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IDEAS for July 22nd, 2012

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See our Current Resources

Hymns and songs

We have a range of
Downloadable Products

There are over 2,000 songs in
The Digital Hymnbook

These are the resources on offer for July 22nd (Olympic Special)

The related readings for this Sunday are:

Isaiah 40:28-31
Psalm 144:1-4
Luke 6:46-49
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
The theme for this week: Keep yourself in training

To access these materials you do need to subscribe to IDEAS,
but you can view the samples without a password.

If you have problems downloading any of our material please read the IDEAS User Guide.
or use our Help, Issues and FAQs page. If you are still stuck then please Report an Issue on our form

Arrow Reflection

Written by Rev'd Paul Weary MA BSc - Download

Arrow Worship


Wake up, my soul, worship the Lord
As an opening video we are offering "Wake up, my soul, worship the Lord" by Matt Redman -  Download Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence OLE-004221. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.

There is also a version with words for congregational singing


A call to worship
A call to worship
A prayer of approach
A prayer of approach

The prayers in this section are also in a PDF file - Download

A prayer of praise
A prayer of praise

Songs: The following songs could be used in this part of the service:

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord (Everlasting God), STF 89, SOF 2034, TS 2054

Available as a full video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. The words are copyright: Ken Riley & Brenton Brown, © 2005 Thankyou Music and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
Wake up, my soul, worship the Lord
Wake up, my soul, worship the Lord,  SOF 1072, TS 534

Available as a full video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. The words are copyright: Matt Redman, © 1994  Thankyou Music and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
 They that wait on the Lord
They that wait on the Lord, SOF 1053, TS 509

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. The words are copyright: Kevin Prosch, © 1995 Liber Media & Publishing, Adm and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.

Arrow Material suitable for children


 All age talk
There is an all age talk that starts with training for life, looks at the two builders and then the life of Eric Liddell -  Download.

There are also PowerPoint slides to accompany the talk - Download


Keep yourself in training
Keep yourself in training.

Available as a full video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865.   The words are copyright: © John Hardwick and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
I’m gonna run, run, run
I’m gonna run, run, run

Available as an animated video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865.  The words are copyright: Nigel Hemming, ©2001 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire) and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
The wise man built his house upon the rock
The wise man built his house upon the rock, JP 252, KS 336

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865.  The words are Anonymous. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.
The wise man built his house upon the rock
The wise man built his house upon the rock, JP 252, KS 336

Alternative version as an alternative video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865.  The words are Anonymous. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.

Animations by Malcom Evans.

Arrow Word

Luke 6:46-49
Luke 6:46-49 is on The Parables - Sample

The Parables, The Parables 2 and Henry Hand Puppet (a new DVD for preschool children from Taylormation) are on offer during June, 2012
Luke 6:46-49
Luke 6:46-49 is on Puppets and Parables - Sample
Luke 6:46-49
Luke 6:46-49 is on The Miraclemaker  - Sample

Isaiah 40:28-31
Isaiah 40:28-31
Psalm 144:1-4
Psalm 144:1-4
This week's readings are from the NIV.

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.                       
Luke 6:46-49
Luke 6:46-49


all age talk There is an all age talk that starts with training for life, looks at the two builders and then the life of Eric Liddell -  Download.

There are also PowerPoint slides to accompany the talk - Download

Songs: The following hymns could be used in this part of the service

Give me the wings of faith to rise
Give me the wings of faith to rise, HP 815, STF 747, RAS 665CP 216

The words are by Isaac Watts. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.
This is the man who runs with God
This is the man who runs with God, Words

The words are copyright: © Christopher Idle, adm Jubilate Hymns and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.

