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Downloadable Products

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See our Current Resources

Hymns and songs

We have a range of
Downloadable Products

There are over 2,000 songs in
The Digital Hymnbook

We now sell a growing number of our products as downloads. No paying postage. No waiting for a parcel. You can get the Username and Password and start downloading immediately (but please follow the instructions in red).

Please note that these are separate products and are not included in the IDEAS package

You buy permanent access to each product, so you do not need to download all the contents in one go, but can download them as you need them. We record which products you have bought so if you forget the username and password we can remind you of them.

There are samples of each product so you can see what you are buying before you commit yourself.

 Song from the Digital Hymnbook Online
The Digital Hymbook Online

Nearly 2,000 beautifully produced PowerPoint files of hymns and songs for use on worship. There are versions of each hymn to match a range of popular hymnbooks, such as Hymns & Psalms, SInging the Faith, Songs of Fellowship and Mission Praise. Also a large choice of children's songs.
Refection Video
Video song Library

All of our "full videos" (nearly 200) to use in worship., Ideal for use in the current climate when congregations cannot sing.

At the Breaking of the Bread 
At the Breaking of the Bread Online

At the Breaking of the Bread contains the text of 8 Methodist Communion Services and also the Covenant Service in PowerPoint format. Each service has amazing background and foreground images from Turvey Abbey.Every liturgical element is available and can be quickly and easily loaded into presentations as required.
 Worship Leaders course
Leading Contemporary Worship Online

This is our successful Worship Leaders course over 8 teaching sessions.

All the PowerPoint files, handouts and the Leaders' handbook and resources all instantly available as a Download.
 All Included Online
All Included Online

16 All Age communion services. One for each month of the year plus Covenant, Easter, Pentecost and Christmas along with a Baptism / Dedication service.

Now includes a Maunday Thursday Communion linked to a Lent Liturgy

Each service comes as a set of PowerPoint files and also 3 different booklets in PDF format. One for adults, another for children with puzzles and a third in large print. Everyone really is included.
 The Lost Sheep
Puppets 'n' Parables

10 videos between 5 and 8 minutes long covering well known parables of Jesus and told using puppets. Each parable is told twice, once in a contemporary setting and also in the biblical setting. Great for use in  worship, messy church or children's groups.
 Superhero Children's Songs

12 of our favourite children's songs as animated videos with words and music.

 Children's Songs 2
Children's Songs 2

Another 12 of our favourite children's songs as animated videos with words and music.

 If I zoomed across the Universe Children's Songs 3

A further 12 of favourite children's songs as animated videos with words and music and PowerPoint files.

 Luke 2:1-14 A Christmas Cornucopia

A selection of Christmas resourses including Lectionary Videos, Video songs with words and music, reflection videos and lively children's songs


Current Resources

Year B (Quarter 4)

Tea Time Church - Widescreen
September (Year 3) - The anointing of Jesus and the hidden pearl

Ordinary 23 - Widescreen
September 8th - Everyone's Included & Looking Back, Looking Forward

Ordinary 24 - Widescreen
September 15th - The things we say & Delegating and judging

Ordinary 25 - Widescreen
September 22nd - Who's the greatest? & Jesus, the disciples and us

Harvest - Widescreen
Do not worry, God will provide

Ordinary 26 - Widescreen
September 29th - For us or against us? & Faith and power

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 Copyright © 2024, IDEAS by Mike and Ann Bossingham

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