Tea-time Church
September - Moses in the bulrushes |
Tea-time Church
October - Moses and the burning bush |
Tea-time Church
November - Moses crosses the Red Sea |
Tea-time Church
December - An instant nativity play |
Tea-time Church
January - The Boy in the Temple |
Tea-time Church
February - The Baptism of Jesus |
Tea-time Church
March - The Temptations of Jesus |
Tea-time Church
April - The two builders |
Tea-time Church
May - Who is accepted |
Tea-time Church
June - The Good Soil |
Tea-time Church
July - Jesus forgives and heals a paralysed man |
Tea-time Church
August - The lost sheep |
Year 2
Take a look at the notes for Tea Time Church
Tea-time Church
September - The unforgiving servant |
Tea-time Church
October - Raising of the girl & the persistant
widow |
Tea-time Church
November - The workers in the vineyard |
Tea-time Church
December - The wise men & gifts |
Tea-time Church
January - The Rich Farmer |
Tea-time Church
February - Raising of Lazarus |
Tea-time Church
March - Jesus enters Jerusalem |
Tea-time Church
April - Jesus in the temple |
Tea-time Church
May - The great banquet |
Tea-time Church
June - Be ready |
Tea-time Church
July - The Parable of the Talents |
Tea-time Church
August - The Good Samaritan |