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IDEAS Video Songs

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There are over 2,000 songs in
The Digital Hymnbook

Over the years we have produced nearly 200  "full videos" to worship songs. In these times where we can attend church, but not sing, we have discovered that these videos make a good alternative. These are the versions without words so that congregations are not so tempted to sing along with them. We have now gathered all of these into one place. Nearly all the photos and videos have been taken by Mike.

 If you already subscribe to IDEAS already then you already have access to some or all of these videos, but it might
still be convenient to have them all in one place.

You will need a Username and Password to download the video files, but the cost is very reasonable at £30 for the whole collection and will give you access for the foreseeable future. However you are free to scan the list to see what songs we have and check out the samples.

These songs are covered by PRS Licence LE-0035170 which means you can download them and keep them. You do not need a PRS licence or copyright consent to show these in an "act of divine worship" (but other uses are not covered). However if you choose to stream them (ie through Zoom) or upload them (ie through YouTube) then you will need the appropriate PRS Licence.

You can buy access to all the videos on this page by simply clicking on the PayPal symbol on the right. This costs just £30,  but you can view all the video samples without a password

On the final confirmation page from PayPal, make sure that you click on "Return to the Vendor" to get the Username and Password. We will also send them to you in a confirmation email.

All creation cries to you Marty Sampson DownloadSample
All I once held dear
Graham Kendrick
All I want is you
Noel and Tricia Richards. Sang by Noel Richards
Download - Sample.
Alpha and Omega
Adrian Snell
Amazing Grace
John Newton. Played by the King's Chamber Orchestra
Ancient Words
Lynn DeShazo. Sung by Robin Mark
Arise and sing
Brenton Brown, Jason Ingramand Mary Sampson
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As high as the heavens are above the earth Lara Martin Download  - Sample
As water to the thirsty
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Awake, my soul, rise up from your sleeping
Owen Hunter
Be still and know that I am God
Paul Field
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Be still for the presence of the Lord
David Evans
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Be Thou my vision

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Bigger than the air I breathe Tim Hughes, Rob Hill & John Mann-Smith DownloadSample
Blessed are the poor
Paul Field
Blessed be Your name Matt and Beth Redman Download  - Sample
Bless the Lord, O my soul (10,000 reasons) Jonas Myrin & Matt Redman DownloadSample
Paul Lucas
Can I ascend the hill of the Lord
Matt Redman
Can you hear the rain falling
Paul Field
Mike Rayson
Circle spin round
Mike Rayson
Come let us worship
Download - Sample
Come people of the risen King
Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend Download - Sample
Creation sings the Father's song
Kristyn and Keith Getty and Stuart Townend
Darkness like a shroud
Graham Kendrick
Day of favour, day of grace David Fellingham Download Sample
Down the mountain the river flows
Andy Park
Earth lies spellbound Graham Kendrick Download - Sample
Everlasting God
Brenton Brown and Ken Riley. Sung by Yfriday
I'm falling at Your feet
Mike Rayson
Far and near, hear the call
Graham Kendrick
Father of heavenly lights Aaron Keyes, Pat Barrett & Matt McMichael
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Father, we love you
Donna Adkins
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From a distance
By Julie Gold, sung by Bette Midler
From Heaven you came
Graham Kendrick
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From the breaking of the dawn Keith Getty & Stuart Townend DownloadSample
From the rising of the sun Paul Deming DownloadSample
From the sunrise to the sunset Paul Field DownloadSample
Give thanks to the Lord
Chris Tomlin
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God is great, amazing
Graham Kendrick & Steve Thompson
God is our strength and refuge
Richard Bewes
God of grace, amazing wonder
Keith Getty & Jonathan Rea
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God of the moon and stars Paul Field DownloadSample
He is exalted
Twila Paris
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He never said Martyn Joseph Download - Sample
He picked me up
David Bilbrough
Here I am once again
Craig Musseau
Here I am, standing amazed
Andy Bromley, Gary Sadler & John Hartley
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Here is love
William Rees
Hey Joe
Mike Rayson
Holy Child, who chose the hearts of men
Keith & Christine Getty
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty
Nathan Fellingham
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Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down
Russell Fragar
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Holy, uncreated one Chris Tomlin & J.D. Walt DownloadSample
How deep the father's love
Stuart Townend. Played by the Kings Chamber Orchestra
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How easy we forget the cross of shame
Noel and Tricia Richards
How lovely on the mountains Leonard W. Smith DownloadSample
I know that You know all about me (Wonderful) Paul Field
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I'm learning to love you
Paul Oakley
In the bleak mid-winter
Sung by Annie Lennox
In the shadow of the cross
Paul Oakley
I stand amazed when I realise Paul Oakley Download - Sample
Is this the world we created?
Freddie Mercury
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I thank You for the cross Ken Riley Download Sample
I want to serve the purpose of God
Mark Altrogge
I want to sing a song
Andrew Mitchell
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I will hide Your Word inside my heart
Paul Field
I will praise You
Bryn Haworth
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Jesus, all for Jesus
Jennifer Atkinson & Robin Mark
Jesus, be the centre
Michael Frye
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Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice
Matt Redman, played by the King's Chamber Orchestra
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Jesus, I could sing
Matt Redman
Jesus is Lord! Creation's voice proclaims it
David J. Mansell
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Jesus is the Name we honour
Philip Lawson Johnston
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Jesus, Jesus, holy and anointed one John Barnett, played by the King's Chamber Orchestra Download Sample
Jesus, restore to us again
Graham Kendrick Download Sample
Jesus, you are changing me Marilyn Baker Download  - Sample
Journey to the Cross

