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IDEAS for May 5th, 2013

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Hymns and songs

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Downloadable Products

There are over 2,000 songs in
The Digital Hymnbook

These are the resources on offer for May 5th (Easter 6)

The related readings for this Sunday are:

Acts 16:9-15
Psalm 67
Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5
John 5:1-9

(All links are to Bible Gateway)

The theme for this week: Good news for all

To access these materials you do need to subscribe to IDEAS
but you can view the samples without a password.

If you have problems downloading any of our material please read the IDEAS User Guide.
or use our Help, Issues and FAQs page. If you are still stuck then please Report an Issue on our form

Arrow Reflection

Rev’d Canon Dr Stephen Dawes, Canon Theologian of Truro Cathedral - Download

Arrow Worship


There is no one like our God in all the earth
As an opening video we are offering  “There is no one like our God in all the earth” by Noel and Tricia Richards, © 1996 Thankyou Music. There is also a version with words for use to lead singing  -  DownloadSample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.


A call to worship
A call to worship
A prayer of approach
A prayer of approach
The prayers in this section are also in a PDF file - Download
A prayer of praise
A prayer of praise

Songs: The following songs could be used in this part of the service

Whose mighty word the heavens made?
Whose mighty word the heavens made? Words

Available as a  video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. The words are copyright:  © Timothy Dudley Smith, Adm Oxford University Press and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
There is no one like our God in all the earth
There is no one like our God in all the earth,  SOF 1036

Available as a full video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. The words are copyright:  Noel and Tricia Richards, © 1996 Thankyou Music and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
God, our God, blesses us
God, our God, blesses us, SOF 735

The words are copyright:  Rosie Fellingham, © 1984 Thankyou Music and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
Arrow Material suitable for children


 A Talk
There is an all age talk that explores Jesus healing the man at the Pool of Bethseda and then Paul taking the Good News to Europe -  Download.

There are also PowerPoint slides to accompany the talk - Download


Is it spooky, is it weird
Is it spooky, is it weird,  KS 172

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. The words are copyright: Alan Price, © 1996 Song Solutions Daybreak and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
I’m taking on board what God is saying
I’m taking on board what God is saying, KS 163

Available as an animated video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. The words are copyright:  Ian Smale (Ishmael), © 1989 Glorie Music, Adm Kingswaysongs  and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.

Arrow Word


John 5:1-9
John 5:1-9 is covered by Lectionary Video C3 - Sample
John 5:1-9
John 5:1-9 is covered by The Visual Bible - John  - Sample
Psalm 67
Psalm 67 is covered by Lectionary Video A5  - Sample
Psalm 67
Psalm 67 is offered as a Sons of Korah video - - Download - Sample -

Version with words - Download - Sample
Acts 16:9-15
Acts 16:9-15 is covered by The Visual Bible - Acts - Sample
Acts 16:9-15
Acts 16:9-15
Psalm 67
Psalm 67
This week's readings are from the NIV

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.  
John 5:1-9
John 5:1-9


A Talk
There is an all age talk that explores Jesus healing the man at the Pool of Bethseda and then Paul taking the Good News to Europe -  Download.

There are also PowerPoint slides to accompany the talk - Download


City of God, how broad and far
City of God, how broad and far, HP 809, CP 400, MP 814

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. The words are by Samuel Johnson. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.
Sing to Him in whom creation
Sing to Him in whom creation, HP 324, STF 14

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. The words are copyright:  Michael Hewlett, © Oxford University Press and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.

Arrow Response


A prayer for others
A prayer for others

The prayers in this section are also in a PDF file -  Download
An offering prayer
An offering prayer
A blessing
A blessing

Other Resources:

The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer from All Included for May

All Included is a set of 16 all age communion liturgies. One for each month of the year and then Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and Covenant. There is also a Baptism/Dedication service. Each service is available as PowerPoint files and also PDF booklets for printing. Also includes a Baptism/Dedication service.

