waiting for You PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 31(A)
Our Lord, His passion ended
PowerPoint words
Our Lord is risen from the dead PowerPoint words
All Saints (B)
Our saviour's infant cries were heardPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(C)
Out of the depths I cry to You (Psalm 130) Liturgical PowerPoint
Passion Sunday (A)
Over all the earth
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
Ordinary 5(B)
Ordinary 5(C)
Over fields of green from north and south
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(C)
Over the mountains and the sea PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
Lent 1(C)
Ordinary 18(C)
Overwhelmed by love PowerPoint words
Sunday before Lent (C)
O what a wonderful world PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
O worship the King PowerPoint wods
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (C)
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
PowerPoint words
February 12th, 2012

Hymn or song
Pass it on
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Pentecost (C)
June 3 Tea Time
Peace like a river
PowerPoint words
Lent 3(A)
Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(B)
Easter 5(C)
Peter and James and John in a sailboat PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Ordinary 5(C)
Praise and thanksgiving PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(B)
Praise for the Spirit of God PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Pentecost (C)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Clifton and Piercy)
Video with words and music
Praise Him on the trumpet
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 2(C)
Praise Him, praise Him PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Ordinary 11(B)
Praise Him, praise Him (Twila Parish)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(C)
Praise is due to you, O God, in Zion (Psalm 65) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 15(A)
Ordinary 14(C)
Praise is rising
PowerPoint Words
Full video with words and music
Palm Sunday (A)
Palm Sunday (B)
Easter 7(C)
Praise, my soul the King of heaven
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(C)
Ordinary 23(C)
Praise our God who,  full of love PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (C)
Praise the Lord, glorify His name PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Praise the Lord. His glories show
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 10(B)
Easter 2(C)
Praise the Lord of heaven PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(C)
Praise the Lord (Psalm 113) Liturgical PowerPoint
Advent 4(A)
Advent 4(B)
Easter 4(C)
Ordinary 25(C)
Praise the Lord (Psalm 146) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 23(B)
Ordinary 32(B)
Ordinary 10(C)
Ordinary 26(C)
Praise the Lord (Psalm 148) Liturgical PowerPoint
Christmas 1(B)
Christmas 1(C)
Easter 5(C)
Praise the Lord, who reigns above
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(C)
Praise the restless, roving Spirit PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (B)
Praise to the God who clears the way PowerPoint Words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(B)
Ordinary 31(B)
Advent 2 (C)
Praise to the Holiest in the height
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 7(A)
Ordinary 24(A)
Ordinary 25(B)
Praise to the Lord, the almighty PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 7(C)
Prayer can make a difference
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
Prayer is like a telephone
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Ordinary 16(A)
Ordinary 16(B)
Ordinary 16(C)
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 7(C)
Ordinary 17(C)
Pray for the church, afflicted and oppressed PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(C)
Pray that Jerusalem may have PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(C)
Pray, without ceasing pray PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
Prepare the way of the Lord PowerPoint Words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(B)
Preserve me, O God, for in you have I taken refuge (Psalm 16) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 2(A)
Ordinary 33(B)
Easter 2(C)
Promise of the father
PowerPoint words
Purify my heart PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2 (C)
Put peace into each other’s handsPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(B)

Hymn or song
Reign in me (Pickford)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(A)
Ordinary 15(B)
Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous (Psalm 33.1-22) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 3(A)
Ordinary 3(B)
Ordinary 3(C)
Rejoice, rejoice, Christ is in you
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2 (A)
Rejoice, the Lord is King
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (A)
Sunday before Advent (C)
Remember your word to your servant (Psalm 119.49-56, (57-72)) PowerPoint words
Ordinary 21(C)
Restore, O Lord, the honour of Your name PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
February TT(Year 2)
All Saints (B)
Mothering (C)
Ordinary 31(C)
Ride on, ride on in majesty
Video with words and music
PowerPoint words
Palm Sunday (A)
Palm Sunday (B)
Palm Sunday (C)
Riding out across the deset
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
December 2 Tea-Time
Righteous are You, O Lord (Psalm 119.137-152)Liturgical PowerPointOrdinary 25(B)
Rock of ages, cleft for me
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(C)
Round orange, round orange, you serve as a sign
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
December 3 Tea Time
Advent 3(C)
Advent 4(C)

