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Tea-time Church for May, Year 1

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These are the resources for Tea-time Church for May, Year 1

The PowerPoint slides on this page are standard size - You can find the widescreen slides here
Arrow Tea-time Church

An introduction to Tea-time Church

Arrow Worship

The complete PowerPoint file for Tea-time church - Download

Remember to download all the videos you wish to use and always keep them in the same folder as the PowerPoint file. If you wish to use your own musicians it is a simple matter to delete our video slides and insert the words versions using "Insert Slides from file ..." or "Reuse Slides". You can also easily remove any part that you don't need or insert your own material.

There are also complete Notes - Download
Love Medley
Love Medley

Available as a full video with backing track - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170 . The words are copyright: © John Hardwick and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.

We find that a bible-bop is a great way of moving from the games into the worship. Children prefer this to singing and this will draw them to the worship area. We suggest using it again after tea to draw people back to the worship area.
Jesus is the King Jesus is the King

Available as an animated video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using  PRS Licence LE-0035170 . The words are copyright: Paul Sheely, © Emu Music Australia Inc (Permission applied for). Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.

Animations are by Malcolm Evans
A prayer
A prayer can be found in the main PowerPoint and Notes files. Our aim over the 3 years is to gradually move to more and more interactive prayers to encourage children to pray themselves - Download
Puppets 'n' Parables
We suggest using the call of the disciples from the Miraclemaker including the call of Matthew - Sample

If you are using the DVD at this point you could switch your projector or TV to DVD and show the film (already cued up).
Matthew 4:18-22 and 9:9-12
Alternatively we supply a PowerPoint file of Matthew 4:18-22 and 9:9-12 - Download

It is a good idea, if possible, to get a child to read it or ask for volunteers to read it a screen each.

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. 
A recap
There is a brief recap here to set the scene for later - Download
Fisherman Peter on the sea Fisherman Peter on the sea, KS 460

Available as an animated video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using  PRS Licence LE-0035170 . The words are Anonymous, © Copyright Control. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.

Arrow Craft

Each month we suggest a couple of crafts. One is a corporate activity to produce something to put up on the wall or in the church to show that children are present, active and part of the church. The other is individual for them to make something and take it home.

 Craft Template

For the corporate craft we suggest creating a large picture of Jesus and the disciples and then supplying everyone with piece of paper to draw themselves on and then stick on the larger picture. This is to give a reminder that we all can be disciples of Jesus - Download Template

Danielle's place offers a "Pig in a Basket" craft at: 

DLTK also offer a number of resources including a puppet and name tags at:

There are a number of suggestions on Pinterest:

Arrow Tea

We have found that sandwiches, crisps, sausage rolls, pizza, jelly and ice cream make a really good Sunday tea. The Notes suggest a number of "I wonder questions" to start conversations about the video and the story.

Arrow Response

Love Medley We suggest calling everyone back to the worship space by repeating the bible-bop - Download - Sample

God never gives up
God never gives up, KS 83

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170 . The words are copyright: Alan Price, © 1998 Song Solutions Daybreak, and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
Puppets 'n' Parables
The video we focus on today is taken from Puppets 'n' Parables and is the story of the prodigal son - Sample

There are 2 videos trimmed and ready to use from Puppets 'n' Parables Online. We suggest use the first here and the second as part of the talk (below).

We provide a slide that uses the video from Puppets 'n' Parables, providing you download both the slide and video and always keep them in the same folder - Download

If you are using the DVD at this point you could switch your projector or TV to DVD and show the film (already cued up).
Puppets 'n' Parables Luke 15:11-32 is also covered by The Parables DVD - Sample
The MiracleMaker
Alternatively we supply a PowerPoint file of Luke 15:11-32 - Download

It is a good idea, if possible, to get a child to read it or ask for volunteers to read it a screen each.

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. 
A talk
There is an all age talk in the Notes and also an accompanying PowerPoint slide - Download

This talk uses the 2nd of the Puppets 'n' Parables video and this is linked into the PowerPoint slide, providing you download both the slide and video and always keep them in the same folder.
A prayer for others
A prayer for others can be found in the main PowerPoint and Notes files - Download
You can’t stop rain from falling down You can’t stop rain from falling down, JP 297, KS 796

Available as an animated video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170 . The words are copyright:  John Gowans, John Larsson, © 1970 Salvationist Publishing  Song Solutions Copycare and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.

Arrow Notes

Pay as you go option

You can buy access to all the resources on this page by simply clicking on the PayPal symbol on the right. This costs just £3,  but you can view all the video samples without a password

On the final confirmation page from PayPal, make sure that you click on "Return to the Family Friendly Church web site" to get the Username and Password. We will also send them to you in a confirmation email.

Check out how you can save (it can cost as little as £10 a year) by using one of our Subscription Packages.

Quarterly option

You can buy access to all the resources in the second quarter of Year A of the lectionary (Sunday before Lent to Trinity Sunday) by clicking on the PayPal symbol on the right. This costs just £18.

On the final confirmation page from PayPal, make sure that you click on "Return to the IDEAS web site" to get the Username and Password for this week's material. We will send you the Username and Password for the whole quarter by email as soon as we can.

Annual option

You can buy access to all the resources for the whole of Year A of the lectionary by clicking on the PayPal symbol on the right. This costs just £60.

On the final confirmation page from PayPal, make sure that you click on "Return to the IDEAS web site" to get the Username and Password for this week's material. We will send you the Username and Password for the whole year by email as soon as we can.

If you have problems downloading any of our material please read the IDEAS User Guide.
or use our Help, Issues and FAQs page. If you are still stuck then please Report an Issue on our form

SOF – Songs of Fellowship
MP – Mission Praise
TS -  The Source
HP - Hymns and Psalms
STF - Singing the Faith
RAS - Rejoice and Sing
CP- Common Praise
JP -Junior Praise
KS - Kids Source

Although we provide links to other web sites we do not condone the unauthorised use of Copyright material.


Current Resources

Year C (Quarter 1)
Tea Time Church - Widescreen
February (Year 3) - The Crucifixion

Ordinary 7 - Widescreen
February 23rd - Paul and resurrection & 1, 10, 100, 1,000

Tea Time Church - Widescreen
March (Year 3) - The Resurrection

Sunday before Lent - Widescreen
March 2nd - On the mountain top, back to earth & Glory

Year C (Quarter 2)

Lent 1 - Widescreen
March 9th - The inner battle & Repentance

Lent 2 - Widescreen
March 16th - God's Promises & Jeremiah’s challenge to the king

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 Copyright © 2025, IDEAS by Mike and Ann Bossingham

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