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Just Grace
Mike Rayson
Led like a lamb
Graham Kendrick
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Let Your living water flow over my soul
John Watson
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Life so full I give to you
Just Worship 3 - Celtic Prayers
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Light of the world
Tim Hughes
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Looking for your presence
Godfrey Birtill & Martin Scott
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Look to the skies
Graham Kendrick
Lord, for the years Your love has kept and guided Timothy Dudley Smith Download - Sample
Lord, I come before Your throne of grace Robert & Dawn Critchley Download Sample
Lord, I lift your name on high
Rick Foulds
Download - Sample.
Love one another
Ralph Ward
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Making Memories
Peter Shurley. Sang by Mike Rayson
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Meekness and Majesty
Graham Kendrick
Men of faith rise up and sing
Martin Smith
My heart is restless Nikki Fletcher Download - Sample
My Jesus, my Saviour
Darlene Zschech
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Now and for evermore
Paul Field
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O breath of God, come fill this place
Keith Getty & Phil Madeira
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O God of burning, cleansing flame William Booth, Apt Lex Loizides Download - Sample
O Hear the Word
Mike Rayson
Oh, the mercy of God
Geoff Bullock
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O let the Son of God enfold you
John Wimber. Sang by Mike Rayson
O lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name
Hilary Davies
O little town of Bethlehem
Annie Lennox
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O my soul, arise and bless Your Maker Stuart Townend Download - Sample
One there is above all others
John Newton
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One thing I seek from the Lord
Just Worship 3 - Celtic Prayers
Open our eyes, Lord
Bob Cull
O sacred King, O holy King
Matt Redman
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Our hearts are waiting for You (Heal our land)
Brian Pridham
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Over all the earth
Brenton Brown
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Over the mountains and the sea
Martin Smith
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Praise Him on the trumpet
John Kennett
Praise is rising
Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown
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Praise the Lord, glorify His name Paul Field Download - Sample
Prelude from Even So 1
Mike Rayson
Prepare the way of the Lord
Dave Bilbrough
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Prepare ye the way of the Lord
Psalm 1
Sons of Korah
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Psalm 17:1-9
Sons of Korah
Download - Sample
Psalm 23
Just Worship - Lee Abbey Reflections
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Psalm 30
Sons of Korah
Download Sample
Psalm 32
Sons of Korah
Download - Sample
Psalm 40 Sons of Korahj Download  - Sample
Psalm 42
Sons of Korah
Psalm 51:1-12 Sons of Korah Download  - Sample
Psalm 65:1-8
Sons of Korah
Download - Sample
Psalm 67
Sons of Korah
Psalm 80
Sons of Korah
Psalm 84
Sons of Korah
Download - Sample
Psalm 91:9-16 Sons of Korah Download - Sample
Psalm 95
Sons of Korah
Download Sample
Psalm 99
Sons of Korah
Psalm 103:1-5
Sons of Korah
Download - Sample
Psalm 116
Sons of Korah
Psalm 117
Sons of Korah
Download  - Sample
Psalm 121
Sons of Korah
Download - Sample
Psalm 123
Sons of Korah
Download Sample
Psalm 126
Sons of Korah
Download Sample
Psalm 127
Sons of Korah
Download Sample
Psalm 130
Sons of Korah
Psalm 147:12-18
Sons of Korah
Download Sample
Psalm 148
Sons of Korah
Ralph Ward
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Safe in the shadow of the Lord
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Save me
Mike Rayson
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Seekers and Dreamers
Graham Kendrick
Silent Night Sung by Annie Lennox DownloadSample
So fearfully and wonderfully made Matt & Beth Redman
So freely, flows the endless love
Dave Bilbrough
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Softly and Tenderly
Mike Rayson
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Speak to us Lord
Paul Field
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Spirit break out
Luke Hellebronth, Myles Dhillon, Tim Hughes & Ben Bryant
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Surrounded by His love
Paul Field
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Take us to the river
Robin Mark
Tell out my soul
Timothy Dudley Smith
Thank you for saving me
Martin Smith
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The Cloud
Mike Rayson
The heavens they preach, they preach Lex Loizides DownloadSample
The King of glory, King of light
Al Gordon
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The Joinery Shop
Mike Rayson
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The Lord's my shepherd
Stuart Townend
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The Lord's Prayer