Hymn or song
Said Judas to Mary
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Safe in the shadow of the Lord
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
Ordinary 28(A)
Ordinary 28(B)
Save me, O God (Psalm 69.1-18) Liturgical PowerPoint Palm Sunday (B)
Palm Sunday (C)
Save me, O God, by Your name (Psalm 54) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 25(B)
Saviour, and can it be PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(C)
Says Jesus, "Come and gather round"
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(B)
Say the word, I will be healed PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(B)
See amid the winter's snow
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (A)
Christmas 1(C)
See Him come, the king upon a donkey PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (B)
See Him lying on a bed of straw
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(A)
Christmas (B)
Advent 4(C)
Christmas All Age
Christmas 2(C)
See how great a flame aspires PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(A)
Ordinary 20(B)
See, Jesus, Thy disciples see
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
March 1 Tea Time
Lent 1(A)
Ordinary 17(A)
Ordinary 16(B)
September 3 Tea Time
Ordinary 24(B)
Lent 1(C)
See the Lamb of God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (B)
See the stricken boat PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 10(B)
See what a morning
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
Send down the fire of Your justice PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
Ordinary 11(A)
Ordinary 29(B)
Send forth your light and your truth
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 31(A)
Send me out from here Lord
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 33(A)
Send me out from here Lord PowertPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(B)
Ordinary 27(B)
Sent by the Lord am I PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(B)
She felt just like a ragged dog
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 19(C)
She sits like a bird, brooding on the waters
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Shout for joy and sing
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(C)
Show me how to stand for justice PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(B)
Show me the way of the cross once again PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(B)
Show respect for the Son
Full video with words and music
January TT (Year 1)
Sunday before Lent (A)
April TT (Year 2)
December 3 Tea Time
Ordinary 5(C)
Silent night, holy night PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(A)
Christmas 2(C)
Sing, all creation, sing to God in gladness PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(A)
Sing aloud to God our strength (Psalm 81) PowerPoint words
Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 16(C)
Sing and celebrate
PowerPoint words
Christmas (B)
Christmas 2(B)
Sing a new song, sing a new song, and wait PowerPoint words
Christmas 2(B)
Sing a new song to the Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(B)
Sing a new song to the Lord, all around the world
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 9(C)
Sing a song of celebration
PowerPoint Words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Sing, Daughter Zion (Zephaniah 3.14-20) Liturgical PowerPoint
Advent 3(C)
Easter 6(C)
Sing hosanna, shout hurray
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Palm Sunday (A)
Easter 4(A)
March 2 Tea-Time
Palm Sunday (C)
Sing it - shout it
PowerPoint Words
Animated video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (B)
Sunday before advent (C)
Sing my tongue, the Saviour’s glory PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sing of the Lord’s goodness PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Easter 3(A)
Sing praise to God who reigns above
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (A)
Ordinary 3(B)
Sing to God new songs of worship
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sing to Him in whom creation
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(C)
Sing to the king who is coming to reign
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent (B)
Sing to the Lord a joyful song PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sing to the Lord, be joyful in praise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(B)
Sing we of the blessed mother PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sing we the King who is coming to reignPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(C)
Sing we the praises of the great forerunnerPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(C)
Sliced Bread
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 18(B)
So fearfully and wonderfully made PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(B)
So freely, flows the endless love
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 5(B)
Ordinary 10(C)
So glad the joy of the Lord PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Christmas 1(B)
So great
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(B)
So He commanded the clouds above (Psalm 78.23-29) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 18(B)
Soldiers of Christ, arise PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)
Some people, who in darkness walked
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 4(C)
Some things made you angry
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Sunday before Advent (A)
Ordinary 19(B)
Ordinary 7(C)
Sometimes a light surprises
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(C)
Sometimes problems can be big
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Lent 1(C)
So much love, so much light
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(C)
Songs of praise the angels sang PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(B)
Songs of thankfulness and praise PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent (B)
Son of man and Man of heaven PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
Son of God, this is our praise song
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 10(C)
Son of the Lord most high PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(B)
Sorry, Lord, for all the things PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(B)
Ordinary 24(B)
So teach us to number our days (Psalm 90.12-17) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 28(B)
Speak in the stillness, God we pray PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(B)
Speak Lord

PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(C)
Speak, O Lord, as we come to You PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(B)
Speak to us, Lord
Full video with words and music
Lent 3 (B)
Special agents, we're special agents
PowerPoint words
Video with words  and music
Easter 3(C)
August 3 Tea Time
Spirit break out PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
Spirit, move on this land
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
Spirit of faith, come down
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(B)
Spirit of God, descend upon my heart PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(A)
Ordinary 30(C)
Spirit of God, unseen as the wind PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Ordinary 1(B)
Trinity (B)
Ordinary 1(C)
Spirit of God within me
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 4(C)
Spirit of heaven, flood over me
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(C)
Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(C)
Spirit of the living God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(A)
Ordinary 32(B)
Pentecost (C)
Spirit of the Lord, come down among us now
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 4(C)
Spirit of truth, essential God PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Trinity (C)
Spirit of wisdom, turn our eyes PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(C)
Spirit who broods, Spirit who sings
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Standing on the promises of Christ my King PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(C)
Stand up and bless the Lord, you people Powerpoint words
Easter Sunday (B)
Stand up, stand up for Jesus PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(C)
Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(B)
Stay, master, stay upon this heavenly hill PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
Sunday before Lent (B)
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord (Everlasting God) PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Advent 3(B)
Ordinary 5(B)
Ordinary 22(C)
Stupendous height of heavenly love PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Trinity (B)
Lent 2(C)
Such love, pure as the whitest snow
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Ordinary 11(B)
Ordinary 11(C)
Summer suns are glowing PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(B)
Sunlight glinting on the water PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(C)
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 22(B)
Ordinary 25(B)
Surrounded by His love
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 4(A)
Ordinary 28(A)
Easter 4(C)
Swiftly pass the clouds of glory PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (B)

