See our
Current Resources
Hymns and songs
We have a range of
Downloadable Products
There are over 2,000 songs in
The Digital Hymnbook
These are the resources on offer for
February 27th (Ordinary 8)
The related readings for this Sunday are:
Isaiah 49:8-16a
Psalm 131
1 Corinthians 4:1-5
Matthew 6:24-34
We have chosen the theme: Do not worry

A video to
lead into worship based on
"The rising sun" by Tim Hughes - Download - Sample
The backing track is copyright and
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. Please do not pass it on
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
The following songs could be used in this part of the service:
Be bold, be strong, TDH 4, SOF 37, MP 49, TS
38, JP 14, CHSA 11

Father God,
I wonder how I managed to exist, TDH 4, STF 72, TS
91, CHSA 22, SOF 92, MP 128
Available as a video with a backing track - Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. The words are copyright: Ian
Smale © 1984 Thankyou Music and used with permission.
Please do not pass it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |

as PowerPoint files:
I sing the almighty power of God, TDH 1, MP 293, HP 334, STF 107, RAS 43
as PowerPoint files:
My troubled soul, why so weighed down? STF 635, SOF 1459
The words are copyright: Robert Critchley © 2001 Thankyou Music and used with permission.
Please do not pass it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
suitable for children
There is the story of Sam Goldwyn and his
worry box - Download
There are hundreds of sparrows, TDH 4, JP 246, CHSA 109,
CAP 15
Who put the colours in the rainbow, TDH 4, SOF 1624, JP 288,
CHSA 132, CAP 12
Sometimes problems can be BIG, JP 461

Don't you
worry about tomorrow, KS 43
Available as an animated video with backing track - Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. The words are copyright: Judy MacKenzie Dunn, © 1996 Song Solutions Daybreak and used
with permission. Please do not pass it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
Talk to the
Saviour, TDH 4, JP 494, (Pass it on)
Available as a video with backing track - Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. The words are copyright: Ralph Chambers, Paul Field, © 1981 Song Solutions Daybreak and used
with permission. Please do not pass it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
There is a sketch, "Just where He wants me" by
Sue Webber - Download
- It can be performed either with puppets or live action
Notes for
this weeks talk - Download
Songs: The
following hymns could be used in this part of the service
Seek ye first the kingdom of God, TDH 4, SOF 293, MP 590, TS
447, HP 138, STF, RAS 512, JP 215, CHSA 99
Do not be afraid, TDH 4, SOF 1213, MP 115,
TS 1183, RAS 591, CHSA 190

One, so unchanging, TDH 4, STF 628, SOF 89, MP 825, TS 89
Also available as a video with backing track - Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. The words are copyright:
Brian Doerkson,
© Vineyard Songs Canada/ ION Publishing, Adm Song Solutions Copycare and used
with permission. Please do not pass it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |

A prayer for others

for a prayer for others
The prayers in this section are also
in a PDF file, Download
The prayers for others feature a video of a pair of hands with a
candle. The background music is Canon in D by Johann Pachelbel. The
backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. Please do not pass it on
the IDEAS scheme - Sample
Please ensure that the Video and PowerPoint files are kept together in
the same folder. This should eliminate any number of problems.

An offering prayer |

Songs: The
following songs could be used in this part of the service:
Great is Thy faithfulness, TDH 4, SOF 147, MP 200, TS
138, HP 66, STF, RAS 96, CP 453, JP 64

as PowerPoint files:
I'll go in the strength of the Lord, MP 862 |

as a set of PowerPoint files
In heavenly love abiding, TDH 1, SOF 238, MP 331, TS 782, HP 678, STF 736, CP 478,
RAS 590
and also as a video with backing track - Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. Please do not pass it on
the IDEAS scheme. |

as a set of PowerPoint files
Commit Thou all Thy griefs (part 2), HP 672, RAS 550 |

as a set of PowerPoint files
Dear Lord and Father of mankind, TDH 1, SOF 79, MP 111, HP 673, STF 495, TS 79, HAM 115, CP 411, RAS 492, JP 37
and also as a video with backing track - Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. Please do not pass it on
the IDEAS scheme.
previous months
Long term members may like to use
appropriate material
from previous months. The passwords for these will remain valid
indefinitely. Newer members are able to purchase access to individual
months for £5 and also blocks of 6 months resources for £15.
Immortal Invisible, God only wise, TDH 1, SOF 234, MP 237, TS 220,
HP 9, HAM 199, RAS 67, CP 474 is available as a video with backing
track in the material for August 22nd, 2010
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven, TDH 1,
SOF 466, HP 13, MP 560, TS 433, HAM 192, CP 555, RAS 104, JP 204 is
available as a set of PowerPoint files and as a video with a backing
track in the material for September 5th, 2010
Praise to the Lord, the almighty, TDH 1,
SOF 470, TS 945, HAM 207, CP 558, HP 16, RAS 74, CAP 34 is available as
a set of PowerPoint files and as a video with a backing track in the
material for September
5th, 2010
Sometimes a light surprises, TDH 1, HP 571, HAM 108, RAS 595,
CP 572 is available as a video with backing track in the material for August 8th, 2010
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, TDH 4, SOF 1455, JP 169, CHSA
82, AYOC 172 is available as a lively animated video in the material
for October
31st, 2010 and July 25th, 2010
When we walk with the Lord, TDH 1, SOF 559, MP 760, TS 1618,
HP 687 is available as a video with backing track in the material for August 15th, 2010
He's got the whole world in His hand, MP 225, JP 78, HP 25, CHSA
40, CAP 19, AYOC 22
is available as PowerPoint files and also
as an animated video with a backing track in the material for October 24th,
Hymnbooks covered:
SOF – Songs of Fellowship
MP – Mission Praise
TS, The Source
HP, Hymns and Psalms
STF, Singing the Faith - yet to be published by the Methodist Church
HAM, Hymns Ancient and Modern
RAS, Rejoice and Sing
CP, Common Praise
JP, Junior Praise
CHSA, Complete Hymns and Songs for Assembly
CAP, Come and Praise
BECD, Bible Explosion CD
KS2, Kidsource 2
AYOC – A Year of Celebration.
JUP – Jump if you’re wearing red songbook
CFW – Church Family Worship
KSC – Kids Source
PIA, Pass it on
Although we provide links to other web sites we do not condone the
unauthorised use of Copyright material.

Current Resources
Year C (Quarter 2)
Tea Time Church -
March (Year 3) - The Resurrection
Lent 2 -
March 16th - God's Promises & Jeremiah’s challenge to the king
Lent 3 -
March 23rd - The patient gardener & Jesus the Lamb of God
Mothering Sunday -
March 30th - The loving parent & Jesus' amazing response
Tea Time Church -
April (Year 3) - The road to Emmaus
Passion Sunday -
April 6th - Worship and Service & Preparing for Passover
Palm Sunday -
April 13th - The battle commences & God the Gardener
Maundy Thursday -
April 17th - What's on the table