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Lectionary Index

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This is a index of the IDEAS material based on the Lectionary.

The resources are based on the Lectionary calendar. You can buy the resources either by the week, quarter or whole year.

Bible Readings - Hymns, Worship and Children's songs - Music videos for worship Lectionary Index

Year A
1st Quarter

Arrow Tea-time Church (December) - Widescreen
An instant nativity play
Arrow Advent Sunday - Widescreen
Only God knows
& Jesus is returning, are you ready?
Arrow Advent 2 - Widescreen
The promise for all in the scriptures
& You're playing with the big boys now
Arrow Advent 3 - Widescreen
Jesus is the one
Arrow Christmas All Age Service - Widescreen
A look at the Photo Album
Arrow Advent 4 - Widescreen
Mary and Joseph
& God's in it for the long haul
Arrow Christmas Carol Service - Widescreen
God's time, our time
Arrow Christmas Day - Widescreen
Christmas is like a box of chocolates
& Missing out on Immanuel
Arrow Christmas 1 - Widescreen
A human like us
& Preparing a Messiah
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
January - The Boy in the Temple
Arrow Christmas 2 - Widescreen
From Heaven You came
& What’s left after Christmas
Arrow Covenant - Widescreen
Making promises
& Covenants: Past and Present
Arrow Epiphany - Widescreen
Giving and receiving
& The best wine
Arrow Ordinary 1 - Widescreen
Baptism and the Holy Spirit
& Preparing the way
Arrow Ordinary 2 - Widescreen
The Lamb of God
& There are no Championship disciples
Arrow Ordinary 3 - Widescreen
The message of the Cross is for all
& Ecclesiastes, God and Time
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
February - The Baptism of Jesus
Arrow Ordinary 4 - Widescreen
A topsy-turvy world
& Warts and all
Arrow Ordinary 5 - Widescreen
Salt, light and righteousness
& The battery effect
Arrow Ordinary 6 - Widescreen
Make a good choice
& Accepting Outsiders
Arrow Ordinary 7 - Widescreen
God's ways are best
Actions speak louder than words

Year A
2nd Quarter

Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
March - The Temptations of Jesus
Arrow Sunday before Lent - Widescreen
Going up the mountain
& Coming down the  mountain
Arrow Lent 1 - Widescreen
Ever been tempted
& The lost sheep
Arrow Lent 2 - Widescreen
Called to love
& Counting the cost
Arrow Lent 3 - Widescreen
Living water
& Why does Jesus throw furniture around?
Arrow Lent 4 - Widescreen
God looks at the inside
& What is Salvation?
Arrow Mothering Sunday - Widescreen
God loves us like a parent
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
April - The two builders
Arrow Passion Sunday- Widescreen
God gives life
& A life of contrasts
Arrow Palm Sunday - Widescreen
Welcome, Jesus!
& The Vineyard and the Son
Arrow Maundy Thursday - Widescreen
What's on the table
Arrow Good Friday - Widescreen
Following the way
Arrow Easter Sunday - Widescreen
He's Alive
& Mary and the Gardener
Arrow Easter 2 - Widescreen
Touching Jesus
& Daniel in the lion's den
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
May - Who is accepted
Arrow Easter 3 - Widescreen
Walking with Jesus
& The Temple and the Tables
Arrow Easter 4 - Widescreen
Trusting Jesus
& Jesus' journey to the temple
Arrow  Easter 5 - Widescreen
Following Jesus
& Simeon and the Spirit
Arrow Easter 6 - Widescreen
Sharing Jesus
Breakfast and then what?
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
June - The Good Soil
Arrow Easter 7 - Widescreen
Waiting for Jesus
& Who finished Mark's Gospel
Arrow Pentecost- Widescreen
Come Holy Spirit
& Peter's sermon
Arrow Trinity - Widescreen
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
& Courtroom Drama

Year A
3rd Quarter

Arrow Ordinary 9
The Two Builders
Arrow Ordinary 10 - Widescreen
Jesus never turned anyone away
& The Attractive Jesus
Arrow Ordinary 11 - Widescreen
God's love
& Unity
Arrow Ordinary 12 - Widescreen
God knows and cares
& Guests for the Banquet
Arrow Ordinary 13 - Widescreen
Goodness has its own reward
& Worrying about the Future
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
July - Jesus forgives and heals a paralysed man
Arrow Ordinary 14 - Widescreen
Let God be in charge
& The 3 'c's of Jesus
Arrow Ordinary 15 - Widescreen
What kind of soil are you?
& The emotions of Jesus
Arrow Ordinary 16 - Widescreen
Growing together
& Jesus the teacher, shepherd and healer
Arrow Ordinary 17- Widescreen
Nothing but the best will do
& The Great Escape
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
August - The lost sheep
Arrow Ordinary 18 - Widescreen
Jesus makes the difference
& Jesus, the Bread of Life