Hymn or song
Take my life and let it be
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
Ordinary 30(A)
Ordinary 19(B)
Ordinary 31(C)
Take my life and let it be (adp Paul Oakley)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(C)
Take this moment, sign and space PowerPoint words
Ordinary 33(A)
Take up thy cross, the Saviour said PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
Ordinary 22(A)
Ordinary 24(B)
Take us to the river
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Ordinary 1(B)
Ordinary 25(B)
Talk with us, Lord, Thyself reveal
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
Taste and see that the Lord is good
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
May 2 Tea Time
Ordinary 18(B)
Ordinary 28(C)
Teach me, my God and King PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(B)
Ordinary 27(C)
Teach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes (Psalm 119:33-40) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 7(A)
Ordinary 23(A)
Teach me to dance to the beat of your heart
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
Ordinary 7(A)
Ordinary 27(C)
Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth (Psalm 86.11-17) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 16(A)
Tell me the stories of Jesus PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(A)
Tell me who made all of creation
PowerPoint words
Sunday before Lent (A)
Tell out my soul
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
Easter 3(B)
Advent 4(B)
Advent 4(C)
Ordinary 22(C)
Tell them
Animated video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
March 3 Tea Time
Easter Sunday(C)
Easter 4(C)
Thanks be to God, whose church on earth PowerPoint words
Ordinary 1(C)
Thanks to God, whose Word was spoken PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(A)
Thank you God for how You love us
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 30 (A)
Ordinary 31(B)
Thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus, thank you Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(B)
Thank you, thank you for the blood You shed
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(A)
Thank you, thank you, Jesus
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(C)
That mighty resurrected Word
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(A)
The Angel Gabriel from heaven came
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(A)
Advent 4(B)
Christmas All Age (C)
The angels knew from long ago
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
The answer doesn't always happen in a minute PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(A)
Advent 2(B)
The backwash of rumour unsettles the faithful PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(C)
The church is like a table
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 28(A)
The Church of Christ, in every age PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(C)
The church of God a kingdom is PowerPoint words
Ordinary 19(C)
The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
All Saints (B)
The Church's one foundation (Bilbrough)
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 7(A)
The custard cream song
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 25(A)
November TT (Year 2)
May 2 Tea Time
Ordinary 22(C)
The day of resurrection
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
The day of resurrection PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday (B)
The day of the Lord shall come PowerPoint words
Advent Sunday (A)
The desolate Messiah dies PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (B)
The earth is the Lord's
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(B)
The earth is the Lord's (Kendrick) PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it  (Psalm 24) Liturgical PowerPoint
All Saints (B)
The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous (Psalm 34.15-22) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 21(B)
The first day of the week PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 9(B)
Ordinary 21(B)
The first Nowell the angel did say
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.' (Psalm 14)