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The Pastoral Symphony Beethoven Download - Sample
The price is paid Graham Kendrick Download Sample
There is no one like our God
Noel and Tricia Richards
There’s a dance (Dance of our God) Geraldine Latty & Mike Busby
There’s a place where the streets shine Paul Oakley Download Sample
There's hope
Mike Rayson
These are the days of Elijah
Robin Mark
The Splendour of the King
Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves & Ed Cash DownloadSample
The stars in their courses above
Simon Brading
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The trumpet sounds, the angels sing
Graham Kendrick
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The wonder of Your cross shall be our meditation
Robin Mark
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The world is looking for a hero
Noel and Tricia Richards
This means I love You
Matt Redman
Thorns in the Straw
Graham Kendrick
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Through days of rage and wonder
Graham Kendrick
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Walk into the light
Ralph Ward
Download Sample
We are called to be prophets to this nation
Brian Houston
We are joined by angels
Lara Martin
Welcome, King of kings Noel Richards Download Sample
What child is this?
William Dix
When everything is uphill (Victory in defeat)
Sammy Horner & Stuart Trotter
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When I survey the wondrous cross
Isaac Watts
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When the music fades
Matt Redman
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When we were in the darkest night
Matt Redman
Download Sample
Mike Rayson
With a prayer You fed the hungry Stuart Townend Download - Sample
Paul Field
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Worthy, You are worthy
Matt Redman
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You are known as the Rock of Ages
Robin Mark
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You are my anchor
Stuart Townend
You are my refuge, You are my strength
Cathy Burton
You are the Lord
Paul Field
You are the perfect and righeous God
Steve and Vikki Cook
You carry us
Mike Rayson
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You have laid your hand on me
Noel Richards
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You ride on the wings of the wind
Paul Field
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You say; mountains can move by faith (Awesome is He) Luke Hellebroth, Tom Smith, Nikki Fletcher & Tim Hughes Download - Sample.
Your love is amazing
Ralph Ward
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Your voice has stilled the raging storms
Tim Hughes & John Whittier
Download Sample

Current Resources

Year B (Quarter 4)

Tea Time Church - Widescreen

Ordinary 30 - Widescreen
October 27th - Jesus bothers about people & Approaching God

Tea Time Church - Widescreen
November (Year 3) - The Garden of Gethsemane

All Saints - Widescreen
November 1st - All of us are saints

Ordinary 31 - Widescreen
November 3rd - Just do it & Upside down

Remembrance Sunday - Widescreen
November 10th - The war diary of Private John Smith

Ordinary 32 - Widescreen
November 10th - Everyone is known and loved by God & Put yourself in the picture

Ordinary 33 - Widescreen
November 17th - Jesus: The Real Thing & God's judgement

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 Copyright © 2024, IDEAS by Mike and Ann Bossingham

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