The following songs could be used in this part of the service:

Thou, whose almighty word
Thou, whose almighty word, HP 29, SOF 557, STF 106, RAS 38, CP 267, MP 699

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. The words are by John Marriott, Thomas Raffles. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.
Awake, awake to this new day
Awake, awake to this new day, TS 1137

The words are copyright: Godfrey Birtill, © 2003 Whitfield Music UK, Song Solutions Copycare and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
Arrow The IDEAS Collection

You can see more at IDEAS Collection.

Song Author Books and links
Light’s abode, celestial Salem
Thomas a Kempis, tr John M Neale
(Tunes: 8 7 8 7 8 7, Alleluia Dulce Carmen, Regent Square, Urbs Beata (Sarum), Urbs Beata Jerusalem, Westminster Abbey (Purcell))
CP 502
God of mercy, God of grace Henry Lyte
(Tunes: 7 7 7 7 7 7, Crescent Rd., Crowland, Dix, England’s Lane, God of mercy, Heathlands, Lucerna Laudoniae, Madrid (Spanish Melody), Ratisbon (Werner), Skies of glory)
RAS 575, CP 449
A  glorious company we sing Albert Bayly, © Oxford University Press (CCLI)
(Tunes: CMD, Hardy Norsemen, Ladywell, St Magnus)
HP 787, RAS 570
Your will for us and others, Lord © Freda Head (Permission applied for)
(Tunes, 8 7 8 7, Curbar Edge, Dominus Regit me)
HP 398
Lord Jesus, once a child  Fred Pratt Green, © 1971 Stainer & Bell Ltd. (CCLI)
(Tunes: SM, Corinne, Franconia, Granville)
HP 585, STF 537, RAS 417 (his) - (her) - (their)

Nominate hymns and songs for here
We want you to help us compile a great collection and so invite you to nominate hymns and songs. Each week we will (subject to getting copyright consent) publish the 5 most nominated hymns and songs.

Arrow From previous months Long term members may like to use appropriate material from previous months. The passwords for these will remain valid indefinitely. Newer members are able to purchase access to individual months for £5 and also blocks of 6 months resources for £15

Songs in red are principally for children

A city radiant as a bride, CP 364 is available in the material for April 28th, 2013

Behold the temple of the Lord, HP 808 is available in the material for June 10th,2012

Come, let us worship Jesus, SOF 692, MP 816, TS 73 is also available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample in the material for February 17th, 2013

Come, Lord, to our souls come down, HP 470, STF 493, RAS 361, CP 335 is available in the material for August 26th, 2012

O Christ, the healer, we have come,  HP 395, STF 653,CP 346 is available in the material for February 5th, 2012

O Thou, whom once they flocked to hear, Charles Wesley, HP 150 is available in the material for February 5th, 2012

Praise and thanksgiving, HP 350, STF 125, RAS 48, CP 272 is available in the material for September 9th, 2012

Then I saw a new heaven and earth, MP 669 is available in the material for April 28th, 2013

There is a deeper love to know, SOF 1540 is available in the material for August 12th, 2011

There is a land of pure delight, HP 822, RAS 668, CP 597 is available in the material for April 28th, 2013

Arrow Notes
To access these materials you do need to subscribe to IDEAS.
Hymnbooks covered:

SOF – Songs of Fellowship
MP – Mission Praise
TS -  The Source
HP - Hymns and Psalms
STF - Singing the Faith
RAS - Rejoice and Sing
CP- Common Praise
JP -Junior Praise
KS - Kids Source

Although we provide links to other web sites we do not condone the unauthorised use of Copyright material.


Current Resources

Year C (Quarter 2)
Tea Time Church - Widescreen
April (Year 3) - The road to Emmaus

Passion Sunday - Widescreen
April 6th - Worship and Service & Preparing for Passover

Palm Sunday - Widescreen
April 13th - The battle commences & God the Gardener

Maundy Thursday - Widescreen
April 17th - What's on the table

Good Friday - Widescreen
April 18th - A Good Friday Labyrinth

Easter Sunday - Widescreen
April 20th - Things can only get better & The Mission of Jesus

  Contact us
 Copyright © 2025, IDEAS by Mike and Ann Bossingham

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