Liturgical PowerPoint Mothering(B)
The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ (Psalm 53) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 13(B)
The glory of our King was seen
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (B)
The God of Abraham praise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
The God who sings PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(A)
Ordinary 15(A)
Ordinary 20(B)
Advent 3(C)
The greatest day in history
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)
The greatest present
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Animated video with words and music
Advent 4(C)
The great love of God PowerPoint words
Video with wordsaa and music
Ordinary 12(C)
The head that once was crowned with thorns PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(C)
The heavens are telling the glory of God (Psalm 19) Liturgical PowerPoint
Lent 3 (B)
Ordinary 3(C)
The heavens declare the glory of God
PowerPoint words
Christmas 2(A)
Christmas 2(C)
Ordinary 29(C)
The heavens declare Thy glory, Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3 (B)
The heavens they preach, they preach PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 15(A)
The holly and the ivy PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(C)
The Kingdom of God is justice and joy PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
Ordinary 16(A)
Advent 2(B)
Ordinary 31(B)
Ordinary 5(C)
Ordinary 17(C)
Ordinary 23(C)
The King is among usPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (C)
The King of glory, King of light PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 4(B)
Sunday before Lent (C)
The king of love, my shepherd is PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
Ordinary 16(B)
The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul (Psalm 19.7-14) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 26(B)
The light of the world
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(A)
Lent 2(A)
Ordinary 12(A)
Christmas 2(C)
The light green alien song
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Animated video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
Trinity (B)
The Lord is Gracious
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
Ordinary 25(A)
Ordinary 31(B)
Ordinary 32(C)
The Lord is gracious and merciful (Psalm 145:8-14) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 14(A)
The Lord is king and has put on glorious apparel (Psalm 93) Liturgical PowerPoint
Sunday before Advent (A)
Sunday before Advent (B)
The Lord is king: let the earth rejoice (Psalm 97) Liturgical PowerPoint
Christmas (A)
Easter 7(C)
Ordinary 33(C)
The Lord is king  (Psalm 99) Liturgical PowerPoint
Sunday before Lent (C)
The Lord is my light and my salvation (Psalm 27) Liturgical PowerPoint
Lent 2(C)
The Lord is my light and my salvation (Psalm 27.1,4-9) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 3(A)
The Lord is my shepherd, He'll watch over me PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
Easter 4(B)
Ordinary 16(B)
The Lord is my shepherd, I'll trust him always
PowerPoint words
Easter 4(A)
The Lord is my shepherd (Psalm 23)
Liturgical PowerPoint Lent 4(A)
Easter 4(A)
Ordinary 28(A)
Easter 4(B)
Ordinary 16(B)
The Lord our God is searching PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (B)
The Lord's my shepherd (Townend)
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Easter 4(A)
August 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 28(A)
Easter 4(B)
Ordinary 16(B)
Easter 4(C)
Ordinary 24(C)
The Lord, the most mighty God, has spoken (Psalm 50:1-6) Liturgucal PowerPoint
Sunday before Lent (B)
Advent 3(C)
The Lord, the most mighty God, has spoken (Psalm 50.1-15) Liturgical PowerPoint
Lent 1(A)
The Lord, the most mighty God, has spoken (Psalm 50.1-15 (16-23)) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 13(A)
The Lord will come and not be slow PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(B)
The love of Christ, who died for me PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(C)
The love of God comes close PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (A)
Ordinary 14(B)
Ordinary 26(B)
Then I saw a new heaven and earth PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(C)
The peace of the earth be with you
PowerPoint words
Advent 3(C)
The price is paidPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(B)
Advent Sunday(C)
The prophets spoke in days of old PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(A)
There are hundreds of sparrows
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
Ordinary 19(C)
There is a day
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(C)
There is a deeper love to know
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 20(A)
Ordinary 30(C)
There is a green hill far away PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (B)
There is a higher throne
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(B)
There is a home that wanderers seek
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 33(A)
There is a king, a risen king
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Easter Sunday(C)
There is a land of pure delight PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(C)
There is a name I love to hear
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(B)
There is an everlasting kindness PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
Ordinary 16(A)
There is a promise across this field
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 13(C)
There is a time to live PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
There is a Redeemer
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
Ordinary 2(C)
Ordinary 24(C)
Ordinary 32(C)
There is a voice that must be heard
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 17(A)
There is none like you PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
There is no one else like you (Special) PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (A)
There is no one like our God in all the earth
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 2(B)
Easter 6(C)
There is only one God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(B)
There is power in the name of Jesus
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Ordinary 3(C)
There must be more than this
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Pentecost (C)
There's a blessed time that's coming
PowerPoint  words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
There's a dance (Dance of our God)
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
There's a light upon the mountain
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
Ordinary 32(A)
There's a place waiting for me
PowerPoint words
Advent 2 (A)
Ordinary 28(A)
There's a place where the streets shine
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(B)
There’s a place where the streets shine PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Advent 3(C)
There’s a quiet understanding PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(B)
Ordinary 12(C)
There's a star that shines so bright
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
There's a time to laugh
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Ordinary 32(A)
There's a wideness in God's mercy
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(A)
Ordinary 26(A)
Ordinary 31(A)
Ordinary 19(C)
There's no lack in all You've given PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(B)
There's no one like the Lord
Bible-bop video with words and music
February TT(Year 1)
February TT(Year 2)
Ordinary 9(B)
February TT(Year 3)
Ordinary 25(C)
The right hand of God is writing in our land
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(B)
Ordinary 25(C)
The rising sun that fills the sky PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 17(B)
The rising sun that fills the sky PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Trinity (C)
The Saviour, when to heaven He rose PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(B)
The scarecrow and the king PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(B)
These are the days of Elijah
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Advent Sunday(A)
Advent 2(A)
Sunday before Lent (A)
Advent 2(B)
Sunday before Lent (B)
Ordinary 14(B)
Advent 2 (C)
These things are written that you might believe
Video with words and music
Easter 2(C)
The skies proclaim God’s glory PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(B)
The sky is filled with the glory of God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas Day (C)