Arrow Ordinary 19 - Widescreen
Have faith in Jesus
& Human fragility and God's constancy
Arrow Ordinary 20 - Widescreen
God’s love is for all
& Lydia is HOT
Arrow Ordinary 21 - Widescreen
Who do you say that I am?
& Jesus rejected
Arrow Ordinary 22 - Widescreen
Let God be in charge
& Actions speak louder than words

Year A
4th Quarter

Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
September (Year 2) - The unforgiving servant
Arrow Ordinary 23 - Widescreen
The strength of two and three
& No-one excluded
Arrow Ordinary 24 - Widescreen
Forgiveness is good for you
& Who do you say I am
Arrow Ordinary 25 - Widescreen
God's kindness
& Children welcome
Arrow Ordinary 26 - Widescreen
Try to be like Jesus
& Are you with me?
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
October (Year 2) - Raising of the girl & the persistant widow
Arrow Ordinary 27 & Harvest - Widescreen
Tending the vineyard
& Let the little children come to me
Arrow Ordinary 28 - Widescreen
God's invitation
& The four alls
Arrow Ordinary 29 - Widescreen
Whose world?
& James and John's request
Arrow Ordinary 30 - Widescreen
The first commandment
& Love the Lord your God
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
November (Year 2) -The workers in the vineyard
Arrow Ordinary 31- Widescreen
God exalts the humble
& Luke's Beatitudes
Arrow Ordinary 32 & Remembrance - Widescreen
Be ready
& Friends of God
Arrow Ordinary 33 & Remembrance - Widescreen
Use your gifts well
& Going out
Arrow Sunday before Advent & Christ the King - Widescreen
The Shepherd King
& Last words

Year B
1st Quarter

Arrow Advent Sunday - Widescreen
Only God knows
& Bias to the poor
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
December (Year 2) -The wise men & gifts
Arrow Advent 2 - Widescreen
Prepare the way
& John's Question
Arrow Advent 3 - Widescreen
Being a good witness
& Cleaning up the mess
Arrow Advent 4 - Widescreen
The  nativity story
& Mary's Song
Arrow Christmas Day - Widescreen
Pass the parcel
Arrow Christmas 1 - Widescreen
Waiting rewarded
& Preparing a Messiah
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
January (Year 2) - The Rich Farmer
Arrow Epiphany - Widescreen
Giving and receiving
& The best wine
Arrow Christmas 2 & Covenant - Widescreen
Signed with God's seal
& A human like us
Arrow Covenant - Widescreen
Making promises
& Covenants: Past and Present
Arrow Ordinary 1 - Widescreen
The voice of the Lord
& Moment of decision
Arrow Ordinary 2 - Widescreen
Who, me?
& Have confidence
Arrow Ordinary 3 - Widescreen
All are called
& Calling
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
February (Year 2) - Raising of Lazarus
Arrow Ordinary 4 - Widescreen
Doing what is good
& We need one another
ArrowOrdinary 5 - Widescreen
Supported by His strength
& Joining the Jesus Team

Year B
2nd Quarter

Arrow Sunday before Lent - Widescreen
Who is Jesus?
& Coming off the mountain
Arrow Lent 1 - Widescreen
The highs and the lows
& Living in the real world
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
March (Year 2) - Jesus enters Jerusalem
Arrow Lent 2 - Widescreen
Who do you put your faith in?
& The Journey of Faith
Arrow Lent 3 - Widescreen
Seeing the signs
& Setting Priorities
Arrow Mothering Sunday & Lent 4 - Widescreen
God comforts us
& Fragrance
Arrow Passion Sunday - Widescreen
The road ahead
The Power of One
Arrow Palm Sunday - Widescreen
The two crowds
& It's all about Jesus
Arrow Maundy Thursday - Widescreen
What's on the table
Arrow Good Friday - Widescreen
The Welle Stations
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
April (Year 2) - Jesus in the temple
Arrow Easter Sunday - Widescreen
Victory in Defeat
& A remarkable journey
Arrow Easter 2 - Widescreen
Rejoicing in Fellowship
& Looking back to Easter
Arrow Easter 3 - Widescreen
The resurrected Jesus
& Dives and Lazarus
Arrow Easter 4 - Widescreen
Jesus - the good shepherd
& Food that Endures
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
May (Year 2) - The great banquet
Arrow Easter 5 - Widescreen
Jesus - The Vine
& Resurrection in retrospect
Arrow Easter 6 - Widescreen
God cares for everyone
& Luke warm
Arrow Easter 7 - Widescreen
Praying with Jesus
& Jesus’ manifesto
Arrow Pentecost - Widescreen
The breath of God
& How on Earth do we do this?
ArrowTrinity - Widescreen
Three working together
& The Throne of God

