See our
Current Resources
Hymns and songs
We have a range of
Downloadable Products
There are over 2,000 songs in
The Digital Hymnbook
These are the resources on offer for
Trinity (Year A)
The PowerPoint slides on this page are standard size - You can find the widescreen slides here
an opening video we are offering "
Father, we love you" by Donna Adkins - Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. Please do not pass it
on outside
the IDEAS scheme.
There is also a version of this video with words to lead singing.
In addition
we are offering “There’s a dance (Dance of our God)”
by Geraldine Latty & Mike Busby
- Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme.
This is also offered with words and so could be sung by the
congregation later in the service. Hearing it in the preparation for
worship might help with this.
an opening video (MP4) we are offering "Praise the Lord, glorify His
name" by Paul Field - Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. Please do not pass it
on outside
the IDEAS scheme.
There is also a version of this video with words to lead singing. |
The following songs could be used in this part of the service
Father, we
love you, STF 6, RAS 30, SOF 102, MP 142, TS 103, JP
Available as a full video with words and music - Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are copyright: Donna
Adkins, © 1976 CCCM Music, Maranatha! Music,
Adm Song Solutions Copycare
and used
permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
O Lord of
all the earth - Words
Also available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are copyright:
David R Keeston and used with
permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS. |
Father, we
adore you, lay our lives, RAS 29, CP 297, SOF 99, MP 139, JP 44, KS 57,
Also available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are copyright
Terrye Coelho, © 1972, CCCM Music / Maranatha! Music, adm Song Solutions Copycare and used
with permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, HP 7, STF 11, RAS
34, CP 202, SOF
183, MP 237, TS 176
Available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The words
are by Reginald Heber.
Please do not pass it on outside
the IDEAS scheme. |
Praise the
Lord, glorify His name - Words
Also available as a full video (MP4) with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are copyright.
Paul Field, © 2003 Song Solutions
Daybreak and used with permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
suitable for children
children there is a story about Tim coming to know about the Trinity
- Download
There are also a PowerPoint
slide to
accompany the talk - Download
is an interactive talk that explores God as one and as three through
the story and the readings - Download
There are also PowerPoint slides to
accompany the talk - Download |
Made in the
image of God,
Available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
This video is copyright © 1991 John Hardwick and used with permission.
Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
Go - Words - Sheet Music
Also available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are copyright.
Godfrey, © 2002 Song Solutions
Daybreak and used with permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
We worship You, Father, Son and Holy
Spirit, KS 367
Also available as a video with words and music - Download
- Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
The words are copyright. Alan Price, © 1998 Song Solutions Daybreak and used
with permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
Lord our
Master, KS 641, Sheet Music
Available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are copyright:
Godfrey, © 2001 Song Solutions
Daybreak and used
permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
We offer a
refecltion on Genesis
1:1-2:4a from Just Worship - Lee Abbey Reflections - Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
The music is played by Simeon Wood
Psalm 8 is
offered as a Lectionary
Video - Sample |
Matthew 28:16-20 is on The Visual Bible -
Matthew - Sample |
We also
offer a reflection on the Trinity from Just Worship 3 - Celtic Prayers
- Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
O Lord, our
Sovereign (Psalm 8), STF
The words are copyright: from the NRSV, © 1989, 1995 the Division of
Christian Education of the
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of
America. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme. |
1:1-2:4a |
Psalm 8
week's readings are
from the NIV
Reflection by Rev’d Richard Teal
- Download
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan.
All rights reserved.
28:16-20 |
is a talk that explores the Trinity through the words of the grace
- Download.
There are also PowerPoint slides to
accompany the talk - Download
From Sketching out the Gospel by
Dave Hopwood - The Ascension,
Jesus Returns to Heaven
- The ascension of Jesus including the great commission - Download
By Ann Bossingham - Paul explains the
Trinity to Timothy
- Paul is dictating his letter to Timothy, then they hit a bit that
Timothy cannot understand
- Download
Second Service:
16:5-15 is on The Visual Bible - John
- Sample
This section of video is very dark and probably will not project very
well. |
6:1-8 is offered as a Lectionary
Video - Sample |
Psalm 93 is
offered as a Just Worship Video Download - Sample |
The Lord is king and has put on glorious
apparel (Psalm 93), Words
words are copyright: From Common
Worship, © 2000, 2010 The Archbishop's Council.
do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme. |
O praise
God in his holiness (Psalm 150), Words
The words are copyright: from Common Worship, © 2000, 2010 The
Archbishop's Council.
do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme. |
Isaiah 6:1-8 |
Psalm 93 |
week's readings are
from the NIV
Reflection by Rev'd John Staton
- Download
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan.