The Son of God His glory hides PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(B)
The Son of God proclaim PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
The Son of Man has come Full video with words and music
Ordinary 31(C)
The spacious firmament on high PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(B)
The Spirit lives to set us free
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(A)
All Saints (B)
Ordinary 13(C)
Ordinary 31(C)
The Spirit of the Lord revealed PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(B)
The splendour of the King
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Ordinary 1(B)
Sunday before Advent (B)
Sunday before advent (C)
The stars in their courses above
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 26(A)
Ordinary 26(B)
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(B)
The strife is o'er, the battle done
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(C)
The trumpets sound, the angels sing
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
Ordinary 30 (A)
May 2 Tea Time
Ordinary 2(C)
Ordinary 22(C)
The voice of God goes out to all the world PowerPoint words
Ordinary 33(B)
The women went to Jesus' tomb (Roll the stone away)
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
Easter Sunday (B)
March 3 Tea Time
Easter 5(C)
The wonder of Your cross shall be our meditation
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 2(B)
Good Friday(C)
Easter Sunday(C)
The Word of God is not confined PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
The Word of the Lord
Bible-Bop video with words and music
October  1Tea Time
Advent 2(A)
June 1 Tea-time
May 2 Tea Time
Ordinary 28(B)
The Word of the Lord is planted in my heartPowerPoint wordsOrdinary 33(B)
The Word of the Lord lasts for ever PowerPoint words
Easter 6(B)
The Word of the Lord lasts for ever PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(C)
The words we sing are wrung from broken hearts PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 7(C)
The world is looking for a hero
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Remembrance (B)
Remembrance (C)
The year is new, do not resist PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
They were waiting (No more waiting) PowerPoint words
Animated video wih words and music
Pentecost (C)
June 3 Tea Time
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(A)
December 2 Tea-Time
Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Ordinary 16(B)
Easter 3(C)
Ordinary 28(C)
Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Easter 2(B)
Think of a world without any flowers PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
This child from God above PowerPoint word
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(B)
This child, secretly comes in the night
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Christmas 2(A)
Christmas 2(C)
This is God's world
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(A)
This is my desire
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
Ordinary 6(A)
Ordinary 29(C)
This is my, my response
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(B)
This is the air I breathe
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(B)
This is the Baptist unkempt and yet ready PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(B)
This is the day, this is the day PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 9(B)
This joyful Eastertide away with sin PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
Easter 2(B)
This joyful Eastertide, what need is there
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Easter 2(B)
Easter 6(C)
This little light of mine
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
November TT (Year 3)
This means I love You
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 2(A)
Ordinary 13(C)
This rock raised above all others PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(A)
This, this is the God we adore PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Maundy Thursday
This, this (How good) is the God we adore PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
All Saints (B)
Thorns in the straw
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Christmas Day (C)
Those who put their hope in the Lord
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Advent (B)
Ordinary 26(C)
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion (Psalm 125)Liturgical PowerPointOrdinary 27(B)
Ordinary 24(C)
Thou art the Christ, O Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(B)
Thou art the everlasting word PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(B)
Thou art the Way; to Thee alone PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
All Saints (B)
Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (C)
Thou hidden source of calm repose PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(B)
Easter 4(B)
Though I feel afraid
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Though I may speak with the language is angels
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 4(C)
Thou judge of quick and dead
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent (B)
Thou shepherd of Israel, and mine PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(A)
Easter 4(B)
Thou, (God) whose almighty word
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Ordinary 5(C)
Easter 6(C)
Three disciples saw God’s glory PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (C)
Through all the changing scenes of life PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(C)
Through days of rage and wonder
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Ordinary 25(C)
Through the love of God our Saviour PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(B)
Ordinary 23(B)
Through the night of doubt and sorrow PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(C)
Thuma mina
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(A)
Thy faithfulness, Lord, each moment we find
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(C)
Thy (Your) hand, O God, has guided
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Ordinary 19(B)
Thy kingdom come! On bended knee PowerPoint words
Ordinary 19(C)
To Abraham and Sarah PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(B)
To be a soldier PowerPoint words
Ordinary 7(A)
To be in Your presence
PowePoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Ordinary 16(C)
Today I choose to follow You PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)
To God be the glory, great things He hath done
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Ordinary 12(B)
Ordinary 15(B)
Ordinary 12(C)
Ordinary 22(C)
To Him we come, Jesus Christ, our Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(B)
To Jesus, wet with Jordan’s waves PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Ordinary 1(C)
To mock Your reign, O dearest Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday(C)
Tonight while all the world was sleeping
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas Day (C)
To see the King of heaven fall PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(A)
To the name of our salvation PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(B)
To the river I am going PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(B)
Touch the earth lightly PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(A)
Ordinary 26(B)
Easter Sunday(C)
To You I lift up my eyes (Psalm 123) Liturgical PowerPoint 
Ordinary 14(B)
Advent 4(C)
To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul (Psalm 25) Liturgical PowerPoint
Advent (B)
Lent 1(B)
To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul (Psalm  25:1-9) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 26(A)
To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul (Psalm 25:1-10) Liturgical PowerPoint
Advent Sunday(C)
Ordinary 15(C)
To You we bring our hymns of praise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(C)
Trampled road grit has no savour
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(A)
Transfigured Christ, none comprehends PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (B)
Trotting, trotting, through Jerusalem
PowerPoint words
Video woth words and music
Palm Sunday (B)
Truly, God is loving to Israel (Psalm 73.(1-20), 21-28) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 16(B)
Truly, God is loving to Israel (Psalm 73.1-3, 16-28) Liturgical PowerPoint
Trinity (C)
Trust in God with all your heart
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
October TT (Year 1)
Ordinary 29(B)
Trust in the Lord Full video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)

