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Current Resources
Hymns and songs
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Downloadable Products
There are over 2,000 songs in
The Digital Hymnbook
These are the resources on offer for April
22nd (Good Friday)
the way
an opening video we are offering an instrumental version of "When I
survey the wondrous cross" with images that follow the Via
Dolorosa in Jerusalem - Download - Sample
The backing track is copyright and
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. Please do not pass it on
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
The resources for Good Friday take a different form.
They take the form of a Stations of Cross
along the Via
Dolorosa. There are 14 readings. The video of each reading were filmed
at the various points along the Via Dolorosa and even in the Holy
Sepulchre. They were read by members of a Pilgrimage Ann and I led to
the Holy Land earlier this year. Anyone who has walked the Via Dolorosa
knows that it winds it way through bustling Jerusalem streets and life
goes on as usual around you - just as it did as Jesus carried his cross
through the city. This means that there is quite a bit of background
noise to the videos, but we think this adds to the atmosphere. The
videos are subtitled in case someone does have trouble picking up the
We also provide the readings as PowerPoint presentations. If using the
videos it would be easy to substitute the video for the text. There are
also prayers, reflections and song suggestions for each station - Download
The Stations
1: Jesus is condemned to death
Luke 23:13-23
Monastery of
the Flagellation
My song is love unknown, TDH1, TDH 3, SOF 400, MP 478, HAP 173, STF,
RAS 207, HAM 63, CP 112 is available as a video with backing
track in the material for April 17th, 2011
2: Jesus is given his cross
Mark 15:16-20
Chapel of the
3: Jesus falls for the first time
John 19:16-17
Corner of Shaar Ha Arayot and El-Wad
4: Jesus meets his mother
Luke 2:27-35
5: Simon of Cyrene carries the cross
Mark 15:21
Corner of El-Wad and El-Kanqa
6: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
Matthew 25:31-40
7: Jesus falls for the second time
Matthew 26:36-39
Corner of El-Khanqa and Souk Khan El-Zeit
8: Jesus meets the daughters of Jerusalem
Luke 23:27-31
9: Jesus falls for the third time
Luke 5:17-25
Entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
10: Jesus is stripped of His garments
John 19:23-25
Courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
A new hymn: We took the Word eternal by
David R. Keeston - Download
Music by Simon Tatnall is available - Download - and can be sung to
The words are copyright: © 1994
David R. Keeston and used with permission.
Please do not pass it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
11: Jesus is nailed to the cross
Mark 15:22-32
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
12: Jesus dies on the cross
Luke 23:44-47
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Video - Sample
When I survey the wondrous cross, TDH 1, TDH 3, SOF 596, MP 755, TS 572,
HP 180, RAS 217, HAM 67, CP 127 is available as a video with a backing
track in the material for September 26th, 2011
13: Jesus' body is removed from the cross
John 19:38
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
14: Jesus is laid in the tomb
John 19:39-42
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Were you there, TDH 3, SOF 1589, MP 745, TS
1592, HP 181, RAS 227, HAM 523, CP 126, JP 269, AYOC 94
Hymnbooks covered:
SOF – Songs of Fellowship
MP – Mission Praise
TS, The Source
HP, Hymns and Psalms
STF, Singing the Faith - yet to be published by the Methodist Church
HAM, Hymns Ancient and Modern
RAS, Rejoice and Sing
CP, Common Praise
JP, Junior Praise
CHSA, Complete Hymns and Songs for Assembly
BECD, Bible Explosion CD
KS – Kids Source
PIO, Pass it on
Although we provide links to other web sites we do not condone the
unauthorised use of Copyright material.

Current Resources
Year C (Quarter 1)
Tea Time Church -
January (Year 3) - Betrayal and Trials
Covenant -
Making promises & Covenants: Past and Present
Ordinary 3 -
January 26th - Welcome Home & Jesus starts his ministry
Tea Time Church -
February (Year 3) - The Crucifixion
Ordinary 4 -
February 2nd - Welcome Home: not & At the Well
Ordinary 5 -
February 9th - Called by God & Fish or fish
Ordinary 6 -
February 16th - The two ways & Hard words