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These are the resources on offer for August 8th - Ordinary 19
The related readings for this Sunday are:
- Genesis 15.1-6
- Psalm 33.12-22*
- Hebrews 11.1-3, 8-16
- Luke 12.32-40
We have chosen the theme: God does the unexpected
Introductory notes on the passages by Rev’d Dr Jonathon Dean, Assistant Professor of Religion and Fellow of the Wackerlin Center for Faith and Action at Aurora University - Download

Call to Worship

Approach |
the background pictures are of Capernaum. The one for the prayers of
praise is the Synagogue which is on the site of the where Jesus taught.
It is thought that he would have sat to the right of the doorway.
The prayers in this section are also in a PDF file - Download

Confession |
Songs: The following songs could be used in this part of the service:
Ah, Lord God, SOF 3, MP 6
New every morning is the love, TDH 1, MP 480, HP 636, HAM 2, RAS 536, CP 6, JP 171
Meekness and majesty, TDH 4, SOF 390, MP 465, TS 353 God is our Father, SOF 134
Sing a song, sing a joyful song, CHSA 282

O O O how good is the Lord, MP 532, JP 180
Available as an animated PowerPoint file - Download
And as an animated sing-along video - Download - Sample
This song is shown as Copyright Controlled and should be declared on your CCLI submission

Jesus’ love is very wonderful, JP 139, CHSA 65
Available as a PowerPoint file - Download
Scripture Union, the copyright holders of this song have kindly given
permission for us to make this song available on condition that if you
use it in worship then you must declare it on your CCLI submission

Hebrews 11:1-3,8-16 is on Lectionary Video C5 with photos by Mike Bossingham. All the images are of Philadelpia - Sample
Note the the samples are of much lower video quality than the actual product.
Activity and Story:
There is an opening activity and also the story of Billy and his happy unexpected reunion with his friend Steven in the PDF file - Download
There are some ideas for a talk in the
PDF file - Download
Songs: The following hymns could be used in this part of the service: There are hundreds of sparrows, TDH 4, JP 246, CHSA 109, CAP 15
It is a thing most wonderful, TDH 1, TDH 3, SOF 252, MP 346, TS 801, HP 224, HAM 70, RAS 503, CP 109
Video with backing track - Download - Sample |
Sometimes a light surprises, TDH 1, HP 571, HAM 108, RAS 595, CP 572
Video with backing track - Download - Sample |
My God, how wonderful thou art, TDH 1, SOF 395, MP 468. TS 896, HP 51, HAM 102, RAS 408, CP 523
Video with backing track - Download -Sample |
Songs: The following songs could be used in this part of the service:
God moves in a mysterious way, TDH 1, MP 193, TS 700, HP 65, HAM 112, RAS 59, CP 445,
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy, TDH 1, TDH 4, MP 683, HP 230, RAS 353, CP 598
God is working his purpose out, TDH 1, SOF 135, MP 189, TS 128, HP 769, RAS 573, CP 444, JP 57
I stand amazed, TDH 3, MP 296

And can it be, TDH 1, SOF 21, MP 33, TS 21, HP 216, RAS 366, CP 376
Video with backing track - Download - Sample
Hymnbooks covered:
SOF – Songs of Fellowship
MP – Mission Praise
TS, The Source
HP, Hymns and Psalms
HAM, Hymns Ancient and Modern
RAS, Rejoice and Sing
CP, Common Praise
JP, Junior Praise
CHSA, Complete Hymns and Songs for Assembly
CAP, Come and Praise
BECD, Bible Explosion CD
KS2, Kidsource 2
AYOC – A Year of Celebration.
JUP – Jump if you’re wearing red songbook
CFW – Church Family Worship
KSC – Kids Source
PIA, Pass it on
Although we provide links to other web sites we do not condone the unauthorised use of Copyright material.

Current Resources
Year C (Quarter 2)
Tea Time Church -
April (Year 3) - The road to Emmaus
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April 6th - Worship and Service & Preparing for Passover
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April 13th - The battle commences & God the Gardener
Maundy Thursday -
April 17th - What's on the table
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April 18th - A Good Friday Labyrinth
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April 20th - Things can only get better & The Mission of Jesus