Hymn or song
Unless the Lord builds the house (Psalm 127:1-4) Liturgical PowerPoint
Mothering (A)
Unless the Lord builds the house (Psalm 127)Liturgical PowerPointOrdinary 28(B)
Easter 6(C)
Unto us a boy is bornPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(C)
Upon the day of Pentecost PowerPoint words

Hymn or song
Victim divine, Thy grace we claim PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(C)
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 26(B)

Hymn or song
Wake, O wake, with tidings thrilling PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Walking down Emmaus road
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
Walking in a garden at the close of day PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
Ordinary 10(B)
We are a new generation
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(B)
Ordinary 18(B)
We are being built into a temple
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 7(A)
We are called to be prophets to this nation
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 5(A)
Ordinary 5(C)
We are here to praise You
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(B)
Ordinary 10(C)
We are joined by angels
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
Ordinary 3(C)
Easter 5(C)
We are kingdom kids
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
Ordinary 29(A)
Ordinary 14(B)
We are often troubled (God has won) PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
Good Friday (B)
January 3 Tea Time
February TT(Year 3)
April TT (Year 3)
Easter 2(C)
We are one, we are family together
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(C)
We are salt, and we are light
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 5(A)
Ordinary 5(C)
We are the hands of God
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 3(C)
We believe in God the Father (Dudley-Smith)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(B)
We believe in Hebrews thirteen, eight
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 22(C)
We bow before the Holy One
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 9(C)
We bring our children, Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(B)
We cannot measure how You heal PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 9(B)
Ordinary 9(C)
We come as guests invited PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(A)
Ordinary 20(A)
Ordinary 28(A)
Ordinary 18(B)
We come in Your name
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(B)
We come to be with You today
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(B)
We could watch You from afar
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (A)
We cry ‘Hosanna Lord’ PowerPoint words
Palm Sunday (B)
We declare Your majesty
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(C)
We do not look for angel choirs PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas Day (C)
We do not presume to come to this table PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(C)
We fall down, we lay our crowns
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (C)
We give immortal praise PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)
Ordinary 25(C)
We give you thanks, O God, we give you thanks (Psalm 75) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 17(A)
Advent 2 (C)
We gladly celebrate and praise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
We have a gospel to proclaim PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
Ordinary 20(A)
Sunday before Advent (A)
Easter Sunday (B)
Easter 5(B)
Sunday before Advent (C)
We have a king who rides a donkey
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Palm Sunday (A)
March 2 Tea-Time
Palm Sunday (B)
Palm Sunday (C)
We have heard a joyful sound Powerpoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 7(A)
We have nothing to give-----
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(B)
We lay our broken world PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday(C)
Welcome, King of kings
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Palm Sunday (A)
Sunday before Advent (A)
Palm Sunday (C)
Welcome to the family PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 10(B)
We lift up our heads
PowerPoint words
Sunday before Advent (B)
Well, I call upon my Father
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(B)
Well, I hear they're singing in the streets
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(C)
Well, the joy of the Lord, it is my strength
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(C)
We'll walk the land
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
April TT (Year 3)
Ordinary 14(C)
We look to You, Almighty God
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 10(B)
We love the place, O God PowerPoiny words
Video with words and music
Lent 3 (B)
We need to grow, grow, grow, grow Animated PowerPoint words Ordinary 17(A)
We plough the field and scatter
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(A)
Ordinary 33(C)
We praise God in the morning
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Easter 5(B)
Ordinary 13(B)
Ordinary 25(C)
We pray for peace PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(C)
We're a bright light together
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(B)
We're going deep, deep, deep, under the ocean PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
January 2 Tea-Time
Ordinary 4(B)
We're going to move that mountain PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (A)
Ordinary 19(A)
We're going to praise the Lord PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 16(B)
We rejoice in the goodness of our God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(C)
We're longing for Your presence
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 33(B)
We rest on Thee, our shield and our Defender PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(C)
Were you there when they crucified my Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (A)
We see the eyes of Mary shine PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(C)
We shall stand with our feet on the rock PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(C)
We sing the glorious conquest
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(C)
We sing the praise of Him who died
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(C)
We sing the praise of Jesus PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(B)
We stand for brave and selfless friends PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Ordinary 33(A)
Remembrance (B)
Ordinary 32(B)
We stand, the servants of one God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (A)
We three kings of Orient are
PowePoint words
Animated video with words and music
December 2 Tea-Time
Christmas All Age (C)
We took the Word eternal
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Good Friday (A)
We turn to You, O God of every nation PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Pentecost (C)
We've come to sing our songs of worship PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 30(C)
We've had a light shine in our midst
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
We want to see Jesus lifted high Powerpoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 4(A)
Ordinary 22(A)
Sunday before Lent (C)
We worship You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(B)
Ordinary 4(C)
What a friend we have in Jesus
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
Easter 6(B)
What child is this, who, laid to rest
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(A)
Christmas 2(A)
Christmas 2(C)
What does the Lord require PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(C)
What good is it to gain the whole world
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(B)
What is on your heart?
Bible-bop video
July 1 Tea Time
August 2 Tea Time
What is your God like
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 25(A)
November TT (Year 2)
Ordinary 10(C)
What kind of greatness can this be PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
What kind of love is this
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
What kind of man is this
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
February TT(Year 2)
Ordinary 30(B)
All Saints (B)
Ordinary 13(C)
Ordinary 22(C)
Ordinary 25(C)
What shall I do my God to love, my loving God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Ordinary 29(B)
What shall our greeting be PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Advent 4(C)
Ordinary 6(C)
Ordinary 30(C)
What shall we offer our good Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(C)
What shall we pray for those who died PowerPoint words
Ordinary 20(A)
What's that whisper, just the wind blow?
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent Sunday (A)
What waste of Godly grace and love PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
What wisdom once devised the plan PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 33(B)
When all Thy (Your) mercies, O my God PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
Ordinary 17(C)
When a knight won his spurs
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 21(B)
When a young unmarried couple PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas (B)
When circumstances make my life PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(B)
