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IDEAS for December 26th

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See our Current Resources

Hymns and songs

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Downloadable Products

There are over 2,000 songs in
The Digital Hymnbook

These are the resources on offer for December 26th (Christmas 1)

The related readings for this Sunday are:

Isaiah 63:7-9
Psalm 148
Hebrews 2:10-18

Matthew 2:13-23

We have chosen the theme: A human like us

To access these materials you do need to subscribe to IDEAS.

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Arrow Worship


In the bleak mid-winter A video to lead into worship based on  "In the bleak mid-winter" written by Christina Georgina Rossetti and sung by Annie Lennox.

Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. It is copyright material so please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.


A call to worship
 A call to worship

A prayer of approach
A prayer of approach
The prayers in this section are also in a PDF file - Download
A prayer of confession
A prayer of confession

Songs: The following songs could be used in this part of the service:
Love came down at Christmas, TDH1TDH2, SOF 376, MP 451, HP 105, STF, RAS 614, CP 59
Meekness and majesty, TDH3, TDH 4,  SOF 390, MP 465, TS 353, STF
Who is like you, Lord Almighty, SOF 1621
What child is this, who, laid to rest, TDH2, SOF 1595, MP 749, RAS 170, CP 74

Joy to the world
Joy to the world, TDH1TDH2, HP 77, STF 330, CP 57, RAS 135, SOF 314, MP 393, TS 305, CHSA 249

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. It is copyright material so please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.
Like a candle flame
Like a candle flame, TDH2, STF 176, SOF 891, MP 420, TS 322, Sheet Music

Available as a video with a backing track - Download - Sample

Copyright: Graham Kendrick © 1988  Make Way Music. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. Distributed using PRS licence: LE-0002865

Arrow Material suitable for children


There is the story of the little spider and, perhaps, the origin of tinsel on the tree - Download

Girls and boys leave your toys, TDH2, CHSA 141, AYOC 73

Mary had a baby, yes, Lord
Mary had a baby, yes, Lord, TDH2, CHSA 151, AYOC 71

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is copyright material so please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.
See amid the winter's snow
See amid the winter's snow, TDH1TDH2, SOF 489, MP 588, TS 956, KS 695, HP 117,CP 67, STF 215, RAS 157, JP 213, CHSA 156

Available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample

The backing track is distributed using PRS Licence LE-0002865. It is copyright material so please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme.

Arrow Word

Psalm 148
Psalm 148 is available on Lectionary Video A1 - Sample
Matthew 2:12-23
Matthew 2:12-23 can be seen on The Visual Bible - Matthew - Sample

Many of the readings for Year A are from Matthew's Gospel. This would be a really good moment to invest in the Visual Bible, Matthew. Take a look at its availability from Amazon

This reading is probably not suitable for children.

Isaiah 63:7-9
Isaiah 63:7-9

Psalm 148
Psalm 148
This week's readings are from the NIV.

All backgrounds feature cribs from a collection loaned to me by Aileen Fox.
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
Hebrews 2:10-18
Hebrews 2:10-18
Matthew 2:13-23
Matthew 2:13-23


Notes for this weeks talk - Download

Songs: The following hymns could be used in this part of the service
Let earth and heaven combine, TDH1TDH2,  TS 1394, HP 109, STF, RAS 190
Cradled in a manger, meanly, TDH1TDH2, MP 107, HP 98, STF
Holy child, how still you lie, TDH2, SOF 769, MP 236
Where is this stupendous stranger, TDH2, HAM 527, HAM 174, CP 75

Arrow Response


A prayer for others
A prayer for others

An offering prayer
An offering prayer

The prayers in this section are also in a PDF file, Download

The backgrounds are cribs lent to me by Aileen Fox
A blessing
A blessing

The following songs could be used in this part of the service:
O little one sweet, O little one mild,  TDH2, HAP 111

This child, secretly comes in the night
This child, secretly comes in the night, TDH2, SOF 1559, MP 690, TS 511, JP 480, KS 737

Available as a video with a backing track - Download - Sample

Copyright: Graham Kendrick © 1988  Make Way Music. Please do not pass it on outside the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. Distributed using PRS licence: LE-0002865
Good King Wenceslas
Good King Wenceslas looked out is available as a PowerPoint file - Download

And as a video with words and backing track - Download - Sample

The sheet music is available from the Christmas Carol Music web site.

Arrow Notes

To access these materials you do need to subscribe to IDEAS.

Hymnbooks covered:

SOF – Songs of Fellowship
MP – Mission Praise
TS, The Source
HP, Hymns and Psalms
STF, Singing the Faith - yet to be published by the Methodist Church
HAM, Hymns Ancient and Modern
RAS, Rejoice and Sing
CP, Common Praise
JP, Junior Praise
CHSA, Complete Hymns and Songs for Assembly
CAP, Come and Praise
BECD, Bible Explosion CD
KS2, Kidsource 2
AYOC – A Year of Celebration.
JUP – Jump if you’re wearing red songbook
CFW – Church Family Worship
KSC – Kids Source
PIA, Pass it on

Although we provide links to other web sites we do not condone the unauthorised use of Copyright material.


Current Resources

Year C (Quarter 1)

Tea Time Church - Widescreen
December (Year 3) - Christingles

Advent 2 - Widescreen
December 8th - The message of the Prophets & Prepare the way of the Lord

Advent 3 - Widescreen
December 15th - Expectancy, joy and hope & The development of John

Advent 4 - Widescreen
December 22nd - Round orange, round orange & Who was Joseph

Christmas All Age - Widescreen
A look at the Photo Album

Christmas Day - Widescreen
December 25th - Christmas in a Candy Stick

Christmas 1 - Widescreen
December 29th - Teenagers! & Shepherds!

Tea Time Church - Widescreen
January (Year 3) - Betrayal and Trials

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 Copyright © 2024, IDEAS by Mike and Ann Bossingham

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