This song draws from the life and faith of Eric Liddell who refused to compete on a Sunday and is featured in the film "Chariots of Fire"

Arrow Response


A prayer for others
A prayer for others

The prayers in this section are also in a PDF file -  Download
A blessing
A blessing

Other Resources:

The Nicene Creed
The Nicene Creed  from At the Breaking of the bread for Ordinary 1

At the Breaking of the Bread is a set of PowerPoint communion liturgies to match the Methodist Worship Book created for Methodist Publishing by the Family Friendly Churches Trust

The following songs could be used in this part of the service:

Lift high the banner of these games
Lift high the banner of these games, Words

The words are copyright: Andrew Pratt, © 2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd. and used with permission. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
With your help, Lord, I am ready
With Your help, Lord, I am ready, Words

The words are copyright: © 1970 Alan D Ogle. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
With thousands arriving
With thousands arriving (to the tune "Chariots' of fire")

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

Also an alternative baptismal version - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865.   The words are copyright: © 2012 Rob Weir. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.
Eternal Creator
Eternal Creator (to the tune "Chariots' of fire")

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865.   The words are copyright: © 2012 David R Keeston. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme

Arrow The IDEAS Collection

You can see more at IDEAS Collection.

Books and links
You have lifted up the humble
Alun Leppitt, © 1994 Thankyou Music (CCLI) SOF 1137
Can we walk upon the water
Matt Redman, © 1996 Thankyou Music (CCLI) TS 64
Who is on the Lord’s side?
Frances Havergal HP 722, SOF 607, TS 1066, MP 769
March on, my soul, with strength William Wright HP 716, RAS 546
Come to a wedding, come to a blessing
Shirley Erena Murray, © 1992 Hope Publishing Company (CCLI) STF 603

Nominate hymns and songs for here

We want you to help us compile a great collection and so invite you to nominate hymns and songs. Each week we will (subject to getting copyright consent) publish the 5 most nominated hymns and songs.

Arrow From previous months

Long term members may like to use appropriate material from previous months. The passwords for these will remain valid indefinitely. Newer members are able to purchase access to individual months for £5 and also blocks of 6 months resources for £15

Songs in red are principally for children.

"Strength will rise" by Brenton Brown and Ken Riley is available as a video - Download - Sample
 in the material for August 29th, 2010 and also February 5th, 2012

Jesus is greater than the greatest heroes, TS 282, CHSA 242 is also available and as a sing along video - Download - Sample in the material for October 31st, 2010

Come, let us join our friends above, HP 812, STF 744, RAS 472 is available in the material for September 4th, 2011

Fight the good fight with all your might, SOF 107, MP 143, HP 710, STF 634, RAS 496, CP 423 is available in the material for August 28th, 2011

May the mind of Christ my Saviour, SOF 1448, MP 463,  HP 739, STF 739, CP 521, TS 887, JP 165 and also available as a video with backing track - Download - Sample in the material for February 20th, 2011

Arrow Notes
To access these materials you do need to subscribe to IDEAS.

Hymnbooks covered:

SOF – Songs of Fellowship
MP – Mission Praise
TS, The Source
HP, Hymns and Psalms
STF, Singing the Faith
RAS, Rejoice and Sing
CP, Common Praise
JP, Junior Praise
KS – Kids Source

Although we provide links to other web sites we do not condone the unauthorised use of Copyright material.


Current Resources

Year C (Quarter 1)

Tea Time Church - Widescreen
December (Year 3) - Christingles

Advent 4 - Widescreen
December 22nd - Round orange, round orange & Who was Joseph

Christmas All Age - Widescreen
A look at the Photo Album

Christmas Day - Widescreen
December 25th - Christmas in a Candy Stick

Christmas 1 - Widescreen
December 29th - Teenagers! & Shepherds!

Tea Time Church - Widescreen
January (Year 3) - Betrayal and Trials

Christmas 2 - Widescreen
January 5th - From Heaven You came & Jesus the Refugee

Covenant - Widescreen
Making promises & Covenants: Past and Present

Epiphany - Widescreen
January 6th - Giving and receiving

Ordinary 1 - Widescreen
January 13th - Baptism and promise & John’s Message and Baptism

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 Copyright © 2024, IDEAS by Mike and Ann Bossingham

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