When Easter to the dark world came PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
Easter Sunday (B)
Easter 2(B)
Easter Sunday(C)
When everything is uphill (Victory in defeat)
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
Easter Sunday (B)
Easter 2(C)
When I feel the touch
Video with words and music
PowePoint words
Ordinary 5(A)
Ordinary 31(C)
When I gaze upon the wonders
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(B)
When I look into your holiness
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Ordinary 1(C)
When I needed a neighbour were you there
PowerPoint words
Video words and music
Sunday before Advent (A)
Easter 3(B)
Ordinary 15(B)
Ordinary 15(C)
When, in our music, God is glorified PowerPoint words
Viideo with words and music
Ordinary 20(B)
When Israel came out of Egypt (Psalm 114) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter Sunday(A)
Easter Sunday(C)
Easter 4(C)
When Israel was in Egypt's Land
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
September TT (Year 1)
When I survey the wondrous cross PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Good Friday (A)
Ordinary 17(A)
Good Friday (B)
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday(C)
When I survey the wondrous cross (Tomlin & Watts)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(C)
When I travel up to Scotland (One way)
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
When I was in trouble I called to the Lord (Psalm 120)Liturgical PowerPointOrdinary 26(B)
When Jesus came to Jordan PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 1(A)
Ordinary 1(B)
Ordinary 1(C)
When Jesus took the fish and bread
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
When Jesus the healer passed through Galilee
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 4(B)
When memory fades PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(B)
When morning gilds the skies PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(B)
When my heart is faint within me
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 2(A)
When my love for Christ grows weak PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
When, O God, our faith is tested PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(B)
When our confidence is shaken PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(B)
When Peter preached
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
When roots grow deep and branches rise, PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(B)
When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion (Psalm 126) Liturgical PowerPoint
Advent 3(B)
Ordinary 27(B)
Ordinary 30(B)
Easter 6(C)
When the music fades
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 31(A)
Trinity (B)
Ordinary 22(B)
Ordinary 21(C)
When the way ahead is not clear PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(C)
When to our world the Saviour came PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(B)
Ordinary 3(C)
When upon life's billow you are tempest tossed (Count your blesssings)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(C)
When we are living, we are in the LordPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 31(B)
When we are tested and wrestle alone PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 2(B)
When we turn our hearts to heaven
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Pentecost (C)
When we're in trouble
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
October 2 Tea Time
When we walk with the Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(A)
Ordinary 16(B)
Ordinary 7(C)
Ordinary 14(C)
When we were in the darkest night
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Lent 1(B)
Ordinary 12(B)
When words are not enough
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 15(B)
When You prayed beneath the trees PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday(C)
When you're feeling down PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Where cross the crowded ways of life PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
Sunday before Lent (C)
Where is this stupendous stranger
PowerPoint words
Christmas 1(A)
Where shall my wondering soul begin PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(C)
While shepherds watched their flocks by night PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(B)
Christmas Day (C)
Christmas 1(C)
Who can compare with You, my Father
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 3(B)
Who can know the mind of our Creator PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(B)
Who could offer us abundant life PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(B)
Ordinary 33(B)
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High  (Psalm 91:1-2,9-16) Liturgical PowerPoint
Lent 1(C)
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High  (Psalm 91:1-12 (13-16) Liturgical; PowerPoint Ordinary 19(B)
Who is on the Lord’s side? PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(B)
Ordinary 9(C)
Who made the rolling sea PowerPoint words
Animated video with word and music
Easter 5(A)
Ordinary 5(B)
Who made the twinkling stars
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words
Trinity (C)
Who paints the skies into glorious day? PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(C)
Who put the colours in the rainbow? PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Whose is the voice which makes the winds to blow PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(B)
Whose mighty word the heavens made? PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(C)
Who's the king of the jungle
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 21(A)
Christmas 2(B)
Who, who, who do you put your trust in
John Hardwick Bible-bop
September TT (Year 1)
September TT (Year 2)
November TT (Year 3)
April TT (Year 3)
Who would ever have believed it, PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(B)
Who would true valour see PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(A)
Lent 2(B)
Ordinary 10(B)
Ordinary 20(C)
Why are the nations in tumult (Psalm 2) Liturgical PowerPoint
Sunday before Lent (A)
Ordinary 5(C)
Why do you glory in evil, you tyrant (Psalm 52)
Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 11(C)
Why look for the living among the dead (He has risen)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter Sunday(A)
March 3 Tea Time
Wide and long and high and deep
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
February TT (Year1)
Ordinary 13(A)
October 2 Tea Time
Easter 6(B)
Ordinary 17(B)
Ordinary 12(C)
July 3 Tea-Time
Ordinary 31(C)
Remembrance (C)
Wide, wide as the ocean
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
Wild and lone the prophet's voice
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 2(A)
Ordinary 2(C)
Will you come and follow me
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
Lent 4(A)
Ordinary 24(A)
Ordinary 2(B)
Ordinary 13(C)
Will you follow the shepherd
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 2(B)
Lent 3(C
Will your anchor hold
Powerpoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(A)
Palm Sunday (B)
Wind of God, dynamic Spirit PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Wise men seeking Jesus
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
With all my heart
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 15(C)
With all my heart I thank You, Lord
PowerPoint words
Good Friday(C)
With all my heart I thank You, LordPowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(B)
With a prayer you fed the hungry
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
Ordinary 13(B)
Ordinary 17(B)
Ordinary 23(B)
Ordinary 7(C)
Ordinary 13(C)
With glorious clouds encompassed round
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 24(B)
With God all things are possible
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(C)
With His hands He made mePowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(B)
Within the temple Simeon met PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 1(B)
With Jesus in the boat we can smile at the storm
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 19(A)
Ordinary 25(B)
Ordinary 18(C)
With joy we meditate the grace PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
Ordinary 29(B)
Wobble your knees, wiggle your nose PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Christmas 1(B)
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
Wonderful Redeemer
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 26(B)
Worship God with the morning sunrise
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Trinity (B)
Worship the Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(A)
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Good Friday (B)
Worthy, O worthy are You Lord PowerPoint words
Video wiyh words and music
Ordinary 18(A)
Worthy, the Lord is worthy
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 16(A)
Ordinary 24(B)
Worthy, You are worthy PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 23(B)
Would Jesus have the sinner die PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(C)
Would you walk by on the other side PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 15(B)
Ordinary 23(B)
Wrong way
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Animated video with words and music
Lent 1(A)
August 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 24(C)