Year B
3rd Quarter

ArrowTea-time Church - Widescreen
June (Year 2) - Be ready
Arrow Ordinary 9 - Widescreen
Keeping the Sabbath
& Love your enemies
Arrow Ordinary 10 - Widescreen
Jesus' Family
& Jesus is with us in the mess
Arrow Ordinary 11 - Widescreen
God's Kingdom is like a seed
& Forgiveness for all
Arrow Ordinary 12 - Widescreen
Who is this who ….?
& The Authority of Jesus
Arrow Ordinary 13 - Widescreen
The compassion of God
& Count the cost
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
July (Year 2) - The Parable of the Talents
Arrow Ordinary 14 - Widescreen
The compassion of God
& Jeremiah in the stocks
Arrow Ordinary 15 - Widescreen
Measuring up
& The Good Samaritan
Arrow Ordinary 16 - Widescreen
The Shepherd of Israel
& Mary and Martha
Arrow Ordinary 17 - Widescreen
God feeds us
& And when you pray
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
August (Year 2) - The Good Samaritan
Arrow Ordinary 18 - Widescreen
Food that lasts
& Wealth or faith
Arrow Ordinary 19 - Widescreen
Are you an angel?
& When it all goes wrong
Arrow Ordinary 20 - Widescreen
Three ways to Wisdom
& Called to serve
Arrow Ordinary 21 - Widescreen
Make your mind up
& Touched by the kingdom of God
Arrow Ordinary 22 - Widescreen
Walk the talk
& See, Hear, Do

Year B
4th Quarter
ArrowTea-time Church - Widescreen
September (Year 3) - The anointing of Jesus and the hidden pearl
Arrow Ordinary 23 - Widescreen
Everyone's Included
& Looking Back, Looking Forward
Arrow Ordinary 24 - Widescreen
The things we say
& Delegating and judging
Arrow Harvest- Widescreen
Do not worry, God will provide
Arrow Ordinary 25 - Widescreen
Who's the greatest?
& Jesus, the disciples and us
Arrow Ordinary 26 - Widescreen
For us or against us?
& Faith and power
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
October (Year 3) - The Last Supper
Arrow Ordinary 27 - Widescreen
A little lower than angels
& Travelling with Jesus
Arrow Ordinary 28 - Widescreen
Beware of wealth
& Jesus says ‘Come to me.’
Arrow Ordinary 29 - Widescreen
The real X Factor
& The Secret Lord of the Sabbath
Arrow Ordinary 30 - Widescreen
Jesus bothers about people
& Approaching God
Arrow Tea-time Church - Widescreen
November (Year 3) - The Garden of Gethsemane
Arrow All Saints - Widescreen
All of us are saints
Arrow Ordinary 31 - Widescreen
Just do it
Upside down
Arrow Remembrance Sunday - Widescreen
The war diary of Private John Smith
Arrow Ordinary 32 - Widescreen
Everyone is known and loved by God
& Put yourself in the picture
Arrow Ordinary 33 - Widescreen
Jesus: The Real Thing
& God’s judgement
Arrow Sunday before Advent
God: the greatest king
& Feeding 5000

Year C
1st Quarter
ArrowAdvent Sunday
Past, Present and Future
& The Saviour Jesus
Arrow Tea-time Church
December (Year 3) - Christingles
Arrow Advent 2
The message of the Prophets
& Prepare the way of the Lord
Arrow Advent 3 - Widescreen
Expectancy, joy and hope
& The development of John
Arrow Advent 4
Round orange, round orange
& Who was Joseph
Arrow Christmas All Age Service - Widescreen
A look at the Photo Album
Arrow Christmas Day
Christmas in a Candy Stick
Arrow Christmas 1
& Shepherds!
Arrow Tea-time Church
January (Year 3) - Betrayal and Trials
Arrow Christmas 2
From Heaven You came
Jesus the Refugee
Arrow Covenant
Making promises
& Covenants: Past and Present
Arrow Epiphany
Giving and receiving
Arrow Ordinary 1
Baptism and promise
& John’s Message and Baptism
Arrow Ordinary 2
Trouble in the vineyard
& Jesus the Lamb of God
Arrow Ordinary 3
Welcome Home
& Jesus starts his ministry
Arrow Ordinary 4
Welcome Home: not
& At the Well
Arrow Ordinary 5
Called by God
& FIsh or fish
Arrow Ordinary 6
The two ways
& Hard words
Arrow Ordinary 7
Paul and resurrection
& 1, 10, 100, 1,000
Arrow Tea-time Church
February (Year 3) - The Crucifixion
Arrow Sunday before Lent
On the mountain top, back to earth
& Glory

