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See our Current Resources

Hymns and songs

We have a range of
Downloadable Products

There are over 2,000 songs in
The Digital Hymnbook

Arrow Why IDEAS

The Family Friendly Churches Trust is very much aware that leading worship can be very difficult for worship leaders and preachers.

This is true whether a service is nominated as "Traditional", “All Age” or “Fresh Expression”. Over the years Mike has built up quite a lot of expertise in leading worship and particularly holding everything in balance among the generations. In addition, Ann, his wife is a musician and writer with 17 novels published in her pen name (Ann Barker). Together they have now produced three years worth of material covering the whole lectionary and are pleased with the result. They have drawn a host of positive comments from members and these appear further down this page.

Arrow IDEAS Weekly Resources

Each and every week we provide a host of ideas and resources for worship linked to the lectionary. Although we do provide material for worship when children are present there are plenty of "grown up" resources too.

In these circumstances IDEAS can be a great resource offering notes for an address, reflection, children's address or story, hymn and song choices, all age sermon, prayers and dramas for every week of the lectionary. All these are supported by PowerPoint files and videos

The hymns and songs are supplied in versions that match a range of 9 different hymnbooks so that you can be sure that the words on the screen will match the word in the books.

We also provide video files of many of the songs and hymns as a video with the words and music to help churches that struggle to find musicians. This is particularly true of children's songs as we know that many traditional musicians struggle to play children's songs well and we animate some to add extra interest. We now offer some songs with full live action video backgrounds as well as the words and music.

There are also PowerPoint slides to support the bible readings, the talks and suggested prayers. 

We also usually offer 2 dramas each week, one from "Sketching out the Gospel" and another by Ann Bossingham, who manages week by week to come at the theme from a different and refreshig perspective.

We also provide every week a music reflection video to lead into worship. We believe that the time before a service is important and our videos are designed to help a congregation prepare to meet with and worship God.

We aim to provide resouces for all generations.

In addition each month we provide ideas for "Tea Time Church" which is our version of Messy Church including talks, videos, songs and craft.

Access to IDEAS Weekly Resources costs just £3 for a week's resources, £18 for a quarter and £60 for a year. We also offer subscriptions for Circuits and groups of churches - contact us for more details.

Arrow The Digital Hymnbook
Our huge collection of PowerPoint hymns and songs which can be easily downloaded.

This forms a massive on-line collection of over 2,000 hymns and songs that you can just tap into whenever you need to use a hymn. The hymns and songs will match a range of hymnbooks including Singing the Faith, Hymns and Psalm, Rejoice and Sing, Mission Praise, Songs of Fellowship.

Access to the Digital Hymnbook online costs just £49  as a one of payment.

Arrow Archive of Resources

All IDEAS material remains online indefinitely and members continue to have access to all the material they have purchased.

It is possible to gain access to any week's material in our Archive of Resources from just £3

Arrow Index of Resources

We maintain a massive index of all the bible readings, hymns, songs and video that we provide.

This is useful for members who do not feel tied to the lectionary.

Arrow Free Resources

We offer a number of resources free of charge including prayers for Special Sundays and a video and some PowerPoint hymns for you to try.

Arrow Comments

We have had a host of positive comments from our members, here are just a few.

"An end of year big "Thank You" for all the resources you've provided for us, and we look forward to your efforts in 2011. We used the Annie Lennox video and music yesterday which was very well received."

"I would also like to congratulate you and thank you for the brilliant resources you are sharing through FFCT. I have found them great to use and also some of your ideas have stimulated my tired old grey cells to think afresh and that is also brilliant. So thank you very much for all that you give and long may it continue."

"Can I thank you both for your ministry through FFCT to me and an increasing number I hope.  God Bless you for the many hours you must spend being creative and for some excellent resources that have been well received. I look forward to journeying with you throughout 2011."

"I’d like you to know how much we value the resources of Family Friendly Church. We use them quite regularly in worship and many appreciate them."

"Thank you so much for a Band of Angels. Our congregation loved it. At last I think all of them are beginning to see the benefit of the IT system. All gone home singing!"

"Thank you for all these wonderful resources. I am using these in my services, picking out what I want to use. The video reflections are wonderful."

"Really enjoying the material and working out how to use it in worship."

"I like your resources very much - and feel I can dip in and out, according to where I am in the Circuit, whether we are using the Lectionary etc. How good the technologists are. It has a recognisable Methodist feel to it."

Current Resources

Year C (Quarter 1)
Tea Time Church - Widescreen
February (Year 3) - The Crucifixion

Ordinary 7 - Widescreen
February 23rd - Paul and resurrection & 1, 10, 100, 1,000

Tea Time Church - Widescreen
March (Year 3) - The Resurrection

Sunday before Lent - Widescreen
March 2nd - On the mountain top, back to earth & Glory

Year C (Quarter 2)

Lent 1 - Widescreen
March 9th - The inner battle & Repentance

Lent 2 - Widescreen
March 16th - God's Promises & Jeremiah’s challenge to the king

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 Copyright © 2025, IDEAS by Mike and Ann Bossingham

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