All rights reserved.
John 16:5-15 |
is a talk that looks at part of the last discourse of Jesus in John's
gospel - Download.
There are also PowerPoint slides to
accompany the talk - Download
There’s a dance (Dance of our God), SOF 2058, TS 2090
Available as a full video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are
copyright: Geraldine Latty & Mike Busby, ©
2005 Thankyou Music and used
permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
Doubt and
worship, mixed emotions, Words
Available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are
copyright: © 2011 Andrew Pratt and used
permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report |
creator, ev'ryday God, STF
Available as a video (MP4) with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are
copyright: Bernadette Farrell, OCP Publications,
applied for. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your Calamus report. |
In Christ
Alone, STF 351, SOF 1346, MP 1072, TS 1311
Available as a video with words and music - Download
- Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are
by Stuart Townend & Keith Getty, © 2001 Thankyou Music
and used
permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
Other Resources:
Blessing from At the Breaking of
the Bread for Pentecost
the Breaking of the Bread is a set of PowerPoint communion liturgies to
match the Methodist Worship Book created for Methodist Publishing by
the Family Friendly Churches Trust. Now available as a download
Blessing from All Included
for Pentecost
All Included is a set of 16 all age communion liturgies. One for
each month of the year and then Christmas, Easter, Trinity and
Covenant. There is also a Baptism/Dedication service. Each service is
available as PowerPoint files and also PDF booklets for printing. Also
includes a Baptism/Dedication service. Now available as a download
Songs: The
following songs could be used in this part of the service
Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go, HP 381, STF 550, RAS 521, CP 430, SOF 1237, MP 159
Available as a video with words
and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are by Charles
Wesley. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme. |
Great is the
darkness, STF 405, SOF 742, MP 835, TS 136
Available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are copyright:
Gerald Coates & Noel Richards, © 1991 Thankyou Music
and used
with permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
Let worship
be the fuel for mission’s flame, SOF 1939, TS 1402
Also as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are copyright:
Redman, © 2004 Thankyou Music and used with permission. Please
do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
living Breath of God, SOF 1850, TS 1866
Available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0035170
. The words are
Keith Getty & Stuart Townend, © 2005 Thankyou Music and used with
permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
as you go option
You can
buy access to all the resources on this page by simply clicking on the
PayPal symbol on the right. This costs
just £3, but you can view all the video samples without a password
the final confirmation page from PayPal, make sure that you click on
"Return to the Family Friendly Church web site" to get the Username and
Password. We will also send them to you in a confirmation email.
how you can save (it can cost as
little as £10 a year) by using one of our Subscription
buy access to all the resources in the second
quarter of Year A of the
lectionary (Sunday before Lent to Trinity Sunday) by clicking on the
PayPal symbol on the right. This costs
just £18.
the final confirmation page from PayPal, make sure that you click on
"Return to the IDEAS web site" to get the Username and
Password for this week's material. We will send you the Username and
Password for the whole quarter by email as soon as we can. |
buy access to all the resources for the whole of Year A of the
lectionary by clicking on the
PayPal symbol on the right. This costs
just £60.
the final confirmation page from PayPal, make sure that you click on
"Return to the IDEAS web site" to get the Username and
Password for this week's material. We will send you the Username and
Password for the whole year by email as soon as we can. |
If you have problems downloading any of
our material please read the IDEAS User
or use our Help,
Issues and FAQs page. If you are still stuck then please Report
an Issue on
our form
SOF – Songs of Fellowship
MP – Mission Praise
TS - The Source
HP - Hymns and Psalms
STF - Singing the Faith
RAS - Rejoice and Sing
CP- Common Praise
JP -Junior Praise
KS - Kids Source
Although we provide links to other web sites we do not condone the
unauthorised use of Copyright material. |
Current Resources
Year C (Quarter 1)
Tea Time Church -
December (Year 3) - Christingles
Advent 4 -
December 22nd - Round orange, round orange & Who was Joseph
Christmas All Age -
A look at the Photo Album
Christmas Day -
December 25th - Christmas in a Candy Stick
Christmas 1 -
December 29th - Teenagers! & Shepherds!
Tea Time Church -
January (Year 3) - Betrayal and Trials
Christmas 2 -
January 5th - From Heaven You came & Jesus the Refugee
Covenant -
Making promises & Covenants: Past and Present
Epiphany -
January 6th - Giving and receiving
Ordinary 1 -
January 13th - Baptism and promise & John’s Message and Baptism