Year C
2nd Quarter
ArrowLent 1
The inner battle
& Repentance
Arrow Lent 2
God's Promises
& Jeremiah’s challenge to the king
Arrow Lent 3
The patient gardener
& Jesus the Lamb of God
Arrow Tea-time Church
 March (Year 3) - The Resurrection
Arrow Mothering Sunday
The loving parent
& Jesus' amazing response
Arrow Passion Sunday
Worship and Service
& Preparing for Passover
Arrow Palm Sunday
The battle commences
& God the Gardener
Arrow Maundy Thursday - Widescreen
What's on the table
Arrow Good Friday
A Good Friday Labyrinth
Arrow Easter Sunday
Things can only get better
& The Mission of Jesus
Arrow Tea-time Church
 April (Year 3) - The road to Emmaus
Arrow Easter 2
Evidence that demands a verdict
& All Change
Arrow Easter 3
Putting things right
Hope in death
Arrow Easter 4
Being a disciple
The form of resurrection stories
Arrow Easter 5
Love one another
To tell or not to tell
Arrow Tea-time Church
 May (Year 3) - The Ascension
Arrow Easter 6
Good news for all
& Resurrection and ascension
Arrow Easter 7
Loving one another in Christ
& End of Act 1
Arrow Pentecost
Babel and Tongues
& The Work of the Spirit
Arrow Trinity
The Dance of God
& What kind of God...

Year C

3rd Quarter
ArrowOrdinary 9
The centurion's humility and faith
Arrow Tea-time Church
 June (Year 3) - Pentecost
Arrow Ordinary 10
A great prophet
Arrow Ordinary 11
Sinners forgiven not rejected
& Light, seeds and storm
Arrow Ordinary 12
Jesus in a foreign land
& Ordinary, like us
Arrow Ordinary 13
Sent by Jesus
& They knew it all
Arrow Tea-time Church
July (Year 3) - Cornelius
Arrow Ordinary 14
What do we need? God is all sufficient
& John loses his head
Arrow Ordinary 15
God loves you and I love you
& Actions speak louder than words
Arrow Ordinary 16
Be still and listen
& Fools for Christ
Arrow Ordinary 17
God gives good things
& The work of God
Arrow Ordinary 18
Rich in the things of God
& Fighting against the wind
Arrow Tea-time Church
August (Year 3) - Conversion of St Paul
Arrow Ordinary 19
God does the unexpected
& Jesus changes his mind
Arrow Ordinary 20
Hold fast to faith
& God’s generosity
Arrow Ordinary 21
People before rules
& Sons and generosity
Arrow Ordinary 22
Putting others first
& John’s opinion of Jesus

Year C
4th Quarter
ArrowTea-time Church
September (Year 1) - Moses in the bulrushes
Arrow  Ordinary 23
Onesimus’s story
& Look to the hills
Arrow Ordinary 24
All are welcome
& The Rejected Jesus
Arrow Harvest
Do not worry,  God will provide
Arrow Ordinary 25
God cares for the poor
& Conflict and Power
Arrow Ordinary 26
Love God first
& Nehemiah's Task
Arrow Tea-time Church
October (Year 1) - Moses and the burning bush
Arrow Ordinary 27
Remember what you have learnt
& Testimony
Arrow Ordinary 28
God uses the unexpected
& Love one another
Arrow Ordinary 29
Don't give up
& Living by the Law
Arrow Ordinary 30
All need to be saved
& The first commandment
Arrow Tea-time Church
November (Year 1) - Moses crosses the Red Sea
Arrow Ordinary 31
From Zero to Hero
& The raising of Lazarus
Arrow Ordinary 32
Confidence in God
& Render to Caesar
Arrow Remembrance - Widescreen
Jesus the greatest hero
Arrow Ordinary 33
God's in control
& The parable of the sower
Arrow Sunday before Advent
Christ holds it all together
Jesus as a King

Current Resources

Year B (Quarter 4)

Tea Time Church - Widescreen

Ordinary 30 - Widescreen
October 27th - Jesus bothers about people & Approaching God

Tea Time Church - Widescreen
November (Year 3) - The Garden of Gethsemane

All Saints - Widescreen
November 1st - All of us are saints

Ordinary 31 - Widescreen
November 3rd - Just do it & Upside down

Remembrance Sunday - Widescreen
November 10th - The war diary of Private John Smith

Ordinary 32 - Widescreen
November 10th - Everyone is known and loved by God & Put yourself in the picture

Ordinary 33 - Widescreen
November 17th - Jesus: The Real Thing & God's judgement

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