See our
Current Resources
Hymns and songs
We have a range of
Downloadable Products
There are over 2,000 songs in
The Digital Hymnbook
These are the resources on offer for August
12th (Ordinary 19)
The related readings for this Sunday are:
The theme for this
week: Are you an angel?
Written by Rev'd Eric Potts BA - Download

an opening video we are offering "Jesus, be the centre" by Michael Frye
- Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme.
There is also a version with words for congregational singing
The following songs could be used in this part of the service:

Who could offer us abundant life, SOF 1620
The words are copyright: Evan Rogers, © 1998 Thankyou Music and used
permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |

There is a name I love to hear, SOF 543, MP 672, TS 991
Available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. The words are by Frederick Whitfield. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme. |

Jesus, be the centre, STF 447,
SOF 1377, MP 1076, TS 826, KS 587
Available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. The words are copyright: Michael Frye, © 1999 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire)
used with permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.
suitable for children

is an all age talk that explores the high's and lows of the Godly life,
asks whether we are angels and then looks at Jesus' offer of the bread
of life
- Download.
There are also PowerPoint slides to
accompany the talk - Download

God, God is, Words, Sheet Music
Available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833.
The words are copyright: R M Boucher, © 1969 Stainer & Bell Ltd
used with permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |

On the night before He died, Words, Sheet Music
Available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. The words are copyright: Dave Godfrey, © 2005 Song Solutions Daybreak
and used with
permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |

1 Kings 19:4-8 |

Psalm 34:1-8 |
week's readings are
from the NIV.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan.
All rights reserved.

John 6:35, 41-51
is an all age talk that explores the high's and lows of the Godly life,
asks whether we are angels and then looks at Jesus' offer of the bread
of life
- Download.
There are also PowerPoint slides to
accompany the talk - Download
Songs: The
following hymns could be used in this part of the service

When, O God, our faith is tested, STF 643, RAS 343
The words are copyright: Fred Kaan, © 1989 Stainer & Bell Ltd
used with permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.

Lord, You sometimes speak in wonders, STF 158
The words are copyright: © Christopher Idle, Adm The Jubilate Group and
used with permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report. |
Other Resources:

The Thanksgiving from At the Breaking of
the bread for Ordinary 2
the Breaking of the Bread is a set of PowerPoint communion liturgies to
match the Methodist Worship Book created for Methodist Publishing by
the Family Friendly Churches Trust
This Sunday it might be a really good to set up a bread maker to make a
loaf timed to finish about 20 minutes before the communion. Do remember
to take your oven mittens.
Songs: The
following songs could be used in this part of the service:

When our confidence is shaken, HP 686, STF 644
The words are copyright: Fred Pratt Green, © 1971 Stainer & Bell Ltd. and
used with permission. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme and declare its use on your CCLI report.

Take my life, and let it be, HP 705, STF 566, RAS 371, CP 581, SOF 519, MP 624, TS 468
Available as a video with words and music -
Download - Sample
The backing track is
distributed using PRS Licence OLE-005833. The words are by Frances R Havergal,. Please do not pass
it on outside
the IDEAS scheme.
can see more at IDEAS Collection.
and links
For the healing of the nations
Fred Kaan, © 1969 Stainer & Bell Ltd (CCLI)
HP 402, STF 696, RAS 620, CP 427, SOF 1235
Forgive our sins as we forgive
Rosamund E Herklots, © Oxford University Press (CCLI)
HP 134, CP 428, STF 423, RAS 84
Speak, Lord, in the stillness
Emily M. Crawford
MP 608
Come, living God, when least expected
Alan Gaunt, © 1991 Stainer & Bell Ltd (CCLI)
RAS 354, CP 403
There’s a quiet understanding
Edward Russell Smith, © 1973 Hope Publishing Company (CCLI)
STF 36, RAS 412, SOF 546, MP 678
Nominate hymns and songs for here
We want you to help us compile a
great collection and so invite you to nominate hymns and songs. Each
week we will (subject to getting copyright consent) publish the 5 most
nominated hymns and songs.
previous months
Long term members may like to
use appropriate material
from previous months. The passwords for these will remain valid
indefinitely. Newer members are able to purchase access to individual
months for £5 and also blocks of 6 months resources for £15
Songs in red are
principally for children.
Be known to us in breaking bread, HP 597, CP 282, STF 573, RAS 441, SOF 669 is also available as a video with backing track - Download - Sample in the material for May 8th, 2011
Give me the wings of faith to rise, HP 815, STF 747, RAS 665, CP 216 is available in the material for July 22nd, 2012
I want to sing a song, SOF 1909 is also available as a full video with words and music - Download - Sample in the material for August 28th, 2011
O Thou who camest from above, STF
564, HP 745, TS 416, RAS 433, CP 19, MP 525 is also available as a video with words and music - Download - Sample in the material for January 22nd, 2012
Hymnbooks covered:
SOF – Songs of Fellowship
MP – Mission Praise
TS, The Source
HP, Hymns and Psalms
STF, Singing the Faith
RAS, Rejoice and Sing
CP, Common Praise
JP, Junior Praise
KS – Kids Source
Although we provide links to other web sites we do not condone the
unauthorised use of Copyright material.

Current Resources
Year C (Quarter 2)
Tea Time Church -
March (Year 3) - The Resurrection
Lent 2 -
March 16th - God's Promises & Jeremiah’s challenge to the king
Lent 3 -
March 23rd - The patient gardener & Jesus the Lamb of God
Mothering Sunday -
March 30th - The loving parent & Jesus' amazing response
Tea Time Church -
April (Year 3) - The road to Emmaus
Passion Sunday -
April 6th - Worship and Service & Preparing for Passover
Palm Sunday -
April 13th - The battle commences & God the Gardener
Maundy Thursday -
April 17th - What's on the table