Hymn or song
Ye holy angels bright
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Trinity (B)
Ordinary 20(C)
Ye servants of God, your master proclaim
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 29(C)
Ye servants of the Lord PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Ordinary 29(C)
Yes, You have Animated video with words and music
September TT (Year 2)
You are all I want
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 25(B)
You are all that matters, all that satisfies PowerPointwords
Ordinary 30(B)
You are beautiful beyond description
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 4(B)
Ordinary 28(C)
You are crowned with many crowns PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (C)
You are God in heaven
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 27(A)
Palm Sunday (B)
Palm Sunday (C)
You are known as the Rock of Ages
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 6(B)
Ordinary 11(B)
You are my anchor PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 15(B)
You are my refuge, You are my stength
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(A)
Ordinary 19(A)
You are mystical and deep
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Mothering (A)
You are my passion
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 3(C)
You are near, behind and before PowerPoint words
Ordinary 14(B)
You are the King of glory
Powerpoint words
Video with words and music
Passion Sunday (A)
Ordinary 21(A)
Advent (B)
You are the Lord
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Ordinary 11(A)
Lent 2(C)
You are the mighty king
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Christmas 2(B)
You are the peace that guards my heart PowerPoint words Advent 3(B)
You are the perfect and righteous God
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 2(A)
You are the shepherd
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 4(A)
You are the shout of the nations
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
Christmas 1(B)
You are the stone that the builders rejected
PowerPoint words
Palm Sunday (A)
Advent 2 (C)
You are the vine
Video with words and music
PowerPoint words
You call us first to love Your name
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 1(C)
You can shine light into the darkness (Nothing is impossible)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
You can't catch a plane (Only Jesus)
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
Ordinary 32(C)
You can't stop rain from falling down
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
May 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 11(A)
Ordinary 16(A)
January 3 Tea Time
Ordinary 7(C)
You chose the cross
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 22(A)
Ordinary 24(A)
Good Friday(C)
You confide in those who fear You
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 12(C)
You did not consider
PowerPoint words
Remembrance (C)
You give rest the weary
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Lent 3(C)
You have laid Your hand on me
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 3(B)
Ordinary 26(C)
You have made us the derision of our neighbours (Psalm 80.7-15) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 27(A)
You know me completely
PowerPoint words
Ordinary 2(B)
You laid aside Your majesty
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 4(A)
Ordinary 29(B)
Ordinary 21(C)
You led me to the cross PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 2(A)
Easter 2(B)
You left heaven's praise PowerPoint words
Video witgh words and music
Advent (B)
You made me to sing Your praises
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Animated video with words and music
Advent Sunday(C)
You make my heart feel glad
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(B)
You never let go
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and usic
March 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 17(A)
August 1 Tea Time
Lent 1(C)
You never put a light under a dirty old bucket PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 5(C)
You offer a way
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 11(C)
You pour out grace PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 23(B)
You’re calling us PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 28(A)
Ordinary 30(B)
You're the greatest
Full video with words and music
March 1 Tea Time
Ordinary 16(A)
Ordinary 19(A)
September 3 Tea Time
March 3 Tea Time
Easter 3(C)
Ordinary 21(C)
You're wonderful
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(B)
Ordinary 4(C)
Your hand, O God, has guided (altered)
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 3(A)
Ordinary 19(C)
Your hands have made me and fashioned me (Psalm 119.73-88) Liturgical PowerPoint Ordinary 24(B)
Lent 1(C)
You ride on the wings of the wind
PowerPoint words
Full video words and music
Christmas 1(B)
Christmas 1(C)
Ordinary 3(C)
Easter 5(C)
Your love is amazing PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 13(A)
Advent 4(B)
Your love is amazing (Ralph Ward)
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 30(A)
Ordinary 30(C)
Your love, O Lord
PowerPoint words
Sheet music
Video with words and music
Ordinary 20(A)
Ordinary 21(C)
Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens (Psalm 36:5-10) Liturgical PowerPoint
Easter 6(A)
Ordinary 2(C)
Your love, shining like the sun (Pour over me)
PowerPoint Words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(B)
Your name, stronger than I know
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Easter 6(A)
Yours is the Kingdom
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 32(A)
Your testimonies are wonderful (Psalm 119.129-136) Liturgical PowerPoint
Ordinary 17(A)
Your voice has stilled the raging storms
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Sunday before Lent (B)
Ordinary 12(B)
Your will for us and others, Lord
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 6(A)
Ordinary 5(B)
You sat down at the right hand  of the Father in majesty PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Ordinary 30 (A)
You saved me
PowerPoint words
Sheet Music
Video with words and music
You say, mountains can move by faith (Awesome is He)
PowerPoint words
Full video with words and music
Easter 5(A)
Ordinary 26(A)
You shall go out with joy
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Advent 3(A)
Ordinary 15(A)
Advent 3(C)
Lent 3(C)
Ordinary 33(C)
You shall love the stranger with you PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (A)
You take me by the hand
PowerPoint words
Video wth words and music
Easter 5(A)
You've placed a song within my heart
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Ordinary 25(C)
You've put a new song in my mouth
PowerPoint words
Video with words and music
Sunday before Advent (A)
Ordinary 7(C)
You won't get to heaven on the back of a camel
PowerPoint words
Animated video with words and music
Ordinary 7(A)
Ordinary 30(B)
Lent 1(C)

Hymn or song
Zacchaeus was a very little man
PowerPoint words
Amimated video with words and music
Ordinary 14(A)
Ordinary 31(C)


Current Resources

Year C (Quarter 2)

Tea Time Church - Widescreen
March (Year 3) - The Resurrection

Mothering Sunday - Widescreen
March 30th - The loving parent & Jesus' amazing response

Tea Time Church - Widescreen
April (Year 3) - The road to Emmaus

Passion Sunday - Widescreen
April 6th - Worship and Service & Preparing for Passover

Palm Sunday - Widescreen
April 13th - The battle commences & God the Gardener

Maundy Thursday - Widescreen
April 17th - What's on the table

Good Friday - Widescreen
April 18th - A Good Friday Labyrinth

Easter Sunday - Widescreen
April 20th - Things can only get better & The Mission of Jesus

  Contact us
 Copyright © 2025, IDEAS by Mike and Ann Bossingham

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